Quotation Explorer - 'Globally'

Globally, millions of married men and women engage the servicesof sex workers each year. Despite growing health concerns aboutthe increased risk of STDs and HIV AIDS this trade continues toblossom, leading to the premature termination of several lives andthe dissolution of several marriages. - Oche Otorkpa
Globally, democracies have also acted in ways that suggest an outright renunciation of their principles at home. - Nayef Al-Rodhan
Even if you think you are thinking and acting globally, there is always more to learn and know! - Auliq Ice
Be the master of your craft in black and white, kick asses and run wild with it locally and globally. - Desmond Oshifeso
Because we are a globally connected village, we need to remember that our choices are not isolated. They have a powerful ripple effect, and that ripple is global. - Linda Fisher Thornton
The doctrines that have been preached in our churches in Africa and globally has not been helpful for believers to dominate the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
The tragedy about history - personally and globally - is that while we may learn it we rarely learn from it. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The goal is World and Inner Peace, Love, and Happiness for everyone. And a higher standard of living. No one can make it happen alone. But we can all think globally, act locally and try to act like a team. We don’t know unless we try to make this happen. - Saminu Kanti
Funny how in a material world full of pundits and economists obsessed with assets and liabilities -personally, economically and globally - few speak about the greatest of all these…YOU. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
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