Quotation Explorer - 'Littered'

This isn't the road home. This is a road littered with questions that will inevitably lead to an answer. - Meryl S. Kavanagh
The high road is littered with pot shots. - Debra Crown
Do you really think all angels are sweet and gentle? You must have forgot that the front lines of the War in Heaven were littered with bold women that had something to say. - Shannon L. Alder
Its okay to get jacked up and head out onto the highway, but I've been there and I can tell you that the fast lane is littered with countless smoldering wrecks.
It has been my experience that law enforcement reports are littered with fabrications, inaccuracies, omissions, fraud, fantasies and willful blindness. - Steven Magee
History is littered with the wars everybody knew could never happen. - Enoch Powell
The very places that we presume God not to be are the very places that are filled with His footprints and littered with His fingerprints. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
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