There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn. - Albert Camus
Until pains are endured, depressions surmounted, mockeries ignored and goliaths conquered, destiny might not be achieved - Ikechukwu Izuakor
There is no fate which cannot be surmounted by scorn. - Albert Camus
The dusty tombs of long-dead exorcist priests lay in the alcoves below, surmounted by stone effigies, the features eroded by the passing of time and the reverent caresses of their grateful parishioners, a reminder, she knew all too well, of the brevity of life. - Sarah Ash
The problem of vindicating an omnipotent and omniscient God in the face of evil is insurmountable. Those who claim to have surmounted it, by recourse to notions of free will and other incoherencies, have merely heaped bad philosophy onto bad ethics. - Sam Harris