Novel writing is World Building & Word Weaving (Neil Postman's terms). - J.M. Varner
In the absence of sleep, my restless nights have been fueled by my overactive imagination, weaving waking dreams onto the canvas of conception. Filling my head with lots of ideas waiting to be born into reality. I am eager to return to my beautiful mistress, Creation! - Jaeda DeWalt
Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth. - Khaled Hosseini
In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves. - Jalaluddin Rumi
We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up in the morning. - Henry Ward Beecher
I don't analyze beautiful. I sit in its presence and love the wholeness of it--the sweet and sad and raw and bright together.Poetry is that, the weaving of light-shadow. Making words from the unwordable. - Jacob Nordby
A good book is like a stream, with which we can flow slowly, playfully, it lets us savor the joy of weaving the magic of lovely thoughts, revealing the secrets of life with beautiful words. - Balroop Singh
What I like most about the process of literary creation is gathering mundane facts and concepts, then clothing them with the ornate jewels and fine garments of imagination and fantasy, weaving a tale on the glittering edge of possibility. - Gregory Hamilton
They say you start weaving clearer, sharper memories after you've been to a place at least twice. Because then the reflection is more of validation. Let the rush come to you and let your senses be flushed the first time. There will be time for reflection after you've had your fill. - Psyche Roxas-Mendoza