Quotation Explorer - 'Cassie'

And so back to Cassie: who was she? Part of the deception; just a friend or something else…perhaps it was time to find out. - Melanie Cusick-Jones
Mavis' bear sailed through the air in Cassie's room, falling onto the bed. 'What's he in aid of?' 'He's reconnaissance expert. He wouldn't hear of me enterin' potential hostile ground without testin' for fire. Has his sacrifice been in vain? - Christine M. Knight
[W]hen you try too hard to hold on to something, you break it. Sometimes, we need to let go so that other people can have their chance at the magic. - Cassie Beasley
Del amor al odio hay solo un paso, en los dos sentidos. Nos pasamos la vida yendo y viniendo de uno a otro. -Cassie, Cruzando los límites. - Maria Martinez
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