But for the most part, people - of the right kind - are good. For them I put on my corset of cheerfulness, a solid serviceable garment. It holds in the bulgings and oozings of emotion, and soon I find they are, temporarily, stilled. - Anna Lyndsey
Foolish wise folk sneer at you; foolish wise folk would pull up the useless lilies, the needless roses, from the garden, would plant in their places only serviceable wholesome cabbage. But the Gardener knowing better, plants the silly short-lived flowers; foolish wise folk, asking for what purpose. - Jerome K. Jerome
The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit. - W. Somerset Maugham
She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit. - W. Somerset Maugham
Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit. - Oscar Wilde