Quotation Explorer - 'Wastes'

Put off this sloth,' the master said, 'for shame!Sitting on feather-pillows, lying reclined Beneath the blanket is no way to fame -Fame, without which man's life wastes out of mind, Leaving on earth no more memorialThan foam in water or smoke upon the wind - Dante Alighieri
The political Greeders mindset wastes resources that could transform the future of tens of millions of people and the destinies of the countries.We need to rethink Leadership and politics. - Tony Dovale
Your lack of commitment to being different is what kills you. It is the insanity of doing the same thing every time and expecting a different result that wastes your time. - Shannon L. Alder
Don’t walk through life stifling your authenticity, suppressing your uniqueness, hiding your truth out of fear of what others may think, Being someone other than you are only hampers your wellbeing and also wastes a whole lot of your energy. - Renee Cefalu
Vile deeds like poison weeds bloom well in prison air, it is only what is good in man, that wastes and withers there. - Oscar Wilde
Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared. a - George S. Clason
Distraction wastes our energy, concentration restores it. - Sharon Salzberg
Life is agid, life is fulgid. Life is what the least of us make most of us feel the least of us make the most of. Life is a burgeoning, a quickening of the dim primordial urge in the murky wastes of time. - Willard Van Orman Quine
The Enlightened one (Gnani Purush) never wastes his time in counting money; focus of the awareness of the self (upayog) is wasted in doing this. One's focused awareness (upayog) is where he has ‘interest’! - Dada Bhagwan
Slow and steady wins the race, then wastes no time grinding salt-caked glass in your open wounds. - Randy K. Milholland
The darling mispronunciations of childhood! - dear me, there's no music that can touch it; and how one grieves when it wastes away and dissolves into correctness, knowing it will never visit his bereaved ear again. - Mark Twain
Go, lovely rose! Tell her that wastes her time and me That now she knows, When I resemble her to thee, How sweet and fair she seems to be.
Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world; she never wastes anything; she undergoes change, but there is no annihilation, the essence remains - matter is eternal.
Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide. - John Adams
A fool cannot be protected from his folly. If you attempt to do so, you will not only arouse his animosity but also you will be attempting to deprive him of whatever benefit he is capable of deriving from experience. Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.
There's no correlation between creativity and equipment ownership. None. Zilch. Nada. Actually, as the artist gets more into his thing, and as he gets more successful, his number of tools tends to go down. He knows what works for him. Expending mental energy on stuff wastes time. - Hugh Macleod
What I was afraid of was my own grief, the weight of it, the ineluctable corrosive force of it, and the stark awareness I had of being, for the first time in my life, entirely alone, a Crusoe shipwrecked and stranded in the limitless wastes of a boundless and indifferent ocean. - John Banville
He wastes his time over his writing, trying to accomplish what geniuses and rare men with college educations sometimes accomplish. - Jack London
Because of you my golden childhood is lost in the corridors of wastes. - Tanmaya Guru
Firmness of purpose is one of the most necessary sinews of character, and one of the best instruments of success. Without it genius wastes its efforts in a maze of inconsistencies. - Lord Chesterfield
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