Quotation Explorer - 'Web'

The big corporations are suddenly taking notice of the web, and their reactions have been slow. Even the computer industry failed to see the importance of the Internet, but that's not saying much. Let's face it, the computer industry failed to see that the century would end. - Douglas Adams
The best Web sites are better than reality. - Jakob Nielsen
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. - William Shakespeare
I'm scared of losing this web we're in. This elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneliness. - Marina Keegan
Thus I, gone forth, as spiders do,In spider’s web a truth discerning,Attach one silken strand to youFor my returning. - E.B. White
Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive! - Sir Walter Scott
The web is a dangerous place for a mind begging to slack off and be distracted by nonsense. - Michelle M. Pillow
Confusion is a web of words. - Marty Rubin
The Web is the national MLS already. It’s happened. You’re arguing over yesterday’s news. - Rich Barton-Founder Expedia and Zillow
The calm serenity of the breeze as it blows across the ocean releases the tangled web within my mind. - J Kahele
Connecting products to the Web will be the 21st century electrification. - Matt Webb
Savor every little bit of life and spin your own wonderfully beautiful web. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to believe. - Laurence J. Peter
Web standards keep you out of the dustbin of history. - Josh Greenberg
All life on earth is inextricably bound together in a web of mutual interdependence. - Marjorie Spiegel
Telling one lie almost always requires another, and before the storyteller knows it, they will be caught inside of their own web. - Jenna Alatari
The web of marriage is made by propinquity, in the day to day living side by side, looking outward in the same direction. It is woven in space and in time of the substance of life itself. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
All paths lie together in the hand of god like a web endlessly woven, and yours and mine are no greater or less than the beetle's or the squirrel's or the sparrow's. All are held together. - Daniel Quinn
Through posts and sharing, by exhibiting one’s loves and tastes, personal stories, photos, and more, each curates a public image of oneself on the web, to which one then continually strives to conform. Personal identity becomes one’s reflection in the others’ eyes. - Nicos Hadjicostis
When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the Worldwide Web.... Now even my cat has its own page. - Bill Clinton
People think, Hey, I love kids, I want to write children’s books. But they think children are happy. That’s their first mistake. [Messinger, Jonathan. "Guilt for dinner: The interview." Hipsqueak. 5 May 2011. Web. 18 November 2011.] - Mo Willems
The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Often, love is a tangled web of lies that only a broken heart would weave. Seldom is dishonesty the whole person, rather it's the pain. - Shannon L. Alder
Spreading its wings, her love stretched out and touching his tangled, frozen soul and from the first word, became ensnared in its icy grip where it remained, intrinsically entwined within an alternating web of dreams and nightmares. Forever lost, forever lost... - Virginia Alison
For, like the wind, the sun, or the flowing river, like a soaring man-of-war or a beetle under a stone, like a spider at a web or a crab scuttling sideways across a shore, Nimrod was free. - Andrea Levy
She raised her head and stared at the birds with him, caught in a web of awe and loneliness. - Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi
A spider is slow, but its web catches the fastest flies. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution. - Deepak Chopra
Much has been made about the death of the novel and the end of literature as it’s seen to be assailed by technology, by the web, by the many and varied new forms of entertainment and culture. I don’t share that pessimism because I think it is one of the great inventions of the human spirit. - Richard Flanagan
All that the spider needs to complete its web is step taking - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Love can be such a mysterious muse and seductress... spinning her magical web of stardust and emotional euphoria. True love sang her siren song and we wrapped that song around us like the sweetest melody. - Jaeda DeWalt
Instead of one-way interruption, Web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the precise moment that a buyer needs it.Search, a marketing method that didn't exist a decade ago, provides the most efficient and inexpensive way for businesses to find leads. - David Honegger
I'm different. I will give you my treasure chest of darkness first. If you can handle that, then I'll bring out my shining moons. If one cannot handle the darkness, then one should not deserve the light. I have no interest in "trapping" anyone into a silken web. I have no silken web. - C. JoyBell C.
Caring is what matters, not stuff or status, just people sharing kindness & joy in a web of the heart that spans the globe. - Amy Leigh Mercree
First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure. - Douglas Adams
Life is a web of intersections and choices. Your 1st choice is to recognize an intersection. Your 2nd choice is to be grateful for it. - Ryan Lilly
To become successful online, you only need to remember the following : Good Heart + Passion + Web Design + SEO + Digital Marketing + Dedication + Positiveness + Patience = Success - Dr. Christopher Dayagdag
A falcon hovers at the edge of the sky.Two gulls drift slowly up the river.Vulnerable while they ride the wind,they coast and glide with ease.Dew is heavy on the grass below,the spider's web is ready.Heaven's ways include the human:among a thousand sorrows, I stand alone. - Du Fu
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