I just want to let you know that when I look into my future, I see nothing but you. That’s what Chaz had whispered in my ear at some point during the wedding last night.Then he’d whispered. And you’re not even wearing Spanx. - Meg Cabot
The roses, the lovely notes, the dining and dancing are all welcome and splendid. But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you. Someone who, when the wedding day limo breaks down, is willing to share a seat on the bus. - Oprah Winfrey
Life during the wedding day can be so simple, but life after the wedding day can be THE HARDEST. - Auliq-Ice
I am the lover's gift; I am the wedding wreath;I am the memory of a moment of happiness;I am the last gift of the living to the dead;I am a part of joy and a part of sorrow. - Kahlil Gibran
Be calm on your wedding day; she won’t kill you in front of a hundred people, no matter what you've done. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A wedding is a ceremony men fund with money they know they don’t have … to prove the love they think they have. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Just because I have rice on my clothes doesn't mean I've been to a wedding. A chinese man threw up on me. - Phyllis Diller
It was his wedding day, and then it was any day; it was nothing, and then it was forever. - Tim Farrington
The Cheesecake Factory is a great business model, but if you take your wife there for your 25th wedding anniversary, you might not reach your 26th. - Scott Adams
Sentiment has never been unpopular except with a few sick persons who are made sicker by the sight of a child, a glimpse of a wedding, or the thought of a happy home. - Oscar Hammerstein II
She tells enough white lies to ice a wedding cake. - Margot Asquith
WEDDING, n. A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes to become nothing, and nothing undertakes to become supportable. - Ambrose Bierce
The groom should not see you in the dress just before the wedding, that’s bad luck. You know what’s worst luck? Is getting married, itself. I’ve read studies. It’s like 2 out of 3 of those end in divorce, sometimes more. 3 out of 2, some. - Hank Moody
A sweet wedding cake does not guarantee a sweet marriage. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A poem is an event, like a wedding or birth. - Marty Rubin
There are three rings involved with marriage. The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering. - Woody Allen
To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up. - Ogden Nash
The music at a wedding procession always reminds me of the music of soldiers going into battle. - Heinrich Heine
The calla lilies are in bloom again. Such a strange flower—suitable to any occasion. I carried them on my wedding day, and now I place them here in memory of something that has died. - Katharine Hepburn
The only parts that really matter and take commitment in wedding vows are; worse, sickness and poorer. Better, richer and healthy is pretty easy to deal with. - Rob Liano