Quotation Explorer - 'Insistence'

Where there is insistence, there is worldly life. - Dada Bhagwan
The one, who does not have the ‘poison’ of insistence, will become free from all entanglements (karmic). - Dada Bhagwan
Perseverance is persistent insistence. - Manuela George-Izunwa
From the persistence of noise comes the insistence of rage. From the emergence of tone comes the divergence of thought. From the enlightenment of music comes the wisdom of... silence.
I went to a convent in New York and was fired finally for my insistence that the Immaculate Conception was spontaneous combustion. - Dorothy Parker
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you. - Wayne Dyer
No need for miracles to do the impossible if we have beliefs,will and insistence - Mohammed Sekouty
Where there is insistence, there is tenacity and where there is tenacity, there is anguish. - Dada Bhagwan
There is no insistence where there is pure love. Insistence is infatuation (deep attachment). - Dada Bhagwan
One of the reasons for the failure of feminism to dislodge deeply held perceptions of male and female behavior was its insistence that women were victims, and men powerful patriarchs, which made a travesty of ordinary people's experience of the mutual interdependence of men and women. - Rosalind Coward
In passing, we should note this curious mark of our own age: the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute. - Francis A. Schaeffer
The weaker the man in authority... the stronger his insistence that all his privileges be acknowledged. - Austin O'Malley
My illness is dut to my doctor's insistence that I drink milk, a whitish fluid they force down helpless babies.
As long as there is insistence of the truth, one cannot know the Vitarag Lord [the enlightened one]. - Dada Bhagwan
In Vitrag-Vignan [science of vitraag lords, the enlightened ones] there cannot be the slightest of the [wrong] insistence; moreover, there can be no insistence on one’s own opinion. - Dada Bhagwan
Courage is a sort of insistence on the value of life and the worth of transient things. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
As long one is not able to let go of the insistence on a certain opinion [faith, sect], he has not earned the right for Moksha [Ultimate Liberation]. He is not worthy of Moksha if he is in the sect. He is only worthy of material happiness; he is worthy of a celestial life. - Dada Bhagwan
Insistence on one’s own opinion can never lead to attainment of Moksha [Ultimate Liberation]. Only those who are free of insistence will attain Liberation. - Dada Bhagwan
To be free of insistence [free of forcing one's own opinion] is the path of Vitragta [attachment-free state, the enlightened one]. Quit insisting at all places. To even insist on the truth, God has considered it as ignorance. There is no insistence in ‘Us’ whatsoever! - Dada Bhagwan
There should be no tenacity of insistence or obstinate insistence of any kind. If there is any tenacity, it should be the kind that will go away if you tell it to! - Dada Bhagwan
The moment of writing is not an escape...it is only an insistence, through the imagination, upon human ecstasy, and a reminder that such ecstasy remains as much a birthright in this world as misery remains a condition of it. - Larry Levis
My illness is due to my doctor's insistence that I drink milk, a whitish fluid they force down helpless babies. - W. C. Fields
Where there is the slightest insistence, there is no religion there! - Dada Bhagwan
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