Quotation Explorer - 'Aching'

He held his head, and he cried for them, and he did not melt into the sea but sat, aching, in the glowing moonlight-for in the end our bodies know only how to carry on surviving.That is our strength, and our tragedy. - Nick Lake
It isn't discomfort, or dis-ease as he put it. It's this aching, throbbing, god-awful incurable pain - and it's known as life. When will the doctors learn: It isn't death that's the disease. - Wendy Law-Yone
The world is aching for feminine wisdom to come forward. - Tabby Biddle
My heart is aching for the people of Nice, Italy. I am so sad that I have no words to express my frustration. - Debasish Mridha
What if my greatest disappointments, or the aching of this life, is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy? - Laura Story
Fiction and non-fiction are only different techniques of story telling. For reasons I do not fully understand, fiction dances out of me. Non-fiction is wrenched out by the aching, broken world I wake up to every morning. - Arundhati Roy
Frances was not only grieving her sister's loss, but also striving to reconcile in her mind the tragedy with the idea of a loving God. Restless and aching, Frances climbed mountains in the Swiss Alps, where their hotel had a view of beautiful Mount Rigi. - Nancy Carpentier Brown
Let the kindness and the raw, aching beauty of the universe shatter you over and over again. find peace in the knowledge that your whole is composed of the sum of all of your beautifully broken pieces. because breaking is becoming. - Jeanette LeBlanc
Did you make a mistake today? Did you do or say something that you’re ashamed of? Congratulations. You are officially human. Love yourself, especially when you’re aching with shame or regret. Make your amends, learn the lesson, and love your wondrous human self. - Margaret Moss Painter
Perhaps this is what the stories meant when they called somebody heartsick. Your heart and your stomach and your whole insides felt empty and hollow and aching. - Gabriel García Márquez
I have been a refugee for the last forty years in the luminous land of opportunity. Still my heart is aching with hiraeth for my native land. - Debasish Mridha
To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again.lines from Love Vs Destiny... - Atul Purohit
Heart stop aching, mind stop thinking. - chime
Many people ask how to heal an aching heart. I ask in return how does one release the attachment to the aching? - Monika Zands
But sadness was familiar; sadness was manageable. It didn't transform her, the way the raging anger did. She could remain herself and still feel this aching grief. - Aprilynne Pike
If I can stop one Heart from breaking I shall not live in vain If I can ease one Life the Aching, or cool one Pain, Or help one fainting Robin into his Nest again, I shall not live in Vain. - Emily Dickinson
Every avalanche was once a lonely snowflake, every flood was once an aching raindrop. - Jenim Dibie
Suffering is so real & I walk amongst so many who have no idea how much my soul is aching to be healed. - Nikki Rowe
Normally, in anything I do, I'm fairly miserable. I do it, and I get grumpy because there is a huge, vast gulf, this aching disparity, between the platonic ideal of the project that was living in my head, and the small, sad, wizened, shaking, squeaking thing that I actually produce. - Neil Gaiman
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