Quotation Explorer - 'Preached'

The doctrines that have been preached in our churches in Africa and globally has not been helpful for believers to dominate the earth. - Sunday Adelaja
His headstone saidFREE AT LAST, FREE AT LASTBut death is a slave's freedomWe seek the freedom of free menAnd the construction of a world Where Martin Luther King could have lived and preached non-violence - Nikki Giovanni
The gospel that has been preached in our churches has not been fair to the African continent. It has left us in a beggarly state, waiting on God for things we could produce by and for ourselves. - Sunday Adelaja
Jesus preached to crowds of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people, in order to make only twelve of them into His disciples, He took time to work with each person individually - Pastor Adelaja Sunday
Jesus not only preached liberty, but has the authority to direct history toward its final victory. - The Liberty Book
I preached as never sure to preach again, and as a dying man to dying men. - Richard Baxter
The perfection preached in the Gospels never yet built up an empire. Every man of action has a strong dose of egotism, pride, hardness, and cunning. But all those things will be forgiven him, indeed, they will be regarded as high qualities, if he can make of them the means to achieve great ends. - Charles de Gaulle
If I preached unity, I must act like a unifier, even at the risk of perhaps alienating some of my own colleagues. - Nelson Mandela
The idea of atomic energy is illusionary but it has taken so powerful a hold on the minds, that although I have preached against it for twenty-five years, there are still some who believe it to be realizable. - Nikola Tesla
I receive Thee ransom of my soul. For love of Thee have I studied and kept vigil toiled preached and taught… - Thomas Aquinas
I hear preached in our charismatic churches, which basically borders on sowing and reaping, giving and receiving. I thought there must be a different format to that message - Sunday Adelaja
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