Quotation Explorer - 'Fore'

The peculiar striations that define someone's personality are too numerous to know, no matter how close the observer. A person we think we know can suddenly become someone else when previously hidden strands of his character are called to the fore by circumstance. - Elliot Perlman
Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Everything else, every thought, goes fore and forever fades away into the recesses of time, and therein what remains is my soul's love for you. - Francesco Petrarca
Now, go, wirte it before them in a table and note it in a book, that it may be fore the time to come for ever and ever. Isiah 30:8 - Isiah from the bible
I like feeling like I'm something , That I'm some ones. i never had this be fore . its really pretty all light and pink and green like a spring day but with a few grey clouds that come and go and help the flowers grow . This feeling it's love. - Lizzy Blue
Something must be done when you find an opposing set of desires of this kind well to the fore in your category of strong desires. You must set in operation a process of competition, from which one must emerge a victor and the other set be defeated. - Robert Collier
The right things to do are those that keep our violence in abeyance; the wrong things are those that bring it to the fore. - Robert J. Sawyer
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