Quotation Explorer - 'Onto'

It's hard to walk a straight line when you have nothing to hold onto - Blake Mays
I look out onto this world I'm in and hope that one day all people will be accepted and valued as they are. - TinaJ. Richardson
Eres un ángel, y yo te quiero como un tonto. - Benito Pérez Galdós
the cross had slipped back onto my chest. I unclasped it and after wrapping the chain around the metal, tucked it into my bra - A&E Kirk
In such a person, sadness breeds purpose; finding inspiration in the darkness and often times, I believe, they will impress a hell onto their own lives in order to re-create it, that others might suffer the experience from the comfort of their armchairs. - Quote from Her Past's Present. - Michael Poeltl
Gratitude is not something idyllic that comes when all good things line up to be counted. Gratitude is there all the time waiting to be focused on. - Antonia Montoya
When the lights suddenly go out, hold onto your diamonds for dear life. - Nancy Drew, The Mystery of Lilac Inn - Carolyn Keene
Like a tenacious ivy, your presence clings onto the drab wall of my existence. Cling harder onto me love, like a blood sucking bed-bug who is never satiated. - Malak El Halabi
The most successful businessman is the man who holds onto the old just as long as it is good, and grabs the new just as soon as it is better.
Its okay to get jacked up and head out onto the highway, but I've been there and I can tell you that the fast lane is littered with countless smoldering wrecks.
When kids hit the age of one, they're like miniature drunks. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh, then two minutes later they're crying. They drool.
Then they pull onto Route 66, heading east into a world that's ripe for saving - Neal Shusterman
Fiction is an urgent business. It is the Dying Us telling stories to the Dying Us, trying to crack the nonsense in our heads open with a big hammer pronto, before Death arrives. - George Saunders
Teach children to be polite and courteous in the home, and, when he grows up, he will never be able to edge his car onto a freeway. - Unknown
Holding onto anger is like grasping onto a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
More often than not others will project their own insecurities onto you when they are intimidated by your light. Don't listen to them, it's a reflection of the war they're battling within. - Nikki Rowe
The best wins or losses in life are those that leave you with a newer vision onto life. - Sameh Elsayed
You can either hold onto your dream by letting go of your excuses or hold onto your excuses by letting go of your dream. - Orrin Woodward
Reality is, you know, the tip of an iceberg of irrationality that we've managed to drag ourselves up onto for a few panting moments before we slip back into the sea of the unreal. - Terence McKenna
...At least, a bit of plus at different things would be a lot of plus together.We just need to hold onto the goods and trust in each other. Good will hunt and bad will starve... - Prashant Pushkar
I stopped remembering the past and started visualising my future, the only thing left I could hold onto was hope; that the courage I have found along the way, is what will see me through. - Nikki Rowe
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman. - Maya Angelou
The human has genetic adaptation to natural electromagnetic radiation. Increasing, reducing or removing the natural radiation exposures results in a sickened human that may progress onto a diseased state. - Steven Magee
It's precarious to hang onto the veracity of memory because its edges are smoothed by the river of time. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
Travel does what good novelists also do to the life of everyday, placing it like a picture in a frame or a gem in its setting, so that the intrinsic qualities are made more clear. Travel does this with the very stuff that everyday life is made of, giving to it the sharp contour and meaning of art. - Freya Stark
The power of the Will in a man, is favoured by the Heavens. The man who sets his Heart and Word onto something, and says "I will" no matter what obstacle is placed in his way— joins the ranks of the demi-gods. All else remain in mortality and are soon forgotten. - C. JoyBell C.
Imagination is the pontoon bridge making way for the timid feet of reason.
When a woman is full of cockiness, I wonder what makes her so insecure. When a man is full of ego, I wonder what he's holding onto. - Nikki Rowe
You can contol nothing but your own thoughts, but with your thoughts you can control the whole world. - Debasish Mridha
The heart is stubborn. It holds onto love despite what sense and emotion tells it. And it is often, in the battle of those three, the most brilliant of all. - Alessandra Torre
Don’t hang onto anything too tightly all things must change and you have to allow room for them to grow and blossom. - Rachael Bermingham
You have to pay for this view (onto which he looks while writing), so our expenses keep us pretty motivated to write. It's a vicious cycle. - Pat Conroy
The pools had been written onto the fields by the rain. The pools were a magic worked by the rain, just as the tumbling of the black birds against the grey was a spell that the sky was working and the motion of grey-brown grasses was a spell that the wind made. Everything had meaning. - Susanna Clarke
When you can no longer differentiate between the insanity spewed onto the blank page, and the madness evident in the all-but shattered mirror...that's when you know you're doing it right. - Dave Matthes
To quit religion is to start walking in the space! Don’t be afraid, you don’t fall into the void, because you can hold onto God and science! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We often take for granted those familiar faces and places, the repetitive nature of something once new, excitement wanes. To capture that early moment and hold onto it for all our days, true bliss. Looking at the old in in a different way, making it new once again. - Jonathan P. Lamas
The more fucked up you are, the more I like you. As long as you've managed to hold onto your identity through all the shit, then it won't matter how twisted you are. I will love you more for it. - Ashly Lorenzana
Let's forgive someone for Valentines day, it's a great way to show love, and forgive yourself too for the hurt you held onto. - Jay Woodman
To achieve self actualization, do good things for other people that you would want to be done onto yourself - Meg Cabot
That's the thing about hands. I love to hold hands because it brings comfort to me to know and feel I'm holding onto the person I love. - Shailee J-N
1164At the end of the day, we all live in this world together and to practice bringing peace onto social media is a huge step into bringing peace into our world. - Germany Kent
If you hold onto a man hoping someone else won't get them you have learned how to be desperate, not wise. - Shannon L. Alder
Let go of everything that you hold onto, which does not serve you anymore. Be light, walk faster. - Raphael Zernoff
…mindegyre inkább „apa volt, megfellebbezhetetlen, pontos, kérdező és válaszoló, de kissé úgy, ahogy az orvos, vagy …igen, ahogy a bíró kérdez. - Sándor Márai
Holding onto fear is weakness; holding onto faith is strength. - Matshona Dhliwayo
But I'd be in big trouble if Karma was going to finally be my judge. I'd be in deep shit. It doesn't excuse my mistakes, but I'm holding out for Grace. I'm holding out that Jesus took my sins onto the Cross, because I know who I am, and I hope I don't have to depend on my own religiosity. - Michka Assayas
God, A Poem 'I didn't exist at Creation, I didn't exist at the Flood, And I won't be around for SalvationTo sort out the sheep from the cud-'Or whatever the phrase is. The fact isIn soteriological termsI'm a crude existential malpracticeAnd you are a diet of worms - James Fenton
A menor distância entre dois pontos pode ser a linha reta, mas é nos caminhos curvos que se encontram as melhores coisas. - Lygia Fagundes Telles
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. - Anonymous
Keep on going and the chances are that you will stumble onto something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling onto something sitting down. - Charles F. Kettering
With great love comes occasions of pain. You can't skip the pain; without it, you would never know what a precious thing love is. You wouldn't know to hang onto it. You wouldn't know to fight for it. You embrace the pain because the love makes it all worthwhile. - Theresa Smith
He knew me in all the ways that truly mattered: the shape of my fears, the contours of my dreams. - Justina Chen
If you're stuck in a puddle, it means there's higher ground all around you, you just have to step onto it. - Emilyann Girdner
A person that doesn't know their worth will never know yours. Therefore, the longer you hang onto hope that they will finally see your worth is the moment you start to depreciate in value. - Shannon L. Alder
When you being to awaken to your gifts, a first it can be alarming for the soul to reveal its truth. After some consideration and healthy boundaries the soul mellows and the action and revelation begins. Hold onto your seat, you are in for a wonderful wild ride. - Monika Zands
Unhappiness is such a heavy burden, those who carry it, when ever possible, unload it onto those around them. - Christopher Price
To become aware of the possibility of the search is to be onto something. - Walker Percy
Life without meaningcannot be borne.We find a missionto which we're sworn--or answer the callof Death's dark horn.Without a gleaningof purpose in life,we have no vision,we live in strife,--or let blood fallon a suicide knife. - Dean Koontz
Just be, right now, here; & breathe. Stop questioning every little thing, stop analysing how it should be and let go of the control, you hold so tightly onto; and beging to trust the magic of yourself. - Nikki Rowe
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn
When we try to slow things down, it tries to run ahead of us. When we try to fast forward it, it holds us back. Einstein was probably right about it, time IS elastic. One pull at it and it will snap back onto you. - Saptarshi Majumder
There are three types of people. Ones who live according to the past, ones who live leaning onto the future, and ones who live on the moment. - Cesim
The length of the fall is dictated by how far we had climbed. The outcome of the fall is dictated by whether we’re holding on to that which we’re climbing, or we’re letting God hold onto us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Of the obstacles we face while traversing life, the most challenging are often the ones we create from within and project onto our path. - Glenn A. Maltais
I don’t want my ‘part’ taken! I haven’t ‘got’ a part! I hate the stupid geometrical figures by which people try to understand the emotions of others, imposing hard straight lines - or ‘sides’ as they call them - onto tender curvaceous human beings who have none. - Frances Partridge
We all have our times of anger. It’s when we hang onto that anger it becomes a poison to our heart and mind. - Ron Baratono
The best wins or looses in life are those that leave you with a newer vision onto life. - Sameh Elsayed
It takes a lot of strength to hold onto and care for the things we love, so why is it that god seems to have made humans unable to conjure up that degree of power and love? - Ai Yazawa
He'd been saving up his love for years and years, waiting for the right personto spend his fortune on. - John Mark Green
Your friends drag you down, Gordie. Don't you know that? [...] Your friends do. They're like drowning guys that are holding onto your legs. You can't save them. You can only drown with them. - Stephen King
At the end of the day, we all live in this world together and to practice bringing peace onto Twitter is a huge step into bringing peace into our world. - Germany Kent
Get off the Medical System and onto the Self Care System - Nina Leavins
By viewing images we cast onto outer reality as mirror reflections of inner reality, we come to know ourselves. - Sallie Nichols
For me, the short story is not a character sketch, a mouse trap, an epiphany, a slice of suburban life. It is the flowering of a symbol center. It is a poem grafted onto sturdier stock. - William H. Gass
É como quando você se olha no espelho e diz seu nome. E chega a um ponto em que nada parece real. - Stephen Chbosky
If you never learned to hold onto someone, how could it possibly hurt now to let them go? - Shannon L. Alder
Don't take life for granted.Don't compare yourself to others.Don't run from your problems.Don't entertain negative people.Don't abuse your friendships.Don't hold onto the past.Don't throw away opportunities.Don't blame others for your failures.Don't quarrel over small issues. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Dad dinero, y pronto tendréis cadenas - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The signs are just not subtle enough to pass onto oversight in lieu of self preservation. - Daleen Van Tonder
If children instead of adults would have contolled the world, then the world would have become a better place. - Abrar Ahmed chowdhury
Find gratitude in the little things and your well of gratitude will never run dry. - Antonia Montoya
Time is money!!You choose to invest it in thingsthat matters to you...that will offer you something better in the future or either you choose to investit in things that willgive you an easy solutionto your problems anda shortly pleasure to your life! - Rafael Kass.
There's a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads onto fortune, omitted, all their voyages end in shallows and miseries. Upon such tide are we now... - William Shakespeare
The longing for a man, as you know, is a grand escape. It can arch your mental process to extremes so that, like a gymnast or a ballerina, you’re contorted to such outrageous limits I’m speaking of passion that nothing else matters. I wanted this. I desired diversion. - Vicki Covington
We are like the moon. The moon shines anyway, but it does not produce its own light. It reflects the light illuminated onto its surface by the Sun and is never proud to say "I am the source of light". God shines through us, hence He deserves the glory; not us. - Israelmore Ayivor
But it’s still a big fight to get the work you’re really excited about onto shelves. And past that, convincing someone to pay you to do the work that you are most excited about is more than a trick, it’s a fucking scam of a magic trick. - Brandon S. Graham
The tension between what is, and what we dream of, is important. Not to discount what we have, but to hold onto that middle ground, because it's in there that the magic happens. - Susan Branch
When she fucked up all those years ago, just a little girl terrified into paralysis, she fell onto the enigma of herself. - John Green
Everyone has the spark of greatness; a leader's role is to pour oxygen onto it forming the fire within. - Orrin Woodward
Y por que el sol es tan mal amigodel caminante en el desierto?Y por que el sol es tan simpaticoen el jardin del hospital?And why is the sun such a bad companionto the traveler in the desert?And why is the sun so congenial in the hospital garden? - Pablo Neruda
Our first act as free men was to throw ourselves onto the provisions. thats all we thought about. No thought of revenge, or of parents. Only of bread. - Elie Wiesel
Art has always been the raft onto which we climb to save our sanity. I don't see a different purpose for it now. - Dorothea Tanning
This is what reading is like to me. It's finding a spring in the midst of a barren land. Just when I think I might up and die of thirst, I stumble onto this fresh, cold water, and I'm suddenly given this new life because I can-and do-drink to my heart's content. - Beverly Lewis
Mavis' bear sailed through the air in Cassie's room, falling onto the bed. 'What's he in aid of?' 'He's reconnaissance expert. He wouldn't hear of me enterin' potential hostile ground without testin' for fire. Has his sacrifice been in vain? - Christine M. Knight
If you want to be great at something, be great at being your most treasured self. Life is about connection, and how can you give apart of yourself to someone; too hold onto, if you don't know which part they want most? - Nikki Rowe
Well we've left behind the 200X's, and we move onto the 20XX's. Maybe that will finally make us feel like we're living in the future, rather than a media controlled slave state where an iPhone is worth substantially more than a human life. Happy new year. - Yahtzee Croshaw
I went to the school and put it to William, particularly, that if you find someone you love in life, you must hang onto it, and look after it, and if you were lucky enough to find someone who loved you, then you must protect it. - Diana Princess of Wales
Do you believe in an afterlife?" the gunslinger asked him as Brown dropped three ears of hot corn onto his plate.Brown nodded. "I think this is it. - Stephen King
Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and palaeontology does not provide them. - David Kitts
When kids hit 1 year old, it's like hanging out with a miniature drunk. You have to hold onto them. They bump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit. - Johnny Depp
Throughout life, one does not miss any chance to hold onto the things that are really precious, if one is truly wise. - Ed Greenwood
A great artist paints a picture on the canvas of his mind using the colors of his love and imagination before transferring the image onto a real canvas. - Debasish Mridha
Even in the middle of a hopeless darkness a light may suddenly reach you; keep your hope tightly and this great hope of yours will strongly attract the light onto you! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Holding onto what was isn't healthy for what is. - Hannah Whitall Smith
I sold my first short story to Pyramid Press, where it was chiseled onto fifteen slabs of granite, and for which I was paid nine goats. - Frank Tuttle
Reflect onto the world what you want them to see. Let your heart help them figure out the rest of who you truly are. - Imania Margria
What are the units of ontology really that I should be a part of a whole, but not be, in all my awareness, chiefly the whole unto itself? - Ashim Shanker
You are blessed today not because God loves you most but, God just want to bless someone through you. so just be careful you might probably be holding onto someones blessings. Remember you are just servant/messenger of God. - wisdom kavi
Writers are sponges. They absorb life, then squeeze and ring it out onto a page. Sometimes, if they squeeze too hard, they dry up. Not hard enough and they remain saturated, heavy and unpredictable, as they carry around a volume of ideas too great for their capacity. - Sarah Colliver
Pour your heart onto the page. - A.D. Posey
Black(people) hold onto their God just as the drunken man holds on to the street lamp post—for physical support only. - Tai Solarin
Holding onto your dreams is better than holding onto your nightmares. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Please hold onto your kindess, we share the world with many selfish beings And we need open hearts to create change. - Nikki Rowe
At the end of the day, we all live in this world together and to practice bringing peace onto social media is a huge step into bringing peace into our world. - Germany Kent
As the four girls were taking her father's life, she had tried to rush onto the stage. But two old university janitors held her down and whispered into her ear that she would lose her own life if she went. - Liu Cixin
Hold onto your innocence of heart, at all costs! Because it is the spark of deity that you are born with. Don’t let the trolls steal your divineness. - C. JoyBell C.
If you fall from a plane onto a river, and survived, it is luck, but if you fall from a plane onto asphalt ground, and survived, then that is a miracle. - M.F. Moonzajer
I feel that I am merely an agent, giving you some keys that have been given to me to pass on to you. These keys are to unlock doors out of your present prison. Doors opening onto new vistas. Doors beyond where you are now. - John C. Lilly
In the absence of sleep, my restless nights have been fueled by my overactive imagination, weaving waking dreams onto the canvas of conception. Filling my head with lots of ideas waiting to be born into reality. I am eager to return to my beautiful mistress, Creation! - Jaeda DeWalt
It is the relationship between the physical environment and the environed organism, between physiography and ontography (to coin a term), that constitutes the essential principles of geography today. - William Morris Davis
Kalo nggak nulis, ya baca. Kalo nggak baca, ya nonton film saja lah. - Sylvia L'Namira
For my part, I prefer the ontological argument, the cosmological argument and the rest of the old stock-in-trade, to the sentimental illogicality that has sprung from Rousseau. - Bertrand Russell
We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better. - C. JoyBell C.
Thus I draw from the absurd three consequences, which are myrevolt, my freedom, and my passion. By the mere activity ofconsciousness I transform into a rule of life what was an invitationto death—and I refuse suicide. - Albert Camus
How would your life be different if you decided to live your dream instead of holding onto your nightmare? Let today be the day you free yourself from the fears that are holding you back and act upon the dream you've always had. - Steve Maraboli
If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today - Joyce Chapman
To ‘let go’ sometimes makes us feel like losers because it means giving up what truly we felt we had a right to. But true strength lies in resisting the urge to hold onto things and people that bring us down. - Chinonye J. Chidolue
The lucky ones are those who take every opportunity and turn every life experience onto truth seeking adventure. They end up full filled with deeper dimensions of pleasure and spirit satisfaction.~Inspired by: Rania Rageh~ - Sameh Elsayed
Who do you need to forgive? Letting go of what you have been holding onto will bring energy to everything good you want to bring into your life. - Eileen Anglin
When others cannot find something to hold onto we can reach out and be their anchor in that moment. - Aaron Woodall
What was beauty unless you intended to use it, like a hammer, or a key? It was just something for other people to use and admire, or envy, despise. To nail their dreams onto like a picture hanger on a blank wall. And so many girls saying, use me, dream me. - Janet Fitch
To base the unexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature onto an other miracle (God) is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker.[Diary entry, 1971] - Fritz Zwicky
That's the thing about hands, I love to hold hands because it brings comfort to me to feel I'm holding onto someone I love. - Shailee J-N
We can't be afraid to change. You may fell secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know there is a such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, maybe the very reason you don't have something better. - C. JoyBell C.
One always has a better book in one's mind than one can manage to get onto paper. - Michael Cunningham
The problem of vindicating an omnipotent and omniscient God in the face of evil is insurmountable. Those who claim to have surmounted it, by recourse to notions of free will and other incoherencies, have merely heaped bad philosophy onto bad ethics. - Sam Harris
Strong SPIRITS are usually liberated from the burden of their pain through forgiveness and letting go. EGO usually holds onto grudges and is the source of destruction by acting on impulse. - Karen A. Baquiran
The alarm in the morning? Well, I have an old tape of Carlo Maria Giulini conducting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in a perfectly transcendent version in Shubert's seventh symphony. And I've rigged it up so that at exactly 7:30 every morning it falls from the ceiling onto my face. - Stephen Fry
Most people carry their demons around with them, buried down deep inside. Writers wrestle their demons to the surface, fling them onto the page, then call them characters. - C.K. Webb
Transferring my anger and pain onto paper turns it into something tangible, something that can be shredded or burned, or at the very least, sealed shut in a box. ~Call Me Tuesday - Leigh Byrne
One thing is clear to me. You can't know everything you'd like to know. You can't do everything you'd like to do. You can't read everything you'd like to read. You must hold onto some things and let go of others. Learning to make that choice is one of the big lessons of this life. - Gordon Atkinson
I don't understand women at all. Like how a women can pour boiling hot wax onto their upper thigh, then rip the hair out by the root... and still be afraid of a spider. - Jerry Seinfeld
When you can maintain continual awareness of where you are and hold onto the vision of where you want to go, you transform your life from wandering to wonder. - Andrea Goegleinlein
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