Quotation Explorer - 'Ancestry'

A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by a common hatred of its neighbors.
When he followed the instincts which God had transmitted to him from his ancestry of beasts of prey, he called it sin and asked God to forgive him. - Bertrand Russell
A nation is a society united by a delusion about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors. - Dean William R. Inge
No self is of itself alone. It has a long chain of intellectual ancestors. The "I" is chained to ancestry by many factors… This is not mere allegory, but an eternal memory. - Erwin Schrödinger
Conventional names define a person's past: ancestry, ethnicity, nationality, religion. I am not who I was ten years ago and certainly not who I will be in twenty years - FM-2030
A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors. - William Ralph Inge
He who boasts of his ancestry is praising the deeds of another. - Seneca
The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestry is like the potato - the best part under ground. - Thomas Overbury
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