Quotation Explorer - 'Thick'

Baloney is the lie laid on so thick you hate it. Blarney is flattery laid on so thin you love it. - Fulton J. Sheen
The fog may seem thick but the sun will surely pierce through and brighten up the sky. Allow yourself to continue to rest on the wings of God's love and watch yourself learn to soar high. - Kemi Sogunle
Fate has carried me'Mid the thick arrows: I will keep my stand--Not shrink and let the shaft pass by my breastTo pierce another. - George Eliot
We can love anyone at a safe distance, but loving people in the thick of their mess takes the supernatural love of Jesus working in us. - Alisa Hope Wagner
I descended into solitude so thick that conversations with repairmen became anxious social occasions. - Louisa Hall
In the end, perhaps we should simply imagine a joke; a long joke that's continually retold in an accent too thick and strange to ever be completely understood. Life is that joke my friends. The soul is the punch line. - Tom Robbins
If the point is sharp, and the arrow is swift, it can pierce through the dust no matter how thick. - Bob Dylan
The flowers left thick at nightfall in the woodThis Eastertide call into mind the men,Now far from home, who, with their sweethearts, shouldHave gathered them and will do never again. - Edward Thomas
Even if you're in the thick of revising another work, write something new. Something small. It's important to keep telling yourself stories. - Don Roff
...the holy men sat in an atmospherereeking of antiquity, so thick with thedust of ages that you can't see through it--nor can they. - Gertrude Bell
Dreams disdain fine lines and finishing touches on landscapes they content themselves with thick but representative brushstrokes. - Machado de Assis
silence in the lightover thick bamboo leaves, the sunmagical yellow- , Day's Crown Haiku - Tara Estacaan
The sky's gone blue: azure, the ocean bluer: cerulean, the trees are swirls of every hella freaking green on earth and bright thick eggy yellow is spilling over everything. Awesome. Doomsday's most definitely been cancelled. Landscape: When God Paints Outside The Lines - Jandy Nelson
If you feel all damp and lonely like a mushroom, find the thick, creamy soup of joyfulness and just dive into it in order to make life tastier - Munia Khan
Even through the darkest phaseBe it thick or thinAlways someone marches braveHere beneath my skin - k.d. lang
A woman mov'd is like a fountain troubled, muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty. - William Shakespeare
Even the intellectual crowd will have none of me. Physically, I look like one of them. Graying at the temples, I walk with a slight limp and wear thick glasses. - Groucho Marx
Opportunity never knocks. It hangs thick in the air all around you. You breathe it unthinking, and dissipate it with your sighs. - Roy H. Williams
Do not consider despair as a thick and high wall standing on your way; it is just a darkness and you can still walk in the darkness till you reach the light! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Where’s the trail to Cold Mountain?Cold Mountain? There’s no clear way.Ice, in summer, is still frozen.Bright sun shines through thick fog.You won’t get there following me.Your heart and mine are not the same.If your heart was like mine,You’d have made it, and be there! - Han Shan
Twisted twins twinkling thick as thiefs. - Knisztina
Melpomene was a substantial girl, thick of bosom, ankle, and forearm, rosy of cheek, and clear of eye. She seemed somehow incomplete without her hockey stick.
I don’t want the finer things in life, like preserves of jam and thick soft quilts, until I get what I need: the machinery to make that stuff for me. - M.C. Humphreys
The world is a thick bookand I am a big bookworm. - Anika Redhed
…Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I don't know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity. We're more popular than Jesus now. Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me. - John Lennon
Grease the guillotine with the fat of tyrants. Pull the concubine out of the clergyman`s bed. Monarch`s blood must flow, as thick as our boots. From there the free republic will rise. - Friedrich Hecker
When I was a child, I read books. My reading was not indiscriminate. I preferred books that were old and thick and hard. I made vocabulary lists. - Marilynne Robinson
It had been a month before then that I'd sat on the bathroom floor and now it was back, the feeling that I was watching life through a thick pane of glass and that, whatever was out there, I wasn't designed for it. - T.R. Richmond
The history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. - Mark Twain
The history of our race, and each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. - Mark Twain
In a series of events, all of which had been a bit thick, this, in his opinion, achieved the maximum of thickness. - P.G. Wodehouse
A thick, intense fog was rolling in from the ocean, which created long, strange shadows to form like creatures of their own kind. - Keira D. Skye
Life is a thick dictionary, where you can find the meaning of anything. - gwenth
A human being has so many skins inside, covering the depths of the heart. We know so many things, but we don't know ourselves! Why, thirty or forty skins or hides, as thick and hard as an ox's or bear's, cover the soul. Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there. - Meister Eckhart
The Fanatics have dirtied its fiber, and their mottos have reated a thick layer of mold over its wounds, one of total intolerance, feeding on the indoctrination of the youth cliques. - Rami Ollaik
Late, by myself, in the boat of myself,no light and no land anywhere,cloudcover thick. I try to stayjust above the surface, yet I'm already underand living within the ocean. - Jalaluddin Rumi
I have you and even if we never meet or ever see each other, we have left our thumbprints in the thick, moist clay of each other's lives. - Hugh Elliott
I believe books should be like a prime rib steak ~ good and thick. - E.A. Bucchianeri
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