Most writers deserve the reputation posterity has bestowed upon them: You can’t for long conceal the toxic spots on your character—Philip Larkin is Exhibit A—nor can you conceal your dignity, your humanism, your regard for veracity and freedom. - William Giraldi
It's precarious to hang onto the veracity of memory because its edges are smoothed by the river of time. - Khang Kijarro Nguyen
If you want to impress someone, simply make up a vocation and preface it with the words molecular or theoretical (as in molecular biologist or theoretical physicist). After you do this no one will question the veracity of anything you say—whether it is related to your putative vocation or not. - Clifford Cohen
Reckon your weakness as praise of God’s power, endure suffering in joy, risk your life on the veracity of Christ, count your loneliness a means of grace. - William Stringfellow
Some people live disconnected, in a world of their own. Their wishful thinking represents their sole veracity. But when the mirror smashes the reflection of their delusion, it will not falter to talk back. ( "The day the mirror was talking back" ) - Erik Pevernagie