Higher states of consciousness correlate strongly with attributes like compassion, forgiveness, generosity and kindness. The more one is self-aware and other-aware, and the greater one's connection with the spiritual, the more likely one will be a force for good in our world. - Philip Chard
When we are self-aware, we are able to reach beyond ourselves and objectively assess others... allowing us to meet them where they are at, seeing into their needs and struggles, so we can understand the way they experience life, even if it is vastly different from the way we experience, our own. - Jaeda DeWalt
Being more self-aware means welcoming more light into a dull life. After the light is let in to our self-perceptions, we immediately realise that it always has been there, yet we created an illusion of darkness. - Raphael Zernoff
We are human, and we suffer, and unlike the animals on the farm, we are self-aware, and we know that we suffer, and it doesn't hurt more or less if God caused it or could stop it, at least for me. I am definitely of the school that believes God has bigger stuff to worry about than me. - Jon Katz
Each person has a self-image that, to some degree, does not match reality. A significant difference between self-image and reality can be harmful. The more self-aware you are, the less likely you are to be vulnerable to your illusions. The more aware you are, the more you can do with your life. - Robert H. Bolton
The purpose of life is to live it being self-aware in the eternal now with its infinite versions of us. It is about living our dreams, and not just dreaming about living them one day. - Raphael Zernoff
Everything with no exception is a choice. The choice can be either conscious or unconscious depending on the level of self-awareness. The more self-aware we become, the faster we can make our unconscious choices known to us. - Raphael Zernoff
Our beliefs are the lens through which we see the world. They are the glasses we put on in the morning, which provide the patterns we see. As we become more self-aware, we can identify our patterns, and then, to the extent we desire, change our lenses. - Patrick Sweeney
Being more self-aware means welcoming more light into a dull life. When we throw light upon our self-perceptions, we immediately realise that the light has always been there, yet we had created an illusion of darkness. - Raphael Zernoff