Not all days are same... Not all people remains same... Time and Ego shall deemed guilty for the same.... - Kartik Mehta
We have come to a point in time where using common sense, speaking factual truths and asking honest questions have been deemed radical behavior. While in turn, manipulation, thoughtlessness and dishonesty is often rewarded and rules the day. - Gary Hopkins
The life of less, one bent on simplicity, and not needing or wanting anything other than what God has deemed good for you turns out to be all you could ever need or want. - Hayley DiMarco
Any member introducing a dog into the Society's premises shall be liable to a fine of one pound. Any animal leading a blind person shall be deemed to be a cat.
When confidence is deemed arrogance..Happiness and joy deemed showing off self..Strong words deemed mere big talk and rhetoric..Small minds..only time will prove and show the truth.. - Abha Maryada Banerjee
He is not deemed to give consent who is under a mistake. - Unknown
If using 'was' could be deemed gramatically, or atleast emotionally correct, in the sense that it could relate to something that you actually couldn't do in the past, but want to do right now, then i wanna say, I was sorry, for everything... - Allwyn Jose
If using "was" could be deemed gramatically, or atleast emotionally correct, in the sense that it could relate to something that you actually couldn't do in the past, but want to do right now, then I wanna say, "I was sorry, for everything".. - Allwyn Jose
Aristotle deemed courage to be the first virtue, because it makes all the other possible. - Jonathan V. Last
DISABUSE, v.t. The present your neighbor with another and better error than the one which he has deemed it advantageous to embrace. - Ambrose Bierce
#1597. Everything is deemed possible except that which is impossible in the nature of things.
The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar. - Confucius
The tantrums of cloth-headed celluloid idols are deemed fit for grown-up conversation, while silence settles over such a truly important matter as food. - Clifton Fadiman
It's been long since thinking humanity has learnt that love is a majestic creation of the brain, yet that knowledge hasn't made love be deemed any less glorious. Then why should it threaten the religious believer to learn that divinity as well is a natural creation of the brain? - Abhijit Naskar
A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar.