Quotation Explorer - 'Mov'

Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition. - Isaac Asimov
Optimists move through life with a happy exterior. What happens on the inside shows up on the outside. - Marilyn Suttle
We went down into the silent garden. Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. Everything is transfixed, only the light moves. - Leonora Carrington
Silence will speakIf given an ear;Stillness is the movementOf our atmosphere;Circles have sidesWhen we draw the line;Death is sleepIn limited time. - Alaina Odessa
Do for the others more than you do for yourself - Book of Eli Movie
Exercise is life in motion. MOVE to LIVE! - Toni Sorenson
Time is a curious thing. When you have it before you, it's something you take for granted and it moves slowly. Then, as you get older, it accelerates. When I look back, it seems such a long distance travelled, so long ago, so dream-like. - Bernard Sumner
Don't let your 'bad pride' prevent you from moving forward on an opportunity that will allow you to showcase your 'good pride'. - Bobby Darnell
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor WitShall lure it back to cancel half a Line,Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. - Omar Khayyám
If you move faster than the music, it will look strange; if you move slower than the music, it will look strange! Be like autumn leaves which follow exactly the rhythm of the wind! - Mehmet Murat ildan
There is no such thing as standing still; you either move forward or regress. - Bohdi Sanders
The evidence of death is before my eyes constantly. Moving from me outward. My death always a step in advance. The world is a mirror of myself dying. The world not dying anymore than I die. I more alive a hundred years from now. Than at this very moment. - Lydia Lunch
Apathetic people sit back and wait for things to get better before they move. Radical people make things get better, by how they move. - Shannon L. Alder
When one door shuts... sometimes it's best to leave it shut, and move on... - Scott Joffe
No matter how many miles I move away, my love will always remain within the boundary of your heartLines from Love Vs Destiny... - Atul Purohit
At first are moving tombs on the surface of the surface of the earth; then we become static tombs in the brims of the cemetary soil; waiting to become eternal people in fellowship for God. I know there is another fellowship in heaven! - Israelmore Ayivor
Be Grateful you are not like a rock that has no Choice. The Sun Shines on it, the Waves Splash at it. You have a Choice to move and to make your Dreams come true.- - RVM
Know your self package to the core. Never lose the strength of assets, your values, what identifies and separates you, what makes you unique. No, you or I are perfect but we are who we are now and we should continue to move towards that better person God sees us to be. - Eveth Colley
The hardest thing is to do something which is close to nothing because it is demanding all of you. - Marina Abramović
Shoulder to shoulder, a coordinated movement of the people, their blood no longer confined in the limited circulation of the body but rolling sweetly and yet still returning through the infinite extent of China. - Kafka, Franz
What starts out as an intrusive thought can turn into an overwhelming concept if we "feed" it with more negative thinking. From the book: Removing Your Shame Label. - Eddie Capparucci, LPC
Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. - Isaac Asimov
A sure way to have someone crushed by their doubt is to preach a sermon on how to remove your doubt. - Matt Chandler
You forgive them and move on. - Auliq Ice
What seems most significant to me about our movement [Impressionism] is that we have freed painting from the importance of the subject. I am at liberty to paint flowers and call them flowers, without their needing to tell a story. - Pierre-Auguste Renoir
A l'alta fantasia qui mancò possa;ma già volgeva il mio disio e'l vellesì come rota ch'igualmente è mossa,l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle. - Dante Alighieri
In the world of business, being slow is a losing move. - Shawn Casemore
If your faith doesn't remove the mountain... Get to climbing. - Johnnie Dent Jr.
Just because we're fictional characters doesn't mean you can pick us up and move us anywhere you want.--the people of Lake Woebegon - Garrison Keillor
I, a woman, find wearing high heels agreeable only on the very rare occasion that (1) I will be ferried between destinations upon a palanquin or (2) I am going to a cocktail party and, at five feet two, don't want to spend the evening discussing the latest movies with somebody's nipples. - Lauren Collins
If Galileo had said in verse that the world moved, the inquisition might have let him alone. - Thomas Hardy
She could feel something unnatural following her every movement as she washed her bountiful Huzza and Wahzoozie" BATS - Fred Barnett
You will become who you are after you have been lost and recovered time and time again– you will turn up without pieces that needed to be shredded and with new discoveries that will give you a stepping stone to move forward on. - Brianna Wiest
Hopefully one day Wars will only be fought in movies. And may the best producer win! - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Warning signs that lover is bored: 1. Passionless kisses 2. Frequent sighing 3. Moved, left no forwarding address. - Matt Groening
Any system which allows men to choose their own future will end by choosing safety and mediocrity, and in such a Reality the stars are out of reach. - Isaac Asimov
Your imperfections should not stop you from moving towards your dreams. If you wait until you are perfect, or "good enough" your dreams will remain just a dream. - Eileen Anglin
Don't call it death; call it moving to Heaven. - Jacob Bowen
Setidaknya aku sudah pernah move on meski sesaat - nanae zha
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Artificial Intelligence: the art of making computers that behave like the ones in movies
be the kiss in my hairthat no one seesmove, when i movesigh, when i sigh...be that line from a poemthat i hold in my eyes. - Sanober Khan
I do not want to sound cynical or condescending, but your lips are moving, your mind unbending. - Fakeer Ishavardas
Yet, no matter how deeply I go down into myself, my God is dark, and like a webbing made of a hundred roots that drink in silence. I know that my trunk rose from his warmth, but that's all, because my branches hardly move at all near the ground, and just wave a little in the wind. - Rainer Maria Rilke
What are the differences between me and you, I stand up and continue you just stay down and don't move and you think that nobody will touch. But when you are down, you always easy to be attacked - You will find down "IT" :D :D - Deyth Banger
I believe that writers, unless they consider themselves terribly exquisite, are at heart people who live by night, a little bit outside society, moving between delinquency and conformity. - Guillermo Cabrera Infante
People who walk across dark bridges, past saints,with dim, small lights.Clouds which move across gray skiespast churcheswith towers darkened in the dusk.One who leans against granite railinggazing into the evening waters,His hands resting on old stones. - Franz Kafka
The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself. - Will Rogers
All sanity depends on this: that it should be a delight to feel heat strike the skin, a delight to stand upright, knowing the bones are moving easily under the flesh. - Doris Lessing
Problems can usually be solved with simple, mundane solutions. That means there’s no glamorous work. You don’t get to show off your amazing skills. You just build something that gets the job done and then move on. This approach may not earn you oohs and aahs, but it lets you get on with it. - Jason Fried
Storytellers are the most powerful people on earth. They might not be the best paid-- but they are the most powerful. Storytellers have the power to move the human heart-- and there is no greater power on earth. - Laurie H. Hutzler
Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose. Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and that of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family at home. - Gore Vidal
That's why I won't give up! I'll continue to move forward because I believe! - Natsuki Takaya
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex ... it takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein
Putting heart & soul & contributing to what you are good at... is only for that movement. All is forgotten & people sitting far a distance knowingly wouldn't accept the same. Ultimately we make no difference & ground zero reality is never taken into account. - Stephen Manoharan
You can provide the conditions for the motivation of others and the leadership to help them find a way but they must have the intrinsic spark, the desire, to move, to overcome the inertia of the status quo and change things. - Graham Speechley
It is the blessing of dumb work done close to the earth-one gritty minute at a time, we move forward. - Michael Perry
Never confuse movement with action. - Ernest Hemingway
It will all stop someday, but not for billions of years. Many billions. Even the stars run down, you know. Entropy must increase. - Isaac Asimov
Death moved in the night, in search for blood, and when it found Life, it passed on by, like a cloud that moves by the face of the moon. When he found those dead without the red, he took the life before them born first, and the mourning emptied itself till the morning. - Anthony Liccione
You'll never get to the happily ever after if you don't move past the current chapter... - Carmen DeSousa
May there never be a haze over your eyes, and allow you to look at your life just the way you planned it. Through the bumps, twist and turns in your journey, let it make you wiser. Embrace life's lessons with gratitude and appreciation, and then move forward with an open heart and mind. - Ron Baratono
When the sun shines, there seems to be much more dust in the air.Dirt can only be seen and properly removed by flooding it with white light - Erik Tanghe
The truth, the all moving magic, the single handed spark of it all wasI found art. And this saved my life. - Mia Hollow
The movers & shakers of the world are not imbued with special powers. Once you realize that, you too can attain your rightful mantle. - Mario J. Lucero
The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
The 6 greatest detriments to our health, happiness, and ultimate success: Regret, Worry, Guilt, Blame, Gossip, & ResentmentRemoving just one can change your life. - Charles F. Glassman
Boys did not go to work on the railroad simply because their fathers did. What fetched them were sights and sounds of moving trains, and above all the whistle of a locomotive. I've heard of the call of the wild, the call of the law, the call of the church. There is also the call of the railroad. - Gary Krist
What moves men of genius, or rather, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is not enough. - Edouard Delacroix
A house doesn't become a home until love moves in. - Faraaz Kazi
If you don't keep moving, you'll never get anywhere. - Alicia McCalla
So also in a marriage or in helping a teenager through a difficult identity crisis—there is no quick fix, where you can just move in and make everything right with a positive mental attitude and a bunch of success formulas. - Stephen Covey
My schoolmates would make love to anything that moved, but I never saw any reason to limit myself.
The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last... The great battle of our time. - J. R. R. Tolkien
So, you’ve failed many times at many things. That’s okay! Learn, grow, and move forward. With the right attitude and mindset, you can learn a lot from failure. Pay attention and keep on striving! You’ve got this! - Stephanie Lahart
The truth is the only thing worth having, and, in a civilized life, like ours, where so many risks are removed, facing it is almost the only courageous thing left to do. - Edward Verrall Lucas
Wish for the best, problems will follow you, challenges will come in the way when you move on, and your wisdom of learning will save you! - Nazim Ambalath
The Scientist - with capital letters and no smile. - Isaac Asimov
Accept fate, and move on. Don't yield to the seductive pull of self-pity. Acting like a victim threatens your future. - Auliq Ice
With acting, you gotta wait until someone gives you a role in a play or movie. With writing, you're not dependent on others, you don't have to wait. You can sit down and just create. - Donal Logue
Every time one laughs a nail is removed from one's coffin. - Honduran Proverb
Obscurity is a good thing. You can fail in obscurity. It removes the fear of failure. - Jason Fried
The Christmas spirit will elude you'til a selfless love consumes youand the joy of giving moves you. - Richelle E. Goodrich
We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness insidethat holds whatever we want.We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner spacethat makes it livable.We work with being, but non-being is what we use. - Lao Tzu
Far too often we allow the hurtful words of others to define us. From the book: Removing Your Shame Label. - Eddie Capparucci, LPC
If we fast forward through the journey, like Adam Sandler in the movie, Click, we’ll look up one day and see that we missed our lives. - Suzette Hinton
The entire economy of the Western world is built on things that cause cancer. - From the 1985 movie "Bliss"
Change is inevitable. Progression is a choice. We all move, but are you going to move forward? - Ricky Maye
Language is like a crack'd kettle on which we beat out tunes to dance to, while all the time we long to move the stars to pity. - Gustave Flaubert
All opening moves were the same, like in chess. You don't have to come up with anything new, there's no point, because you're both after the same thing anyway. The game soon finds its own way and it's only at that point that you need a strategy. - Paolo Giordano
We are the music makers, We are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams World-losers and world-forsakers. On whom the pale moon gleams. Yet we are the movers and shakersOf the world for ever, it seems. - Arthur O'Shaughnessy Ode Music Moonlight 1874
Creating life as I go and editing when needed in order to move forward. Always under construction to do and be better than yesterday. - Donal O'Callaghan
Everyone has a past to overcome and a future to conquer. Believe yourself and move on. - RD
There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies. - Robert Frost
the decisive movement toward corporate capitalism began in 1895-1896. - James Livingston
As pity moved into that hole inside her, she discovered how distant pity was from hate, how very far it was from love.
The destiny of a man is determined by his daily action, God won't allow you go anywhere, if you don't make an attempt to move. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Pat yourself on the back when you win.And when you don't, just keep moving!So long as you don't stop moving,Soon you may realize just how close you are to winning! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
People make moves like the Pawn.(Let's go in the real world, look how they walk, from one up two max blocks they can take... so far it's sounds like the moves of pawn. People can be the king and the queen...) - Deyth Banger
Love isn't easy. It isn't perfect like in stories or movies--but it's real. When we feel it, it reminds us we are alive, and when we truly feel it--it hurts like hell--but it reminds us why we live... For the hope of love. - N.A. Koziol
~Have NO fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with YOU, therefore NO harm can befall YOU; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence~ - Pope John Paul II
Men's Leadership Success Formula: Get up, Show up, Man up, Mentor up, and Move up! - Orrin Woodward
When you understand that faith is God’s muscle at your disposal, moving mountains doesn’t seem so extraordinary. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Stand up and walk. Move on. After all, you have perfect legs to stand on. - Hiromu Arakawa
The whole idea of revenge and punishment is a childish day-dream. Properly speaking, there is no such thing as revenge. Revenge is an act which you want to commit when you are powerless and because you are powerless: as soon as the sense of impotence is removed, the desire evaporates also. - George Orwell
Jokes of the proper kind, properly told, can do more to enlighten questions of politics, philosophy, and literature than any number of dull arguments. - Isaac Asimov
Success doesn't come to you walking, you should move towards it - Kamal Khanzada
A universal truth that most mature women have learned, often the hard way.... When choosing a mate, keep in mind, only nature has the ability to turn sand into pearls. If the relationship isn't happy, healthy, or working, move on... unless of course you prefer sand. - K.E. Garvey
God help us to live slowly:To move simply:To look softly:To allow emptiness:To let the heart create for us.Amen. - Michael Leunig
After torturing our adrenaline by watching a horror movie for a couple of hours the places we are most afraid of are the doors and windows of the room even though they are the only ways for us to escape in case of occurrence such an event. - Sanhita Baruah
You can be as miserable or angry about anything as much as you want, end of the day getting emotional will not solve any of your problems. The only thing you can do is keep moving forward because whether or not you are ready, life will always go on with or without you. - Anonymous
Visible and mobile, my body is a thing among things; it's caught in the fabric of the world, and its cohesion is that of a thing. But, because it moves itself and sees, it holds things in a circle around itself. - Maurice Merleau-Ponty
An external motive can never Inspire you. It will only Motivate you to move, but you will soon stop. Seek Inspiration! - RVM
We have to let go of mistakes we can no longer do anything about and move forward with clarity, focus on positivity. - Jay Woodman
After the last of 16 mounting screws has been removed from an access cover, it will be discovered that the wrong access cover has been removed. - De La Lastra's Law
It is sad that while science moves ahead in exciting new areas of research, fine-tuning our knowledge of how life originated and evolved, creationists remain mired in medieval debates about angels on the head of a pin and animals in the belly of an Ark.
The individual who says it is not possible should move out of the way of those doing it. - Tricia Cunningham
Being still does not mean don't move. It means move in peace. - E'yen A. Gardner
The line that we chart into our future is often more a circle that brings us back to our past. And it might be that there is some hidden intent in charting circles in that we can feel like we’re moving when we actually have no intent of doing so. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement. - Søren Kierkegaard
Culture is the ability to describe Jane Russell without moving your hands - Bob Hope
Life's all about balance. To move on in life you have to strike a balance between your past, present, and your future; you may either be jerked off or left behind. - Richmond Akhigbe
Lets toil under the sun to build poles of love. And let our roots be planted like strong trees that strong winds can't move. - Auliq Ice
Damnnnnn. No need to be serious all the time, for we are only dust and to dust we shall return. Just enjoy life to the fullest. Take responsibility for your actions whether good or bad. Just keep moving forward, take a break if necessary but don't ever damn stop, you fool. - I am Night Owl
We all move on from history to chance, sorrow to sorrow, hope to hope, joy to joy. Read the book of fiction on the theme. its title is FROM HISTORY TO CHANCE - Jamaluddin Jamali
There is only one real purpose of a real revolution: To move forward! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. - Martin Luther King Jr.
i choose to focus my energy on what I believe deserves my time, life passes us by so quickly and before we know it; were looking back at our story, make sure the choices you decide on; will give you a movie worth watching. - Nikki Rowe
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome. - Isaac Asimov
The ability to focus is the key separation point between those who move ahead and those who fall behind. - Orrin Woodward
Say what men may, it is doctrine that moves the world. He who takes no position will not sway the human intellect. - William Thayer Shedd
We look around us and we find ourselves confused as to why the world has fallen into such deep darkness. And standing in this descending darkness, what we need to realize is that the farther we move from God, the darker everything gets. And no light of man can illuminate that kind of darkness. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Life is a reciprocal exchange. To move forward, you have to give back. - Oprah Winfrey
Death is the mother of beauty. Only the perishable can be beautiful, which is why we are unmoved by artificial flowers. - Wallace Stevens
We should resolve now that the health of this nation is a national concern; that financial barriers in the way of attaining health shall be removed; that the health of all it's citizens deserves the help of all the nation. - Harry Truman
The minutes felt as long as years and I couldn't be in the sort of time that didn't move, that instead stood still and all I could think of was being allowed to die, being allowed to cut the thread of time forever. - Linda Boström Knausgård
The more you remain aware with all the internal and external changes of life, more you allow yourself to move deeper towards the source. - Roshan Sharma
They wouldn't call it falling in love if you didn't get hurt sometimes, but you just pick yourself up and move on.
My life isn't perfect and it will never be I make mistakes, I learn from them and keep moving forward. - Shellie Palmer
Never marry someone who doesn’t love the movies you love. Sooner or later, that person will not love you. - Roger Ebert
I have tried to remove weight, sometimes from people, sometimes from heavenly bodies, sometimes from cities; above all I have tried to remove weight from the structure of stories and from language. - Italo Calvino
He is Running and Shouting and teasing around ,people know that he is just a vamp on the ground. people no more fear him . But the one sitting silent with no sigh of talky move,people simply fear him because no one knows what destruction he can bring to one in the this bushy grass of violence. - yash hoskere
She wore her scars, and looked as best as she could. He made her comfortable and removed them one by one. She stood bare in front of him. He kissed her naked soul and tattooed a promise on her skin - Himanshu Chhabra
If at first you don't succeed, remove all evidence you ever tried. - David Brent
Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to get to the best. Keep moving forward. Be patient. - Karen Salmansohn
The first step in making rabbit stew is catching the rabbit. - Isaac Asimov
Life moves very fast. It rushes from Heaven to Hell in a matter of seconds. - Paulo Coelho
The thing that seems most natural to me-most human-is movement. - Marty Rubin
It is not solely or chiefly in virtue of the divine image that man effectively resembles God, but in virtue of his consciousness of being an image and the movement whereby the soul, passing in a way through itself, avails itself of the factual resemblance in order to attain to God. - Étienne Gilson
Some will wear masks their entire life because they care about what other people think, while others remove the mask to be who they truly are. The difference between the two is not the ability to trust others, but to trust in God. - Shannon L. Alder
He remembered the gracefulness with which she moved in battle—like liquid flesh. There was no one quite like his wife, and he never felt more triumphant and free than when he was in her company. - Nadia Scrieva
Opportunity is another word for moving on. And it is a word choice, which is often the wiser. If the well gets poisoned, move to a meadow of merriment, where your hearts will echo the more. - Tom Althouse
Young people are moving away from feeling guilty about sleeping with somebody to feeling guilty if they are *not* sleeping with someone. - Margaret Mead
I think it's important as a women to know who you are and what you deserve. We, ourselves set the boundaries of what we choose to accept. Instead of complaining about the men who's actions don't fit your own & move on and find one that does. - Nikki Rowe
Forgive my grief for one removedThy creature whom I found so fairI trust he lives in Thee and thereI find him worthier to be loved. - Alfred Tennyson
If someone gets irritated with your presence, then move out. You have no space there. - Saga Valsalan
Music is made for relax, let's don't move it... let's be clever and left it like this, shall we? - Deyth Banger
Music has touched me deeply, sometimes to tears. But at the same time it's been life-affirming, because I've been grateful for the fact that I'm alive and human and capable of being so moved. - Brian Molko
The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves, which leave us to wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them that we are missing.
I realized, I'm never gonna be a Brad Pitt, so get over it, be happy with yourself, and move on.
When the years are dying in the arms of your life,the earth is in pain moving around the sun. - Munia Khan
Sweep my dreams not beneath my feet. Be somewhere that my steps won't meet. Breaking the broom isn't a must. Don't mistake unmoved dreams for dust - Isaiah J. Lawrence
Although there are things that just tend to rub you the wrong way too! Smile and move on your choice! - Auliq Ice
If you could see your perfect image in the mirror it would remove all your fear. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
The move towards the extension of personhood to children is already underway, and is utterly, completely and totally unstoppable! - Stefan Molyneux
How close the sexes sometimes come to one another. It is as much a matter of behaviour and the spere in which they move that separates the masculine part of humanity from the feminine. - Elizabeth Aston
When a quiet man is moved to passion, it seems the very earth will shake. - Stephanie Barron
Before walking in someone else’s shoes, you have to remove your shoes first. - Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
he philosophy of Islam will be shown in terms of the modern philosophy, and if there are imperfections in the old ideas then they shall be removed. My task is merely constructive, and in this construction I shall take into consideration the best traditions of Islamic philosophy. - Muhammad Iqbal
There's something about putting on a pair of skates, and getting out there and moving like nobody else can. Freedom is a word that comes to mind. - Randy Gardner
We live, move, breathe, and having our being in the Love-Light of God - Gary Eby
Bicyclist's Philosophy of Life..."It's a matter of faith. You can keep upright only by moving forward. You have to have your eyes on the goal, not the ground. - Susan Vreeland
The city was a hive from this height, the people and the yellow cabs moving about in the street below like pre-programmed insects. (Dark City Lights) - David Levien
It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. - Pat Robertson
No synonym for God is so perfect as Beauty. Whether as seen carving the lines of the mountains with glaciers, or gathering matter into stars, or planning the movements of water, or gardening - still all is Beauty! - John Muir
For eternity, time is standing still. In the expanding space, we are moving - Debasish Mridha M.D.
The self-help movement that began in the latter half of the twentieth century suffers particularly from this flaw, for the personal and interpersonal skills it seeks to cultivate are almost always designed to get us more of what we think we want, rather than to bring about a change of heart. - C. Terry Warner
I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. - Leo Tolstoy
The wind has many lovers and I am one of them, I move freely in her armsI know no chains, nor bound to anyone’s truth, you can call me a harlot of the wind, I take no offense, because I know at the end of my days, my face will show that I have been kissed by the breath of GOD.~Micheline Jean louis - Micheline Jean Louis
Reality is what we tell to go screw itself every time we write or read a book, shoot or watch a movie. - Garrett Robinson
Self-awareness is inevitably erratic, a work in progress, an etch-a-sketch that shifts with the slightest shimmer of movement. Doing the best we can is the best we can do. - Narboe, Nan
Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble. - Carl Jung
Without Revolutionary theory, there can be no Revolutionary Movement. - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
More often than not- Life moves really fast! It's only for you to pause and breathe! Sadly, none else can do that for you! - Jasleen Kaur Gumber
The feminist movement taught women to see themselves as victims of an oppressive patriarchy....Self-imposed victimhood is not a recipe for happiness. - Phyllis Schlafly
Move on, don’t let the little things of Life hold you back. Forget, Forgive, and Move on.- - RVM
Shake up your life a bit. Get rid of the cobwebs. Take the road less traveled. Most people live within the confines of their comfort zone. Yogi Raman was the first person to explain to me that the best thing you can do for yourself is regularly move beyond it. - Robin Sharma
It is the writer who might catch the imagination of young people, and plant a seed that will flower and come to fruition. - Isaac Asimov
New research is lending texture and credence to what generations of storytellers have known in their bones that books, poems, movies, and real-life stories can affect the way we think and even, by extension, the way we act ["The Power of Story," Aeon, January 12, 2015]. - Elizabeth Svoboda
To observe life is not only to organize your internal and external life, but reach to the state, from where, without any effort, both your internal and external life, moves in synchronization. - Roshan Sharma
The secret is to create the condition for change, a process that sometimes takes decades, and then use certain men as pivot points, a fulcrum to move history. - Robert Ferrigno
Don't bother to ring a bell in the ear that doesn't listen. Move to another ear, and if he doesn't listen to your bell, sit back and listen to his nemesis. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Books and movies, they are not mere entertainment. They sustain me and help me cope with my real life. - Arlaina Tibensky
What should move us to action is human dignity: the inalienable dignity of the oppressed, but also the dignity of each of us. We lose dignity if we tolerate the intolerable.
Channeling is just bad ventriloquism. You use another voice, but people can see your lips moving. - Penn Jillette
Love is when unknowingly I am moving to a world of no return, Where my desire and your fragrance together burnall your thoughts in canvas of my mind and soulturns in to a masterpiece as my life's aim and goal looks I am taken over and over away by you showering in me as a rain of you and only you - Seema Gupta
A breeze blows up, touching my cheek like a little child's kiss. It flutters a piece of paper. "Trash, out there? Must belong to one of us." We move closer, and when I reached for it, I find...... a perfect paper airplane. - Ellen Hopkins
Music does not need language of words for it has movements of dance to do its translation. - Shah Asad Rizvi
Movement is the freedom of the body; stillness, of the mind. - Marty Rubin
I am writing for her... for the universe to hear... but her screams have made me deaf... and my passion has blinded her… I Wish she was here... my hugs could cure her ... I am her medicine… all her fears would be removed, and the magic she would feel - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams
The competition is out to get you. Are you a moving target or a sitting duck? Innovate or die. - Richie Norton
The book is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader. That's why we go to movies and say, "Oh, the book is better. - Paulo Coelho
He who moves not forward, goes backward. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
To get a man's attention, just stand in front of the TV and don't move. He'll talk to you. I promise.
Everything changes as you move through three stages of awareness:first, that beliefs are the result of conditions;second, that beliefs are the cause of conditions;and third, that beliefs are themselves conditions. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
You will reach success if you move forward, staying still only makes your journey longer. - Milad Ghane
Future is a car with brake failure; it is moving towards us at a very high speed. - Mehmet Murat ildan
You know you are changing when you are moving towards something bigger than yourself. Your Life! - Sidney Beal III
Destiny is always a doorstep away, if we know to move in the right direction. - K. Hari Kumar
A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it. - Frank Herbert
We have to let go of fears of things we can't do anything about and move forward with clarity, focus on positives. - Jay Woodman
Well we've left behind the 200X's, and we move onto the 20XX's. Maybe that will finally make us feel like we're living in the future, rather than a media controlled slave state where an iPhone is worth substantially more than a human life. Happy new year. - Yahtzee Croshaw
Cheers went up around the decks as the Dolphins oars began to move as one in and out shifting and cutting away at the sea beneath, SICANIA RISING - Daniel P Buckley
Christ in you is the hope of glory..." "Your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thought" "Love is never unsure" "Truth demands a response - Various
Some wrong eternity that wouldn’t budge, like trying to move a wardrobe or a safe, only to feel how light I was. - Deborah Digges
Our thoughts of literary renaissance should always center themselves on the removal of superstition, meanness, indignity and ignorance. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. - Isaac Asimov
Humility is not a one time lesson that comes when you have lost everything. It is a daily reminder of how far we have come, yet still short of who we can be through HIS guidance. Blessed is the soul that can recognize that he isn’t moving mountains, but God is for him. - Shannon L. Alder
Entrust your dreams and goals to people who will cheer you on and inspire you, who will tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear so you can move forward and fast track. - Rachael Bermingham
I need to move. I don’t fit in here. I almost tried a juice cleanse once, but quickly remembered that I could starve, and was starving, myself for free. - Kris Kidd
You know how both life and porno movies end. The only difference is life starts with the orgasm. - Chuck Palahniuk
Everything has a finsh line. You just have to keep moving forward until you cross it. - Lillielyse Monsel
Gene [Siskel] often mentioned something François Truffaut once told him: the most beautiful sight in a movie theater is to walk down to the front, turn around, and look at the light from the screen reflected on the upturned faces of the members of the audience. - Roger Ebert
He’d mesmerized her, held her soul captive. And she couldn’t move.Unless you want more than a dream, he said.She did.Will you stay? he whispered. Or will you go?She stayed. Heaven help her, she stayed.And Michael showed her just how romantic a library could be. - Julia Quinn
Always move towards the light even if you stumble on your path cause it casts a shadow on the miseries of our past. - Andy Flynn
He wondered if somewhere far off, defying the laws of science, Mitch's two screams were still echoing, if those vibrations had traveled into space, if they moved on and on like rays in a light-year. There might be other forms of life who were receiving the noise and trying to interpret the tones. - Jane Hamilton
We cannot know what the next move of life towards us will be; but life also cannot know what our next move towards life will be! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Yes, a deep lesson from the postage stamp. It attaches itself to a moveable material, the envelope and gets going. A good relationship keeps you going forward; a bad one keeps you static. Attach yourself to someone who is also going forward and you will also get there. - Israelmore Ayivor
Speaker calls the Christian counselor to look at each person as soul embodied with unique challenges that move us. This is not, he says, the first step before we get on to important business but vital in and of itself. - Edward T. Welch
Alan Rittenhouse: I know you're just a reporter, but you used to be a person, right? - Movie Deep Impact
I have on my table a violin string. It is free to move in any direction I like. If I twist one end, it responds; it is free.But it is not free to sing. So I take it and fix it into my violin. I bind it and when it is bound, it is free for the first time to sing. - Rabindranath Tagore
I won't do this movie because I don't believe the love story," she told Selznick. "The heroine is an intellectual woman, and an intellectual woman simply can't fall in love so deeply. - Ingrid Bergman
It was our first date and I asked what his favorite movie is. He asked if I’d judge him, but instead of judging him I just loved him. - Dominic Riccitello
I'm not a real movie star. I've still got the same wife I started out with twenty-eight years ago. - Will Rogers
Pro and con are opposites, that fact is clearly seen. If progress means to move forward, then what does congress mean? - Nipsey Russell
(The Purge),... A lot of movies say that the silence is a deadly weapon yeah.... it's true!You, never know from where somebody is going to came out and how is going to came out. - Deyth Banger
Dance is moving sculpture. - Pablito Greco
Have a robust mindset; dare to move any mountain! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
the voice taunted, and threatened: "you are afraid, unhappy, dissatisfied, what if…."but I knew, this was not His language for motivating my heart,so I waited quietly to hear my Father's native tongue, "I love, I am satisfied, I trust, this is the way..." - and I moved. - Kate Mullane Robertson
You know there’s always prejudice in a revolutionary movement. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Everyone wants to be wanted and if all people wait for someone else to invest in them, the world will be stuck in an eternal stalemate: nobody moves and nobody wins. - Laura L.
There was an immeasurable distance between the quick and the dead: they did not seem to belong to the same species; and it was strange to think that but a little while before they had spoken and moved and eaten and laughed. - W. Somerset Maugham
Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot. - D. H. Lawrence
Sunflowers hellos from gate to gate. The hour at the square. Candy, art, books, look. A warmth given. Beauties with rain forest hair Walk by the clock tower. Sunlight of neon, the keys inside their eyes. No storms. Traffic sounds, salt air. Salt that moves the thirst and destroys all the fears. - Gwen Calvo
Within her presence, I had once been usedto feeling—trembling—wonder, dissolution;but that was long ago. Still, though my soul,now she was veiled, could not see her directly,by way of hidden force that she could move,I felt the mighty power of old love. - Dante Alighieri
God is the Master Author of your life. He has written every page of your life story in His eternal book. It's up to you to turn up the pages and move on with the next chapter or just get yourself stuck in the same content over and over again."- Elizabeth's Quotes - Elizabeth E. Castillo
A scary movie or a book isn't still made. But I'm waiting for that! - Deyth Banger
People just don't understand, they aren't your level and they won't get there soon. So move because you will fall from there! - Deyth Banger
Faith can move Mountains but DETERMINATION can help you build new ones. - Nikita Dudani
...sayings only become clichés because they're true. - MC Domovitch
Her date was pleasant enough, but she knew that if her life was a movie this guy would be buried in the credits as something like "Second Tall Man". - Russell Beland
„Life is a beautiful denial to belief in death. - Alexandar Tomov
The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.
When did your flight plan become a holding pattern, always circling happiness, but never allowed to land? Distracted by in-flight movies, drinks, and snacks, until the fuel runs out. Is this really all there is? Is this what you want out of life? - John Mark Green
A dream, a wild dream of removing ourselves from the cares and sorrows of this miserable world and creating a world of our own. A long shot, yes, but who’s to say it can’t happen? - Paul Austerter
Act as if you are the hero of the movie we call life. - Debasish Mridha
The most empowering act we can do is to be real ,to tell the truth and to be free of anything that holds us back. That freedom unburdens our shoulders and allows us to move forward in our journey~bns - Bluenscottish
Some churches, sects, cults, or religious movements are basically collective egoic entities, as rigidly identified with their mental positions as the followers of any political ideology that is closed to any alternative interpretation of reality. - Eckhart Tolle
I barely brushed towards her cheek as I moved towards her mouth, her nails tickled my chest, driving me insane. Kissing her became my single reason for breathing. - Katie McGarry
Love has no hands, but can touch your heart, and no feet, but can move your soul. - Matshona Dhliwayo
El corazón, movido por el amor, quiere volar.Mi pecho contiene un estallido de alas,Las manos de una muchacha panderetera. - Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf
If I read enough about one country I sometimes found that the intensity of the reading removed by desire to travel there. - Paul Theroux
The love that moves the sun and the other stars. - Elizabeth Gilbert
A story that is more interesting than any novel written by Nicolas Spark; a relationship that has more emotions than any movie made by Karan Johar; and a drama that is more exciting than any TV show...this what we have in our 15 years of marriage and 19 years of togetherness (?)... - Sandhya Jane
[On doors of opportunity] If that door doesnt open, Dont worry. It was probably best you got locked out than be locked in. Move on the next door. - Janna Cachola
When I shop, the world gets better, and the world is better, but then it's not, and I need to do it again.(Confessions of a Shopaholic-the movie) - Sophie Kinsella
As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships. - John Mark Green
It is not you as the ego who moves through life, but that life flows before you, and you are the immutable awareness containing it all. - Enza Vita
There's no point in knowing without enlightenment, yet edified insights arouse movement. - JT Sanz
Some relationships start with fights... But, usually only in romantic comedies. Life's not the movies.
Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage. - Isaac Asimov
Why are futuristic movies so primitive, violent and ugly despite having sophisticated technology? Humanity could have an incredible future if we manage the enormous challenges we face. - Jonathan R Banks
I sometimes shock the people around me with how I see things. I come up with very unique solutions to things. As I can picture things in my mind and move them around to design and understand them. - Tina J. Richardson
Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. - Mitch Albom
The next 15 years are more important than the previous 15. The past is done; learn from it and move on. - Adam Smith
Busy with the ugliness of the expensive success We forget the easiness of free beautyLying sad right around the corner, Only an instant removed, Unnoticed and squandered. - Dejan Stojanovic
Follow your feelings. If it feels right, move forward. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. - Oprah Winfrey
You say you've a life, but i see it as movie being directed by someone else, being edited often here and there. life is when you've the remote control of it, and its been controled by the person you love. - Yaqub khan
Failure is a bend in the road, not the end of the road. Learn from failure and keep moving forward. - Roy T. Bennett
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction. - E. F. Schumacher
In the dark you hear movement—a squeak, a hiding. The heart opens, closes, opens. - Arkaye Kierulf
I believe that we have reached a stage in life in the economic development of Africa where moving forward is perilous, moving backwards is cowardice and standing still is suicidal but we must persevere because winners do not quit and quitter never win. - Patrick L.O. Lumumba
How is it possible that suffering that is neither my own nor of my concern should immediately affect me as though it were my own, and with such force that is moves me to action? - Arthur Schopenhauer
A man's power is in the half-light, in the half-seen movements of his hand and the unguessed-at expression of his face. It is the absence of facts that frightens people: the gap you open, into which they pour their fears, fantasies, desires. - Hilary Mantel
Each day, the goal is to receive knowledge and remove ignorance. This reveals what we all search for. Wisdom. - J.R. Rim
If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself. - Henry Ford
Over the years all these vampire movies have come out and nobody looks like a vampire anymore. - Johnny Depp
All truly toxic thoughts are expelled while moving. Gotta move to stay alive. - Toni Sorenson
Impressionism is not a movement, it is a philosophy of life. - Max Lieberman
A republican government is slow to move, yet once in motion it's momentum becomes irresistible. - Thomas Jefferson
After you've seen behind the facade of a stage set you can't take the play seriously any more. You can't go backwards and regain your ignorance; you have to move forward. - Zeena Schreck
All that is important is this one moment in movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused. - Martha Graham
Feminism is a movement for change, not a changing of the guard. - Finn Mackay
Moving forward requires a change of stance. - Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
True Prayer is the work of relationship, where He moves them from mere information about Him to a one-on-one experience with Him, so that now when they talk about knowing God, they mean more than, I understand what you’re saying about God, but also, It fits my experience of Him. - Geoffrey Wood
Moving on is something everybody has to do. Once you do that then everything will become more clear to you and life. - Chasidy Merlos
We move in response to our conversation partner’s face, and our brain also fires as we move those muscles and stirs the passions. Paralyzing the face is idiotic. - John M. Gottman
Introspect! Is your life moving forward or just moving like a pendulum? - RVM
Archangel Zadkiel, help me to remove, clear and replace old patterns that no longer serve me. And so it is, amen. - Eileen Anglin
Slow but sure moves the might of the gods. - Euripides
First you're an unknown, then you write one book and you move up to obscurity. - Martin Myers
Tears and grief are good for reflection, moving on is still the best solution. - Mat Luthfi
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. - Isaac Asimov
He`s quite extraordinary with his moves and spins. I think he was a baton girl in a past life [on his co-star Hayden Christensen]. - Ewan McGregor
Doubt that the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. - William Shakespeare
A poet dares be just so clear and no clearer... He unzips the veil from beauty, but does not remove it. A poet utterly clear is a trifle glaring. - E.B. White
The Sun challenges us to Shine, the Clouds remind us to Move, the Birds tell us we too can Fly and the Sky tells us that there is no limit to our Dreams and Goals. - RVM
How silly then to imagine that the human mind, which is formed of the same elements as divine beings, objects to movement and change of abode, while the divine nature finds delight and even self-preservation in continual and very rapid change. - Seneca
Tobak Davenport, who is a cross between some Sugar Puffs and Lynn Faulds-Wood, was squatting there before being removed by the local constabulary after he went round to complain about Luther Blisset’s pet turkey fouling the communal herb garden. - St John Morris
Beetroot Cossins had moved to Kuala Lumpur where she had died of lethargy and pie. - St John Morris
Cry, laugh, sing, cuss all you want but all the while dig the a hole with precision, till it is completed- and then move on….. - roy valenzuela
Changing a college curriculum is like moving a graveyard--you never know how many friends the dead have until you try to move them!
Growth is the sum of small efforts repeated daily. Commit yourself to take 5 DAILY ACTIONS that would move your goal towards completion. - Farshad Asl
Don’t do it! Don’t you dare think about giving up! EVERYTHING has a process. Work with the process, not against it. Move forward with purpose and never stop believing. You can do this! You know you can. - Stephanie Lahart
Kindness went out to play all on a summer's day. With her about many smiles came out and joined in sweet array., "Mother Goose Move Over or you're gonna love poetry - Sara Loo
While what I write is always largely consistent with the records that remain I freely admit that where historical fact proves a barrier to invention, I simply move a detail a little one way or another. - Sara Sheridan
Recreate your life, always, always. Remove the stones, plant rose bushes and make sweets." Begin again. - Cora Coralina
So when it comes to Elvis and Joe, I have to trust my instincts, because they’ve gotten me here. And I have to write what I believe in, what I find moving. - Robert Crais
If you're feeling discouraged and defeated—don't quit. Play on, hope on, and move forward. The music you play—even in the midst of incredible darkness—can and will turn the tide of your own battles. - Seth Adam Smith
Death. It was something I had to think about once. Weird, right? Strange that death was ever an inevitable end, but it wasn’t anymore. Not really. I eluded it. Tricked it. It was an odd concept—the world aged, moved forward, yet I . . . didn’t. - Laura Kreitzer
I don't like regressing - I move beyond. Life belongs to the future and I believe in creating History rather than visiting and revisiting the past. - Amit Abraham
Today is a great day of inspiration and gaining strength to move forward with determination and purpose. - Lee Pryke
Life is difficult and painful, but if you keep moving forward the final destination makes all of the pain worth it. - Seth Adam Smith
I'm not the one with the problem its the world who seems to have a problem with me - Shrek movie
The pleasure of criticizing takes away from us the pleasure of being moved by some very fine things. - Jean de La Bruyère
It's a choice, it’s a bold move - disassembling the Box - and one that requires assertion, but the rewards are remarkable!! - Heidi Reagan
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in awhile, you could miss it.
One day I asked God to move the mountain ahead of me, but he said no because he wanted me to experience the joy of being on a mountain top. - Gugu Mona
You can see a person without using your eyes,hear a person without using your ears,carry a person without using your hands,speak to a person without using your mouth,and move a person without using your feet. - Matshona Dhliwayo
We do not leave those whom we truly love. We only break the hearts of those whom we can tolerate their hurts and can move away from their pain" From "The Jasmine Tree: Love in the time of revolutions - Maha Khlaid
Leave everything behind and move forward. - Aishwarya Shiva Pareek
If I remove your eyes or make you in such way that to don't see... in reality you don't see the evil... you don't see me... so do whatever I don't give a fuck... that's wonderful... I like to play games... so run!... and welcome home!? - Deyth Banger
No hay palanca más poderosa que una creencia para mover las multitudes humanas; no en vano se dice que la religión liga y aprieta a los hombres - Emilia Pardo Bazán
The quote above about patience is NOT MERYL STREEP's-- this quote is actually from the pen of Portuguese self-help author/life coach José Micard Teixeira. PLEASE REMOVE IT!!!!! - Meryl Streep
Creationists make it sound as though a 'theory' is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night. - Isaac Asimov
examination of its own history and of the forms of thought given the name philosophy indicates that philosophy has itself borne many fundamentally different meanings through the years, and from one school or movement to another. - Gregory B. Sadler
For my part, i travel not to go anywhere but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move - Robert Davis Stevenson
I’m happiest when I’m with young people. Their wisdom, grief, and optimism motivates me to work harder and inspires me to be better, more thoughtful and to move with increased reverence. I find joy in children. - Lateefah Simon
Love has three hands: to touch the mind, to move the heart, and to soothe the soul. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It is easier to move mountains using God's hands. - Matshona Dhliwayo
People want to be bowled over by something special. Nine times out of ten you might strike out, but that tenth time, that peak experience, is what people want. That's what can move the world. That's art. - Haruki Murakami
How had I deserved to be so blessed by such confessions? —how had I deserved to be so cursed with the removal of my beloved in the hour of her making them, But upon this subject I cannot bear to dilate. - Edgar Allan Poe
The whole world is in constant motion. The earth moves, the clouds move, the waves move and we too must move. Move and reach the destination of your choice. - RVM
i move on feeling and have learned to distrust those who don't. - Nikki Giovanni
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...' - Isaac Asimov
love is what moves the world, I've always thought...it is the only thing which allows men and women to stand in a world where gravity always seems to want to pull them down...bring them low...and make them crawl... - Stephen King
Move deep in your sensation, and you will realize the spirit in the body. Your life is possible only because of the spirit. The spirit is your power in the body. - Roshan Sharma
Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart. - from the movie " A beautiful mind"
we are the living links in a life force that moves and plays around and through us, binding the deepest soils with the farthest stars. - Alan Chadwick
I don't take good pictures 'cause I have the kind of beauty that moves. - Ani DiFranco
Learning to let go of anyone that does not add to your progress is affirming your inner sense of purpose. Just Keep moving! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
You cannot do more than you can, so be gentle with yourself and quick to forgive your mistakes and to move on. - Toni Sorenson
We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-beakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world forever, it seems.
Notwithstanding how uncanny moments of life might be, you never walk backwards. Once you take a step, you move forward by a step with a step. That is life! Even a child would never crawl backward and so would streams hardly flow backward. Just keep moving when it is a must to move! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
To understand the mysteries of God we must move past the logic of men. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Whether for good or for bad, the Iran that ultimately rises out of the ashes of last summer's uprising will be unlike the Iran we know today, and for that we can thank the Green Movement, not another round of useless sanctions. - Reza Aslan
Moving is not about forgetting. It's about moving forward and never looking back. - Imania Margria
Be a goal-setter, a go-getter, all the while, moving, in humility and kindness. - Kamini Arichandran
Don't talk yourself into falling in love with someone. Either, you are in love or you are not. True love is not a choice. It is something you know in your heart when all guilt, doubt and fear are removed. - Shannon L. Alder
If the world explore all my dark fantasy, will change for the better. - Alexandar Tomov
I've always been led to believe that the ultimate goal for an author is the movie deal. Now I understand that the movie deal is merely a MEANS TO A MUCH HIGHER END: NAIL POLISH. - Kristin Cashore
Desires move us from one station to another in this life while we search for beauty, love, and happiness. - Debasish Mridha
As life speeds up & the political becomes ever more personal democracy continues to foster change as fast as the movement of tectonic plates - Dean Cavanagh
But secretly I knew I had been transformed, moved by the revelation that human beings create art, that to be an artist was to see what others could not. - Patti Smith
Everything is going well "Day One" book up to page 137, planning som new movies to watch in the near future, close to awesome and powerful quotes. Some new and awesome events... - And that's life, that's how it must be! - Deyth Banger
I find a source of love in everything that breathes, moves, touches, whispers, smiles. I wake up everyday to search and find love in the wild dream of loneliness. - Harshada Pathare
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein
A woman mov'd is like a fountain troubled, muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty. - William Shakespeare
A writer who doesn’t read is like a director who doesn’t watch movies. - Kira Hawke
The universe begins in infinity and move in infinity, your soul is part of the universe you have no end; your soul will always thrive in eternal flame. - Micheline Jean Louis
Move on. Life won't wait for you. - Angela Glowacki
It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety. - Isaac Asimov
There is only one thing that can kill the Movies, and that is education. - Will Rogers
Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor. - Arnold Toynbee
The dream giver [God] will remove mountains, He'll fill valleys, He'll straighten crocket ways for you to fulfil your dreams. And His timing is the best. - Euginia Herlihy
Dreams are chequered commentary made in sleepAlong the deeps of our desires, moving like riddles through a magic gladeLightly they touch the leap of hidden fires. - John Bradburn
For me, time does not seem to pass; rather, it surrounds me. Thus I do not feel removed from memories, nor do they lose their intensity. I have keen recollections not because I have a good memory—I simply retrieve them from the ether. When memories have no velocity, they are very much at hand. - Peter Ruperte Lighte
All the promise of a movie is in the trailer. - A.D. Posey
Because of the past, so many people are living in the past! No one is free from the past, but we are free to choose to move from the past into the present or stay in the past, though we live in the present! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I love the women's movement...especially when I'm walking behind it.
Create all the happiness you are able to create; remove all the misery you are able to remove. Every day will allow you, --will invite you to add something to the pleasure of others, --or to diminish something of their pains. - Jeremy Bentham
I find the great in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it,-but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Music moves the body, soul and spirit to the bliss. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A witty vicar once said that a good marriage is like a pair of scissors with the couple inseparable joined, often moving in opposite directions, yet always destroying anyone who comes between them. The trick is for the blades to learn to work smoothly together, so as not to cut each other. - Mary Jo Putney
Don't live your life like a movie. Always thinkin you could've been something. Don't live your life for me or for anyone. You live your life as if you're one. - Tegan Quin
The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them we are missing.
Nunca había pensado que pudiera temblar de aquel modo ante su presencia, que perdiera así la voz y hasta el movimiento al verle". - Charlotte Brontë
Indecision has a way of not moving forward. And who says time doesn't stand still? - C.C. Wyatt
You realize you've forgiven people, your past and yourself when you don't speak bad about them anymore, even if you're encouraged to do so, even if you remember you were once brutally broken because of them... you just move on, let go, let them be and let yourself be... - Sanhita Baruah
Humanity does not pass through phases as a train passes through stations: being alive, it has the privilege of always moving yet never leaving anything behind. Whatever we have been, in some sort we are still. - C.S. Lewis
I believe, given enough time, all of engineering will move to paradigms based on the biological cell. - Brian Bennudriti
amor está siempre en movimiento hacia usted - Sondra Faye
Friendship with the world removes God’s protection and His covering from us. - Sunday Adelaja
She took time to think on things; but time had already moved on without her. - sdparsons//IG poet
Sometimes the signs and signals of the non-language speaking world are not very clear. Then we have to walk in trust, move forward step by small step, until we are sure of the proper path. - Elaine Seiler
I live my life in growing orbits which move out over the things of the world. - Rainer Maria Rilke
All these people moving through life, all around me, and no one, not a single person, knows what I'm going through. - Lee Thompson
In you is the ability that will move you from nonentity and mediocrity to an entity of meteority. Take responsiblity now! - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
The major concrete achievement of the women's movement of the 1970's was the Dutch treat. - Nora Ephron
But penance need not be paid in suffering...It can be paid in forward motion. Correcting the mistake is a positive move, a nurturing move. - Barbara Hall
The credit Union movement..It is a great movement, worthy of great deeds, deserving of great loyalty.
Passion, emotion, love and romance they all look better in movies; in reality all you need is a big dick. - M.F. Moonzajer
I realized that the legal system was corrupt when I went to court and the judge imposed a very short time limit on my evidence submission before removing my legal rights to free speech. - Steven Magee
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster. - Isaac Asimov
Fear is an illusionary place we travel to in our minds when we allow ourselves to move away from the heart. - Molly Friedenfeld
A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself. - Laura Gilpin
Time never changes—only we change. We measure the changes of our lives and think that we are measuring time. We are just measuring the movement of the earth. - Debasish Mridha
A revolution does not have to eat its children. In fact, it is those who are in power who could very well initiate revolutions. Let us not be old-fashioned and think only of armed uprisings of minorities as revolutions. Any movement that seeks to overhaul established attitudes is a revolution. - F. Sionil José
Time is the moving image of eternity. - Plato
It's all in the reflexes. - "Jack Burton" (Kurt Russell), movie Big Trouble in Little China
التصالح مع الذات يزيل الحقد والحسد فيمتليء القلب محبة وسلاماreconciliation with oneself removes hate & envy so the heart is filled with love and peace - Wafaa Nowaihed
In the cellars of the night, when the mind starts moving around old trunks of bad times, the pain of this and the same of that, the memory of a small boldness is a hand to hold. - John Leonard
I knew then that the fewer items I was acquiring, dusting, packing, moving, and lugging around in life would free up my energy and time to create... - Dorothy Breininger
What's the feeling everyday somebody to say right in your face lie... ( like a woman which sucks your dick and your semen goes right in hermouth) and you can't do anything on this problem??And what to tell you move on, soon or later?? - Deyth Banger
The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it. - Elbert Hubbard
Anything that appears and disappears cannot actually be you because it is being observed by you. By removing the attention from these things and noticing what remains, you are left only with what is permanent the truth of who you are. - Enza Vita
We never move on from the cross. We only get a more profound understanding of the cross. - C.J. Mahaney
Sometimes you must stand still in order to get moving to where GOD wants you to go. - D.A. McBride
Hypocrisy is our friend. Power structures have to pretend to hold values in order to win the loyalty of at least some of society. We can use the gap between those professed values and reality to move people to try to change the reality towards the values. - Justin Podur
Too many are sorry where they should be assertive, and nearly moved to aggressive radical action, where they should be apologizing to themselves first, and then the world at large. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
If you have allowed a laborious lifestyle to suppress your dreams, then NOW is the time to take a STAND and give yourself PERMISSION to DREAM again! Now remove the clutter in your life and make PLANS to make your dreams a reality. - DeWayne Owens
Either I’ve got a wart on my nose they find curious, or I’ve grown a tail, Albie Merani muttered to himself. Just then he thought. I’d better get a move on, got work to do. He hurried across to some stairs, heading down deeper into station, then followed the signs to the pod station. - R.W. Rivers
I moved from the holy land (Israel) to the land of opportunities (USA) - Batya Maman - Sabag
Jedi act with confidence, move with confidence, and breathe with confidence. Jedi possess a confident calmness in their looks, attitude andbehaviour. - Stephen Richards
However, the serious seeker of detachment will have to embrace the Holy Trinity of Ss - Solitude, Stillness and Silence - and reject the new religion of Commotionism, which believes that the meaning of life is constant company, movement and noise. - Michael Foley
It is one thing to have the gift of seeing the spirits and hearing the Gods who move about us as we come and go; but it is a gift of darkness as well as light. - Mary Stewart
One can no more translate movement into words than music into words. - Marty Rubin
A strict belief, fate is the worst kind of slavery; on the other hand there is comfort in the thought that God will be moved by our prayers. - Epicurus
A hole is a space where everything has been moved out so that opportunity has space to move in. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Of course, a single verse of the Holy Qur'an or a hadith moves the faithful to good actions, but volumes of books would not move an unwilling person who is like an ass carrying a load of books. - Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalvi
Even where the affections are not strongly moved by any superior excellence, the companions of our childhood always possess a certain power over our minds, which hardly any later friend can obtain. ~ Frankestein - Marry Shelly
Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the making of action in spite of fear, the moving out against the resistance engendered by fear into the unknown and into the future. - M. Scott Peck
Damien Hirst is acceptable because he's a brand. It's like buying a Porche. Hardline conservatives will never accept it, others think it's a massive waste of money but most will just shrug and move on - Qatar cultural official
A chastity device won't put out the flames of burning flesh.The Ultimate Guide to ChastityRemoving the Iron Panties - Sandra B. James
Welfare reforms and the whole happy exploitation movement are not baby steps. They are big steps–in a seriously backward direction. - Gary L. Francione
You only truly believe that which moves you to action. - Douglas Cheney
Nothing is final in history. It always moves on. Peace must be built again and again. - Thorbjørn Jagland
The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it - Henri J.M. Nouwen
The eyes of the Armenians speak long before the lips move and long after they cease to. - Arshile Gorky
Just move to the Internet, its great here. We get to live inside where the weather is always awesome. - John Green
The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom... - Bell Hooks
If your questioning whether something will work or not. Remember that life is an experiment. Don't over analyze just act with heart and passion and move forward in compassion. - Matthew Donnelly
Just know life keeps moving forward, and the hits life gives you are for a reason, to make you a better, stronger and wiser person. ** - Miss J
When I was a kid my parents moved a lot, but I always found them. - Rodney Dangerfield
By the time others begin to make moves, you should be mastering maneuvers - Johnnie Dent Jr.
That eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it! - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I can reincarnated as much as possible. But if the result from the different individual's is the same or the point where I reach after a lot of moves is the same. What is really the purpose to do it?? - Deyth Banger
The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. - Isaac Asimov
Most of the people in the audience were white and old. They had the gaunt look of people who have seen all the important movies and can now only look forward to reruns. - Karan Mahajan
They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up. - Daniel Wallace
Usually when you see females in movies, they feel like they have these metallic structures around them, they are caged by male energy. - Björk
Yes, in spite of all, Some shape of beauty moves away the pall From our dark spirits. - John Keats
It's time to end the brain drain and move to brain gain. It's time for a great mind of Nigeria to return home. You're the mind we need, Doctor. - Deji Olukotun
One of the major keys to success is to keep moving forward on the journey, making the best of the detours and interruptions, turning adversity into advantage. - John C. Maxwell
I testify that He is utterly incomparable in what He is, what He knows, what He has accomplished and what He has experienced. Yet, movingly, He calls us His Friends - Neal A. Maxwell
What's the rush? Recognise that with the time at our disposal, there is only a limited number of good books you can read, a few really good movies worth seeing, and a finite number of hours, days, years to enjoy them! - Ken Puddicombe
Detach yourself from people that only exists when they need something from you. From people who only calls you a friend when they have favors and leave you behind afterwards. Remove toxic people in your life, they will become a hindrance to you. - Dembe Michael
On your journey to achievement, you should never be without good positive materials and people who will encourage you, excite you and give you a reason to move forward. - John Patrick Hickey
Nothing so removes a man from his inner, mysterious, real life, nothing makes him so deaf and dumb as the picture of these petty passions and petty crimes which calls itself the world of politics. - Vladimir Odoevsky
In life, if a door closes, all you need to do is move to the window; as long as your whiskers can clear the space you will move through effortlessly. quote by T.G. the "Feline Goddess of Everything and Everyone - R. Rose
But did thee feel the earth move? - Ernest Hemingway
A movie that gets closer to the life's reality of the society finds always more words of mouth publicity in entirety. - Testy McTesterson
Life depends on you and your choices. The real value of your life largely depends on what you do with your life. You either move the world or the world moves you! You were born to either show the world why you were born or the world shows you why you were born, period! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
John Dalton's records, carefully preserved for a century, were destroyed during the World War II bombing of Manchester. It is not only the living who are killed in war. - Isaac Asimov
The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. - William Blake
The use of force alone is but temporary. It may subdue for a moment; but it does not remove the necessity of subduing again: and a nation is not governed, which is perpetually to be conquered. - Gelett Burgess
So many people from my past taught me that it's not everyone that's in my life wants to see me achieve my goals and be great, but I thank God they're no longer in my life because I moved on a long time ago, welcome to my present. - Werley Nortreus
However, in many instances we might be very wise to ask what the consequence of removing the consequence might actually be. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Nothing shall part us in our love till Thanatos (Death) at his appointed hour removed us from the light of day. - Apollonius of Rhodes
Never judge a book by its cover; a movie by its book; or a video game by its movie. - Ashwin Sanghi
Happiness is a shadow. If you chase it, it moves further away. But if you turn to make others happy, it will follow you. Make others Happy and be Happy.- - RVM
Mideast Christians have few allies in American politics: they are too foreign for the Right and too Christian for the Left. - Mark Movsesian
Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure. - D.L. Moody
There are many going afar to marvel at the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the long courses of great rivers, the vastness of the ocean, the movements of the stars, yet they leave themselves unnoticed! - Augustine of Hippo
Fifty years of isolating Cuba has failed to promote democracy" Barack Obama, 44th and current President of the USA. "Let's move ahead!" - Captain Hank Bracker
Regrets are a waste of time. They're the past crippling the present.- From Under the Tuscan Sun, 2003 - Movie Quote
Anybody who tries to change society without first examining the family, is trying to push a shadow without moving a statue. - Stefan Molyneux
When sex was something godlike, Lust was the profane curiosity that killed many a straying cat. Now, having removed mystery, Lust is less a long-standing, overpowering yearning, more a sudden craving of the appetite. Less quest, more impulse buy. - Geoffrey Wood
The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word. - Mata Hari
Time isn't just a fleeting thing. It never moves forward without engraving it's mark upon the heart.
I have suffered through enough illnesses, trauma and heartbreak to finally understand that life will keep moving forward inexorably, if terribly at times. I am starting to realize that it can be delightful too, if I let it. My love is not diminished if I let go of sorrow. I almost believe that. - Jenny Qi
We stand before a burning bush whenever other human beings share with us something of their relationship with God or something of the movements of their hearts. In such moments may we always realize that we stand on holy ground - Margaret Silf
As men and women we need to occupy our space as Kings and Queens; move into our new reality. It only requires mindset. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Surrealism is not a movement. It is a latent state of mind perceivable through the powers of dream and nightmare. - Salvador Dalí
TV takes away our freedom to have whatever thoughts we want. So do photographs, movies, and the Internet. They provide us with more intellectual stimuli, but they construct a lower, harder ceiling. - Chuck Klosterman
Now that I have found thee, I know that in the first step I took, I moved away from thee. - Idries Shah
I have learnt through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmuted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmuted into a power which can move the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
You cannot move forward if you are always thinking backwards - Bathsheba Dailey
Racism and religious bigotry are two essential pieces of baggage mankind carries as it moves from one century to the next. - R. N. Prasher
People usualy use "move on" when their heart broke because of love. Most don't understand when father, mother, sister or brother has died, you might have needed more strength to move on. It was like living with no air. - Glad Munaiseche
Oh God, I'm miss­ing the gene which makes you grow up and buy a flat in Streatham and start visiting Homebase every weekend. Everyone's moving on without me, into a world I don't understand. - Sophie Kinsella
Theory is like a book.It's full of meaningless words, a few want to read it and where stays the movie. - Tim Goossens
The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams
A lot of the things we've done have been common sense. You do what makes sense to you and make moves that you are comfortable making. Everything is having fun in mind. - Jeffrey Kalmikoff
God has a way of picking a nobody and turning their world upside down, in order to create a somebody that will remove the obstacles they encountered out of the pathway for others. - Shannon L. Alder
To say that a stationary object isn't moving is incorrect, it is moving in time. - R.A.Delmonico
Pour yourself completely into you and what brings you joy and moves you toward your goals. No one deserves your beautiful love and attention more than you! - Sheri Fink
It's harder to write in the third person but the advantage is you move around better. - Ernest Hemingway
Dance fotografers/videografers (ph=f) capture a moment in movement; while dancers get birth of their artscience. - Pablito Greco
A straightforward answer to a straightforward question will move you that much more forward in this world, that much faster. - Loren Weisman
It requires greater courage to preserve inner freedom, to move on in one's inward journey into new realms, than to stand defiantly for outer freedom. It is often easier to play the martyr, as it is to be rash in battle.
New York now leads the world's great cities in the number of people around whom you shouldn's make a sudden move. - David Letterman
Moving on is not about forgetting the past; it’s about learning from it. Find the message in the mess…Cry. Forgive. Learn. That’s moving on. - Steve Maraboli
When your heart aligns with the truth of its energy, GRATITUDE sings your name, LOVE flows freely, and every bit of your being is awakened, breathing and moving in perfect HARMONY. - Angie karan
Flattery is useful when dealing with youngsters. - Isaac Asimov
Above all, never think you're not good enough. Never think that. In life people will take you at your own reckoning. - Isaac Asimov
It takes a long time to grow an old friend, so I figure I better get moving. - Matt Labash
Parsifal is on his way to the temple of the Grail Knights and says: I hardly move, yet far I seem to have come, and the all-knowing Gurnemanz replies: You see, my son, time turns here into space - Richard Wagner
I find pain, rather beautiful. It has a chaotic way of shaking up Everything we once ignored, To empower us to move past Anything that doesn't serve the best of us anymore. - Nikki Rowe
Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously. - Jean-Pierre Barral
After All The.Purge.Election.Year.2016 wasn't a big deal, it could be better, I have watched and better movies. - Deyth Banger
When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet. - Stanisław Jerzy Lec
The stone that was rolled before Christ's tomb might appropriately be called the philosopher's stone because its removal gave not only the pharisees but, now for 1800 years, the philosophers so much to think about. - Søren Kierkegaard
Don’t give someone the credit for holding you back. Give yourself the power in continuing to move forward. - Chris Burkmenn
Never compare your love story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God. - Efren Peñaflorida Jr.
Fear is only the enemy if you let it keep you from moving forward.Put fear on your side and let it motivate you.This is the definition of an alchemist. To turn base metal into gold. Fear into Motivation. - Matthew Donnelly
When you move something, you discover new meanings in it, Kristina thought, watching them. - Molly Gloss
Pick a flower on Earth and you move the farthest star. - Paul A.M. Dirac
Mere sorrow, which weeps and sits still, is not repentance. Repentance is sorrow converted into action; into a movement toward a new and better life.
I didn't cry when they buried my father - I wouldn't let myself. I didn't cry when they buried my sister. On Thursday night, with my family asleep upstairs, my eyes filled as Agassi and Marcos Baghdatis played out the fifth set of their moving second-round match. - Greg Garber
All people are lonely in some ways. Some people are lonely in all ways."Now, Voyager" - Movie, 1942. - Casey Robinson
Letting go looks different for everyone, I think. Sometimes it's as simple as waking up one day and deciding not to let your past rule you. Other times it's a process; slow moving and painful, like trudging through a forest of thorny vines in hopes that you'll find freedom on the other side. - Allison J. Kennedy
Life is about moving, it’s about change. And when things stop doing that they’re dead. - Twyla Tharp
Being with you is like standing next to the sun. It's so hot you die if you don't move. - Mo
Fuck me, Sonny! She cried. I did. She came immediately. I felt like I was trying to board a moving train wearing roller skates. - Sonny Duncan
Any good business person applies financial discipline to everything they do. The movie business is and should be no different; I don't believe you have to sacrifice creativity to have business success. To the contrary, great art requires discipline. - Paula Wagner
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward. - Robert M. Pirsig
I wanted to be a politician and a movie star. But I was born a writer. If you're born that, you can't change it. You're going to do it whether you want to or not. - Gore Vidal
As we make our way through life there are often many challenges which we must face alone. And, in those darkest moments we may find an unexpected strength to continue moving forward. Hang on to that strength. - Michael A. Contés II
Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.
I go to movies expecting to have a whole experience. If I want a movie that doesn't end, I'll go to a French movie. A movie has to be complete within itself; it can't just build off the first one or play variations. - Joss Whedon
Your thought is so important because it has the ability to make or mar you. Your thought will either move you forward or set you backwards. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
People who spend their lives like to go to parties and cinemas, sit at home and watch movies, TV Series, TV dramas, etc.They think this is life. But it is spending life not living life. - Sunday Adelaja
One can,' said Ernest 'remain unmoved before a cloud as before an automatic ticket machine. I don't like poetry, I don't like flowers, I don't like machines, I don't like sugar, I don't like pepper, I don't like what you like.' This was addressed to whoever attacked Ernest. - Robert Desnos
Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for movie stars. - Fred Allen
More the makers tweak the real life's truth and fact, more they make the reel movie's content weak in fact. - Anuj Somany
If everyone is against you, but God is for you. It is more than enough to keep moving. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I wished a companion to lie near me in the starlight, silent and not moving, but ever within touch. For there is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect. - Robert Louis Stevenson
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement. - Alfred Adler
God sometimes moves mountains one pebble at a time. - Rebecca Barlow Jordan
You can be on the right track and still get run over if you're not moving. - Orrin Woodward
Rejection is one of the worse forms of pain. Loss is the worst. Grief haunts until you allow yourself to move on. - Angelica Hopes
The sacred is discovered in what moves and touches us, in what makes us tremble. - Sam Keen
If people ask me like who I would like to be I will say Like Larry Cohen, his movie with the Phone Booth, blowed my mind. - Deyth Banger
A millionaires' mindset focus moves from posessions to feelings, once they become conscious and awake. - Tony Dovale
Science can be introduced to children well or poorly. If poorly, children can be turned away from science; they can develop a lifelong antipathy; they will be in a far worse condition than if they had never been introduced to science at all. - Isaac Asimov
Vast skies in the Australian desertwaves that don't movewe slide surf glide like condors - Martin Stepek
Unless you have great parents or some inspirational teacher from a movie that pushes you to follow your dreams, you can't expect a kid to be smart enough to realize they can do what they want with their life before they've been pushed through the school system into having an average life. - Dan Howell
When you know that everything matters—that every move counts as much as any other—you will begin living a life of permanent purpose. - Andy Andrews
A true artist removes his heart willingly, allows constructive criticism to stomp it, then puts it back—bruised and aching—as he continues to strive for excellence due to the all-consuming obsession and love for his art. - H.G. Mewis
Today I asked Chloe to be my girlfriend,and she agreed. I sank my teeth into her neck and drank from her jugular in the library at lunchtime. She's agreed to join me as a vampire and she's moving in next week.April Fool! - Tim Collins
Sometimes you just have to regret things and move on. - Charlaine Harris
Those are not obstacles, those are just small rocks. Kick them to the side and keep it moving. - Andrea L'Artiste
Sometimes ideas flow from my mind in a raging river of stringed sentences; I can scarcely scribble on the page fast enough to keep up with the mental current. Sometimes, however, beavers move in and dam the whole thing up. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The more of those little light bulbs that can turn on the better. Eventually you’ll have enough to light up a movie screen. - A.D. Posey
We didn't install the [Code Red] patch on those DMZ systems because they were only used for development and testing. Anonymous client, shortly after spending 48 continuous hours removing 2001's Code Red worm from internal corporate servers - Mark G. Graff
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. - Clive James
The most difficult aspect of moving on is accepting that the other person already did. - Faraaz Kazi
Faith moves mountains. Religion strip-mines them. - J.M. Williams
If we in Nigeria and Africa generally are to experience a true national transformation, there must be numerous movements championing the cause for truth and honesty in every aspect of our daily affairs. - Sunday Adelaja
A man who folds his arms cannot move mountains. - Matshona Dhliwayo
When a child reaches puberty, parents become so curious about their sex lives and whereabouts, put them behind bars to their own detriment. When such a child breaks free, don't be surprised to see him/her in porn movies. - Michael Bassey Johnson
We feel the same emotions for our ideas as we do for the real world, which is why we can cry while reading a book, or fall in love with movie stars. - Roger Ebert
My father moved out a week later. I hugged him at our front door and couldn't bear to watch him leave with so much luggage. - Alison Espach
Surround yourself with people who move you, motivate you and mobilize you. - Tony Curl
This place is alive," Sunni said in wonder. "Things are moving. Inside a painting. - Teresa Flavin
I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die. - Isaac Asimov
Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on. - Henry Rollins
A present is not the source of buying someone's love but its a source of showing how much u love and apriciate that particular person - Ralph Ramovha
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..." - Isaac Asimov
People say 'It's as plain as the nose on your face.' But how much of the nose on your face can you see, unless someone holds up a mirror for you? - Isaac Asimov
[Team player vs team builder]Players focus on the wins and the loses.Builders focus on the team and future of the vision.Let's move our members from team player to team builder. - Janna Cachola
The constant bombardment of the paranormal through media (Reality TV, Movies, Magazines etc.) is desensitizing our understanding of the cosmic warfare that is being waged by Satan. - Jonah Books.com
It's the end of the summer. It's the end of it all. Those days are gone, it's over now, we're moving on. - Theory of a Deadman
Acquiring a blissful brain and in peace, is when I think positively, the sounds around and within me become music, my movement as one of a conscious dance, my smile breaking in to an infectious laughter, my mind transcending in meditation, and my life grows and becomes a celebration! - Angie karan
One is worthy as a son when he removes all his father’s troubles. - Dada Bhagwan
The glance embroiders in joy, knits in pain, and sews in boredom.When indifferent, the eye takes stills, when interested, movies.Laughter is regional: a smile extends over the whole face. - Malcolm de Chazal
That all is as thinking makes it so and you control your thinking. So remove your judgements whenever you wish and then there is calm - as the sailor rounding the cape finds smooth water and the welcome of a waveless bay. - Marcus Aurelius
Sometimes I feel that I am destined for greater things, and then again sometimes I suspect that I am just an extra in an epic movie. - Shon Mehta
Exercise is not an instant cure, but you need to get your brain working again, and if you move your body your brain won't have any choice. - John J. Ratey
When it comes to human success, I'm pretty sure the object doesn't need a net external force to move it. - Majid Kazmi
Always have the guts to tell people the things they must hear. Because your words, no matter how difficult to say, might be the gift to their freedom. Maybe, your unfounded fears were never theirs. Because truth is how people move on. - Shannon L. Alder
I believed I was too sensitive and weak. To prove I wasn’t a victim anymore, I moved closer to painful experiences rather than away from them. Remaining in harm’s way and exposing myself to more pain kept me in the victim role rather than moving me out of it. - Christina Enevoldsen
Disappointment, fear, grief, unlove, dullness and guilt are the worst feelings. Learn from them so that you move on. Then replace them with more satisfying and promising joy, love gratitude, pride, confidence, direction. - Diana Jaber
Eli: I walk by faith, not by sight. - Book of Eli Movie
A society living by the laws of the world is moving towards a global crisis in all its spheres of life. - Sunday Adelaja
On romance books: We might assume then that men, major consumers of thrillers, westerns, and detective fiction, enjoy being beaten up, tortured, shot, stabbed dragged by galloping horses, and thrown out of moving vehicles. - Daphne Clair
Move towards your dreams inch by inch or suffer the pain of regret. - Matthew Donnelly
You don't need great faith to move mountains, you only need to use the poor faith you say you have. - Neil Velez
Armed with my positive attitude and inherent stubborn nature, I keep my mind focused and my life moving forward. I stop to rest, pout and even cry sometimes, but always, I get back up. Life is giving me this challenge and I will plow through it, out of breath with my heart racing if I have to. - Amy B. Scher
Breaking up is a natural evolution when you try to figure out what you want in life. If you’re with an individual who isn’t moving in the same direction and at the same rate that you are, it ain’t going to work. - Usher Raymond
Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world. - Napoléon Bonaparte
If you are a boat and your lake is frozen, what can you do? You will wait for the spring! We are lucky that we are humans, we don’t have to wait for the spring; we can break the ice if necessary, we can use fire to open our way! Nothing can stop the mind if the mind decides to move to his target! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Don't be discourage by your problems.Let your passion and dreams inspired you to keep moving forward. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Some men will take you to the movies. Some will take you to the mountaintop. - Darnell Lamont Walker
The stream is as good as at first; the little rubbish it collects in the turnings is easily moved away. - Jane Austen
Recreate your life, always, always. Remove the stones, plant rose bushes and make sweets. Begin again. - Cora Coralina
It is far easier to move mountain than to move science by this one degree. We have the power to move mountain, if we have faith that the mountain can be moved. It is now that our faith is tested. The future of humankind hangs in the balance. - Compton Gage
We see it [the as-yet unseen, probable new planet, Neptune] as Columbus saw America from the coast of Spain. Its movements have been felt, trembling along the far-reaching line of our analysis with a certainty hardly inferior to that of ocular demonstration. - William Herschel
Nothing happens until something moves. - Albert Einstein
What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured.
God's leaders believe the impossible and move in the eternal. - Sherry K. White
You don’t get over it. You move past it. You move through it. You lose yourself to find it, and when found, it’s yours and no longer theirs. - Dominic Riccitello
Avoiding our pain is needlessly exhausting. Pain can not be killed. When we attempt to bury our pain, it rises up from the grave of our emotions, haunting us, until we acknowledge its presence. We can heal our pain when we allow it to move through us. - Jaeda DeWalt
When you dig a well, there's no sign of water until you reach it, only rocks and dirt to move out of the way. You have removed enough; soon the pure water will flow," said Buddha. - Deepak Chopra
It's the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it." - Andy Warhol
All of my chupacabra books are like novelizations of movies that haven’t been made yet. - Raegan Butcher
You know I want to be a directos, but you could never truly see the movies in my head and that, Ed, is why we broke up. - Daniel Handler
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov
The life is not limited to the external reality but the external life, has been formed for the human’s experience. The time you feel you are done with all the experiences of the external life, you have a choice to move inward. - Roshan Sharma
If I'm an advocate for anything, it's to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else's shoes or at least eat their food, it's a plus for everybody.Open your mind, get up off the couch, move. - Anthony Bourdain
The Divine has created this moment in time. It is a very powerful moment, where there is only one way and that way is that you completely let go. Completely let go of what is known, what is safe, and move into the space of beauty. - Tony Samara
When God is driven to the periphery of the public square, the human spiritual capacity longs for exercise, and it often finds it in the suspension of disbelief and activity of the imagination that are available in novels and movies. - John Granger
The road forgets. Make your life a journey, keep moving toward what you want, leave behind anything that's too heavy to carry. - Mark Lawrence
Most successful people move from fear to failure; to faith and then to fruitfulness. That's the trend. - Israelmore Ayivor
I am not moved by what I see.; I am moved by what I believe. What I do believe is greater, stronger and mightier than what I have my eyes on. Deep in my heart I do believe, I shall overcome. - Israelmore Ayivor
Yuki: "What can I learn from a stupid cat like you? You didn’t even know that Jason isn’t really a bear. He’s a character in a horror film."Kyo: "Yeah? So what if I didn’t? Like I’d waste my time watching some movie about a bear!"Yuki: You truly are an idiot. - Natsuki Takaya
...Where we got to know eachother. Not just with words, it was how we observed eachother's movements. The way your smile only effected the lower half of your face. How our hands moved when they were close: as if they had minds of their own. - Elaine Turnbo
Love is an inspiration. It moves you. It motivates you. It keeps you going. - Dee Dee Artner
For this taboo, retribution would soon knock my doorBut, I still wouldn't let that hold my feet to move on anymore. - Shumila Shah
If we don't make earnest moves toward real solutions, then each day we move one day closer to revolution and anarchy in this country. This is the sad, and yet potentially joyous, state of America. - Louis Farrakhan
We cannot move forward if we allow the past to pull us back. - Rodrigo Duterte
Sometimes the only way to move forward is to revisit the things in your past that were holding you back. You have to deal with them head on, no matter how scary they may be. Because once we do, you will see that you can go further than you ever imagined. - Barry Allen "The Flash"
Species evolve exactly as if they were adapting as best they could to a changing world, and not at all as if they were moving toward a set goal. - George Gaylord Simpson
Mistakes are made move on - NightBits
Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. Corrie Ten Boom - Corrie ten Boom
The human language is like a cracked kettle on which we beat out a tune for a dancing bear, when we hope with our music to move the stars. - Gustave Flaubert
The ending of sorrow is the beginning of wisdom. Knowledge is always within the shadow of ignorance. Meditation is freedom from thought and a movement in the ecstasy of truth. Meditation is explosion of intelligence. - Krishnamurti
I move from dreamer to dreamer, from dream to dream, hunting for what I need. Slipping and sliding and flickering through the dreams; and the dreamer will wake, and wonder why this dream seemed different, wonder how real their lives can truly be. - Neil Gaiman
Her hands moved up his arms and tried to ignore the tingling zapping her skin like the metal edges of the Operation game. - Shannyn Leah, Lakeshore Candy
For in disease the most voluntary or most special movements, faculties, etc., suffer first and most, that is in an order the exact opposite of evolution. Therefore I call this the principle of Dissolution. - John Hughlings Jackson
Life is ephemeral; each moment passes quickly, a blur of color on a fast moving subway car. There and gone and all we are left with is the imprint of what once was. - Jacqueline Simon Gunn
You can only shove shit under your bed for so long before it starts moving around and wanting to get out. You can only cope for so long before everything breaks. - Lili St. Crow
A forest fire was making its way along the tinderbox ridges above them, flaring and shimmering against the overcast like the northern lights. Cold as it was he stood there a long time. The color of it moved something in him long forgotten. Make a list. Recite a litany. Remember. - Cormac McCarthy
Moving on is not about forgetting. It's about moving forward and never looking back. - Imania Margria
I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward - Fridtjof Nansen
she might have been pretty when she started out, but the world had moved on since then. - Stephen King
The decision to move to the second post-college city (or suburb, or town), however, is usually made independent of friends. No matter if you do it for love, career, family, or school, the second move is on your own terms. - Rachel Bertsche
Learning from the past can helpyou move forward. Lingering inthe past will only hold you back. - Domonique Bertolucci
Herschel removed the speckled tent-roof from the world and exposed the immeasurable deeps of space, dim-flecked with fleets of colossal suns sailing their billion-leagued remoteness. - Mark Twain
Debates should always move in the direction of understanding. - R.A.Delmonico
There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion. - Carl Jung
Solara: I didn't think you'd ever give up the book, I thought it was too important to youEli: It was, I was carrying and reading it everyday, got so caught up in protecting it, I forgot to live by what I'd learnt from itSolara: And what's that?Eli: To do more for others than you do for yourself - Book of Eli Movie
Life moves for people who move their bodies! - Toni Sorenson
The love and hope that we are born with is what keeps us relentlessly moving toward joy. We get the most happiness from the simplicity of being devoid of wants and needs. - Debasish Mridha
The sketch hunter moves through life as he finds it, not passing negligently the things he loves, but stopping to know them, and to note them down in the shorthand of his sketchbook. - Robert Henri
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side. - Aristotle
To move the earth like Archimedes, one needs not a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it. There is an easier way: Give a genius a beautiful remote house in a green valley where he can think calmly, and he shall move the earth with ideas! - Mehmet Murat ildan
We all need something to believe in. Without those beliefs we're just floating particles moving through the space time continuum. - Solange nicole
When you’re in love you don’t have to do a damn thing. You can just be. You can just stay quiet in the world. You don’t have to move an inch. - Charles Baxter
Hurricanes couldn’t remove you from my mind. You’re my world and I’m incapable of not loving you. - Billie-Jo Williams
The worldly life has persisted due to imitation of worldly movements and by opposing them, one becomes free. - Dada Bhagwan
To become a distinguished entrepreneur, you need to have an undeniable, unquestionable and unmovable passion for your vision. - Onyi Anyado
Chances are that there are white people who brag about being the first to move out of a suburb that has been intruded by blacks. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Don't worry about the negative people may say about you. Learn from it and move on. - Amanda Penland
What God has for you, is for you. We can move forward with peace and confidence in that. - Andrena Sawyer
Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward get real with yourself! - Bryant McGill
That’s been one of my mantras focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. [BusinessWeek, May 25 1998] - Steve Jobs
When you are offered a miracle take it. Otherwise, show God your tail so he can move on and give it to someone who doesn't want to be in hell any more. - Shannon L. Alder
Life was not to be sitting in hot amorphic leisure in my backyard idly writing or not writing, as the spirit moved me. It was, instead, running madly, in a crowded schedule, in a squirrel cage of busy people. Working, living, dancing, dreaming, talking, kissing- singing, laughing, learning. - Sylvia Plath
Miss, I'd gladly pay you to remove your clothes. - David Scheier
Teenagers - tired of being hassled by your parents?Act now!Move out, get a job, pay your own bills.....while you still know everything. - James Hauenstein
Making peace with one's truth is to live in one’s own moment, moving passionately forward in joy. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
We live in an age when it is cheaper to buy the rights to movies than to make them. - Hayao Miyazaki
Be honest with yourself, face your feelings and what they really mean, then you will be able to deal with them and move on. - Jay Woodman
You don't need to move mountains when love will fly you over. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence. - Og Mandino
YOU are a signature to be dealt with and inspire, only when you move in to your authenticity. - Angie karan
When I stay in one Place, I can hardly think at all; my body had to be on the move to set my mind going." . - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Ignorance need not remove the crown on the head of a king before making him a slave - Osho Samuel Adetunji
Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable. - Denis Waitley
I catch movement from the corner of my eye. A tell slender boy stands near us, just a few feet away. Adrenaline bangs through my system. I shove Abel behind me and whip my knife from where I’d hidden it in my boot. Who the hell are you? - Georgia Clark
Dare to keep moving when it is a must and dare to keep waiting when you have to, but note, you shall always keep waiting if you keep waiting and you shall always keep moving when you keep moving! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Death like style is the removal of rubbish. - Will Durant
Madame Gherardi maintained that love, like most other blessings of civilisation, was a chimaera which we desire the more, the further removed we are from Nature. - W.G. Sebald
By now, they rank people by income level or wages roughly the same: The bottom seventy per cent or so are virtually disenfranchised; they have almost no influence on policy, and as you move up the scale you get more influence. At the very top, you basically run the show. - Noam Chomsky
As to the roaming of sages,They move in utter emptiness,Let their minds meander in the great nothingness;They run beyond conventionAnd go through where there is no gateway.They listen to the soundlessAnd look at the formless,They are not constrained by societyAnd not bound to its customs.- Lao-tzu - Lao Tzu
Compromise where you can. Where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say 'No, you move'. - Christopher Markus
Time moved for you not in quotidian beats, but in the slow rhythm the ages keep - Aldous Huxley
Move forward to the next step, there is something that change your whole life". Be positive - Rashmikanta Sahoo
I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving -- we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it -- but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
We now in the United States have more security guards for the rich than we have police services for the poor districts. If you're looking for personal security, far better to move to the suburbs than to pay taxes in New York. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Let him who would move the world first move himself. - Socrates
God exists and he is an atom. So he exists in every thing and everywhere. An atom is a unit and example of life. It is constantly moving. It knows all the information that ever happened in this universe. So it is the source of life. - Debasish Mridha
The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan
You'll never be completely sure about the first move, but do it anyway. - Sarvesh Jain
When God is ready for you to move, He will make your situation uncomfortable. - Germany Kent
The universe is a deep, still body of water in which we all swim. Every move that we make creates a ripple that echoes across reality and the deeper that we swim, the more force those waves carry and the farther they may span. - Cristen Rodgers
Cursed be he that moves my bones. - William Shakespeare
What a life we live. Full of questions, adventures, stories, mistakes, good, quests, bad, miracles, lessons, people, blessings, journeys, inventions, music, animals, history, cultures, religions, prophecies, planets, stars, careers, movies, plants, hate, love, and so much more. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
You know, sometimes kids get bad grades in school because the class moves too slow for them. Einstein got D's in school. Well guess what, I get F's!!! - Bill Watterson
God cannot remove the burdens of your heart, but he will prompt you where to go, what to say and what to do, in order to free yourself from your chains. - Shannon L. Alder
I love belief it can move the pallet on a Ouija board or put a man into space. The problem that we have is the wrong beliefs we can't erase. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
Because women live creatively, they rarely experience the need to depict or write about that which to them is a primary experience and which men know only at a second remove. Women create naturally, men create artificially.
Childhood, n. The period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth - two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age. - Ambrose Bierce
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. - Confucius
Common sense and sense of humor are the same thing moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
We always cherish and miss the time passed yet struglling for a better future but after moving to next level we feel the past was beautiful - Salman Ahmad
Time is standing still like the sun. We are the ones moving around time like planets orbiting the sun. - Debasish Mridha
Much of our time is spent just maintaining our emotional lives and physical conditions. To move ahead, we often have to clear a trail as we go. Progress and development do not occur without change in our motivations and actions. - James H. Bae
I believe that without strict enforcement of penalties for any offence violating the principles of truth and honesty, Nigeria and Africa will not be able to move from our present state of underdevelopment into civilization. - Sunday Adelaja
Never judge a book by its movie. - J. W. Eagan
Action on the move creates its own route; creates to a very great extent the conditions under which is it to be fullfilled, and thus baffles all calculation. - Henri Bergson
If you remove Al Sharpton’s blackness, he disappears. He’s transparent. There’s nothing there because he bases his whole life on his blackness. Me, I’m a black man; but my blackness has submission to my Christianity. - Ken Hutcherson
Living together/ is one move closer/ to living apart - Kristi Maxwell
It is not in our interest, I suppose, to let South Sudan fall under the category of the burdened societies. We must be critical about our own actions if we want to move forward as a nation proud of its immense diversity. - Duop Chak Wuol
Every strict progression of an uncertain event is cease of movement in time and a birth of new space. - Vishwanath S J
Rekao je: Nisu za griješnicima plakali ni nebo ni zemlja. A ja sam mislio: teško čovjeku ako su mu mjera nebo i zemlja. - Meša Selimović
Faith moves mountains, but only knowledge moves them to the right place... - Joseph Goebbels
Forgiveness is no easy task; it takes a lifetime of remembering to move on - LDarnell
The human has genetic adaptation to natural electromagnetic radiation. Increasing, reducing or removing the natural radiation exposures results in a sickened human that may progress onto a diseased state. - Steven Magee
She persisted when I resisted. And thank God for that. Because the number of storms I needed to go through before appreciating the way the wind whipped through her hair was one to many. Now, I'd move mountains to make her mine. Rain or shine. - J. Raymond
I guess it's human nature to question yourself, to question why all the pain has had to happen? sometimes there isn't any answers it just is what it is and how we make ourselves feel and see through that, is what will determine how we move forward. - Nikki Rowe
No wonder Americans hate politics when, year in and year out, they hear politicians make promises that won't come true because they don't even mean them - campaign fantasies that win elections but don't get nations moving again. - Bill Clinton
History is moving, and it will tend toward hope, or tend toward tragedy. - George W. Bush
Having faith is like having an extra energy source. It allows you to keep moving forward when all logic tells you, you can't. - Michael Rogers
Life's been one tough little shit, but there's a very obvious reason why she hasn't let me get too comfy, settle too long or sink too deep. She knows she has to kick me in the ass sometimes to get me moving on my journey. - Jennifer DeLucy
Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. - Jalaluddin Rumi
I didn't say you weren't, but moving on the hope that some man will hire you seems a bit risky.''No more so than diggin' in the dirt for your dreams—only to find it's your grave you've been diggin'. - Judith Pella
When it comes to education all obstacles must be removed. This must become a priority for humanity. - Alex Zar
Discipline must come through liberty. . . . We do not consider an individual disciplined only when he has been rendered as artificially silent as a mute and as immovable as a paralytic. He is an individual annihilated, not disciplined. - Maria Montessori
People that don’t move will never notice the chains they carry. - Shannon L. Alder
It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. - Isaac Asimov
The honourable are moved, by the nobility of another's sacrifice. The wicked are moved only by causing it. - Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Life has dazzling beauty. To see it, open the window of the mind and remove the curtain of conformity. - Debasish Mridha
I want to stay still and to keep moving. I want this life and another. - Zadie Smith
When the melody plays, footsteps move, heart sings and spirit begin to dance. - Shah Asad Rizvi
A virtuos woman is not moved by big names and flamboyance, but only men of profound wisdom and integrity move her. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The only way to go back in time is by moving into the future - Waqas Bin Ehsan
Being impatient is rocket fuel for success. I have seen very few patient successful people. Most are impatient and always ready to move! - Robert D. Kintigh
If you are only moved by color relationships, you are missing the point. I am interested in expressing the big emotions - tragedy, ecstasy, doom. - Mark Rothko
No reason to feel depressed about being depressed. A depression can be a golden opportunity to collect the pieces and build ourselves anew. Global Souls are always on the move, nomads at heart, connected to various cities, commuters between cultures, both from here and everywhere. - Elif Shafak
Unlike the bough that shook off her dead leaves violentlylike a wet terrier,unlike the beating of the butterfly, her wings, against the cocoon, some dreams never made a move. - V.S. Atbay
Life is a movie, but there will never be a sequel. - Nicki Minaj
This is how I disappear in pieces.This is how I leave without moving from my place.This is how I dance away.This is how I'm gone before you wake. - Emma Brynstein
Going through life regretting your past decisions is like being a repeat offender in jail. You never break free because you won't allow your mentality to move on".~The Roadblock is You - Demia Avery
All movements go too far. - Bertrand Russell
Keep Moving...Move forwardLet go Give inDecideand just DoProgress every dayAnd make one step forward no matter what's in your wayKeep moving, till one day you wake up and you're there. - Emma Daley
Being dependent on this world will lead to betrayal. It will deceive us at the right time. It is better to depend on a pillow; at least it will not move away from us at the right time. The one that is living will move away. - Dada Bhagwan
And baby, the way you move me it's crazy - Ray Lamontagne
Education is the movement from darkness to light. - Allan Bloom
I don't know what to do, I want to die but you're making me stay alive, I'm not sure if I should betray you and do it or move on and push through it. - Lindzz
The real power of a leader is in the number of minds he can reach, hearts he can touch, souls he can move, and lives he can change. - Matshona Dhliwayo
I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life. - Jonathan Harnisch
To insult someone we call him 'bestial'. For deliberate cruelty and nature, 'human' might be the greater insult. - Isaac Asimov
Mother Nature moves in sunshine and storms... I am her child. - Rachel M. Walls
Movements born in hatred very quickly take on the characteristics of the thing they oppose.
It's Up to You To Get Your Dreams and Goals Moving - Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. - Roy Bennett
I became aware that the invincible power that has moved the world is unrequited, not happy, love. - Gabriel García Márquez
The bold display of our unattractive parts is an effective substitute for beauty since it duplicates beauty's principal effects, namely the excitation of admiration, charm, and envy in the beholder, who is moved to wish that they too could carry their own defects with the same ease. - Agona Apell
Life moves based on our Decisions not by choices provided by Lord - Samsi Yadav
Many of my movies have strong female leads- brave, self-sufficient girls that don't think twice about fighting for what they believe with all their heart. They'll need a friend, or a supporter, but never a savior. Any woman is just as capable of being a hero as any man. - Hayao Miyazaki
Quote taken from Chapter 1: That's the idea. Listen, Frank, this one is different. She's a keeper." He let that part gel in me. "Get your head screwed on straight and move to Richmond. You hate it living in Pelham. - Ed Lynskey
Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. They keep it awake and moving. - Frederick Buechner
I live very normally, I go out with my friends, we go to the movies, I queue, we go to restaurants. - Catherine Deneuve
Give me a place to stand, and I will move the Earth.
Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day. - Bertrand Russell
Give me somewhere to stand, and I will move the earth. - Archimedes
Real Men can commit to 1 person. Only boys are "Players", pimps usually get lock up or die at the end of movies, & dogs catch fleas! - Surgeo Bell
Life is a movie. You are the director in it. The choices you make, are the things that you will see. After you make a choice, there will be no going back, only simple things that will erase it. - Victoriya Anissimova
Yet all experience is an arch wherethroughGleams that untraveled world whose margin fadesForever and forever when I move.How dull it is to pause, to make an end,To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!As though to breathe were life! - Alfred Tennyson
Learn how to think a few moves ahead at once. In life, if you can anticipate the human mind, you can anticipate all possible futures. - Lionel Suggs
O Holy Spirit, give me a simple heart which will not retire within itself to savor its own sorrows, a heart magnanimous in giving itself, easily moved to compassion, a faithful, generous heart, which does not forget any favor received nor hold resentment for any injuries done to it. - Leonce de Grandmaison
This is how I disappear in pieces.This is how I leave while not moving from my seat.This is how I dance away.This is how I'm gone before you wake. - Sarah Kay
[David] Maraniss sees [Barack] Obama as a man with "a moviegoer's or writer's sensibility, where he is both participating and observing himself participating, and views much of the political process as ridiculous or surreal, even as he is deep into it. - Jane Mayer
Students achieving Oneness will move on to Twoness. - Woody Allen
You cannot walk on water or move mountains without faith. - Matshona Dhliwayo
He shot everything that moved in a blind fury. It was as if he were floating outside his body, his flesh acting on pure animal instinct. To kill or be killed. It was exhilarating. - Rebecca M. Gibson
I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all. - Alexis de Tocqueville
Accept your dark side, understanding it will help you to move with the light. Knowing both sides of our souls, helps us all to move forward in life and to understand that, perfection doesn't exist. - Martin R. Lemieux
Your mind, which is yourself, can be likened to a house. The first necessary move then, is to rid that house of all but furnishings essential to success.
In science, work (W) is done when force (F) move a body through a distance (D). It is the same with our every day affairs. When you don't progress, no work is done irrespective of the force (power) you have - Israelmore Ayivor
Forget about weird Boy and move on - Laura J. Burns
Violence is the diplomacy of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov
When your bright future, becomes a dull regret of the past, take a deep breath and move on. - Kendal Rob
Trust is the fuel to a relation, the more it is- the far the relation moves.. - Debolina Bhawal
Life is a dream. It moves from cause to cause, effect to effect, one point to another, one state of existence to another. - Aditya Ajmera
Have your one good cry, pick your chin up, smile, and move on to the positive. - Auliq Ice
We have the power to move mountain, if we have faith that the mountain can be moved. - Compton Gage
Never let anyone belittle your efforts to better yourself. Let them stand back or stand aside, but you move forward no matter who tries to stop you. - Toni Sorenson
A dream may encourage us, but at the end of the day, it's just a dream. We should also learn how to make a move. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
Any form of art is a form of power; it has impact, it can affect change it can not only move us, it makes us move. - Ossie Davis
In my sixteen years, I have experienced heartbreak, tragedy and transcending love. In my thirteenth year, I moved to Westerly and experienced all three. - Jaycee Relic
Your emotions are meant to fluctuate, just like your blood pressure is meant to fluctuate. It’s a system that’s supposed to move back and forth, between happy and unhappy. That’s how the system guides you through the world. - Daniel Todd Gilbert
Moving forward implies MOTION when in all actuality it may be simply standing STILL and seeing the salvation of the Lord. - John Paul Warren
Get busy living or get busy trying. Life will move forward with or without you. The question is; will you move forward in life without yourself? - Steven Cuoco
Don't measure the size of the mountain; talk to the One who can move it. - Max Lucado
Pedestals aren't safe...one wrong move and a nasty tumble is sure to follow. Humility is a great grounding tool. - Sanjo Jendayi
The more we connect with our Spiritual self, the uglier sin looks. From the book: Removing Your Shame Label. - Eddie Capparucci, LPC
We all make mistakes but one has to move on. - Jeffrey Archer
The people who are doing the work are the moving force behind the Macintosh. My job is to create a space for them, to clear out the rest of the organization and keep it at bay. - Steve Jobs
We always need a sound reason to move on, and we always pretend to have it. - Junaid Raza
If you really want to understand God then remove everything that is common between God and humans like mind, heart, body, emotions etc. Because if you are thinking like that for him then you underestimated him to a great extent. - Aishwarya Shiva Pareek
I'm afraid of time... I mean, I'm afraid of not having enough time. Not enough time to understand people, how they really are, or to be understood myself. I'm afraid of the quick judgements or mistakes everybody makes. You can't fix them without time. I'm afraid of seeing snapshots, not movies. - Ann Brashares
Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future. - Brian Tracy
All censorships exist to prevent any one from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorships. - George Bernard Shaw
Do one thing today to move yourself towards a big goal. Repeat tomorrow, and the next day. You'll be surprised at how fast you'll attain it! - Lorraine Reguly
I have my own ego, greed, love and a passion but sometime that same greed and ego kneels me down. In that moment I don't kneel and cry for my ego but I will clear a dirt over my pant and run for my passion. Ego can kill us but not your passion not your love. Move On!!! - Sakin Maharjan
To say that a writer's hold on reality is tenuous is an understatement-it's like saying the Titanic had a rough crossing. Writer's build their own realities, move into them and occasionally send letters home. The only difference between a writer and a crazy person is that a writer gets paid for it. - David Gerrold
Any technological advance can be dangerous. Fire was dangerous from the start, and so (even more so) was speech - and both are still dangerous to this day - but human beings would not be human without them. - Isaac Asimov
What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! - William Shakespeare
A not complete unit or a new unit. The elements in the 3 parts should neither fit nor not fit together.One would like not to be led. Avoid the idea of a puzzle which could be solved. Remove the signs of thought. It is not thought which needs showing. - Jasper Johns
Age defying facial treatment cream which helps to remove fine line and wrinkles from your faceMany more benefits will show on your face soon with the usage of this Benevita wrinkle cream. - ACN Wealth Mentoring
There are words and accents by which this grief can be assuaged, and the disease in a great measure removed. - Horace
The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on - Joseph Needham
Tis all a Checkerboard of Nights and Days Where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays: Hither and thither moves, and mates, and stays, And one by one back in the Closet lays. - Edward FitzGerald
I don't believe in an afterlife, so I don't have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse. - Isaac Asimov
Poetry is the struggle against the simplification, codification, and mummification of language, it serves as a constant redirect - moving us to the experience to which the words point. - Billy Marshall Stoneking
The best way to deal with your past is not to avoid thinking about it or trying to forget it, but to accept it happened, forgive yourself and move on. - Karon Waddell
No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. - Leo Buscaglia
You are moving on the chariot of your desire whatever you are thinking is always right. - Santosh Kalwar
I've found myself moved by letters and diaries in archives as well as trashy, summer blockbusters. It's possible to make a connection with any kind of writing - as long as the writing is good. - Sara Sheridan
Augustine taught that true freedom is not choice or lack of constraint, but being what you are meant to be. Humans were created in the image of God. True freedom, then, is not found in moving away from that image but only in living it out. - Augustine of Hippo
We would like to move on, move up, move around, move in, move down, move out; but none of us are moving. - Anthony Liccione
Thankfully, beauty is easier to remove than apply, and a swipe of demaquillage in the right direction and you are you once again. - Margaret Cho
You can't move forward until you stop looking back. - Tomas Stanger
If you want to live an exceptional life, you must move beyond probability into the realm of possibility - Derric Yuh Ndim
We don't move with our legs and arms, but with courage and will power. - Mehmet Murat ildan
Dalí painted melting clocks. I suppose if he'd asked around first, quizzed people if they wanted to see a picture of a melting clock, the answer might have been something obvious, like 'Clocks don't melt!' But, lucky for us, Salvador didn't care what anyone else thought. You use what moves you. - Laura Ruby
Today is the day to stop, look around, realize where you are in relation to where you want to be, change direction if needed and move forward with faith in God and in yourself. - Toni Sorenson
The world is moving at a slow pace. Each day I get up and I feel the world must have moved ahead far but, unfortunately, it remains at the same point each day. - Swaraj Priyadarshi
There is nothing that moves a loving father's soul quite like his child's cry. - Joni Eareckson Tada
If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17: 21 - Jesus
I am not protecting myself or preaching you my story, Reasons will be many but life will move on even in painful journey. - Santosh Kalwar
Goodbyes are on of the hardest things about life. One way or another people were always leaving... Always moving on. - Karen Kingsbury
Receio que a poesia é pior que o sexo tântrico: não mexe nem sai de cima.I'm afraid that poetry is worse than tantric sex: it does not not move or get off. - Victor Eustáquio
Horror is the removal of masks. - Robert Bloch
If divorce has increased by one thousand percent, don't blame the women's movement. Blame the obsolete sex roles on which our marriages were based. - Betty Friedan
Unfortunately, 'post racism' is also a myth, like unicorns and black people who survive to the end of a horror movie. - Justin Simien
The fountain of content must spring up in the mind, and he who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove. - Samuel Johnson
I say making movies is like eating a sandwich of shit. Sometimes you get more bread, sometimes less bread, but you always get shit." (Guardian interview 2006) - Guillermo del Toro
The proper task of social reform is to remove poverty from society and to ensure that people do not sell their conscience to make a living. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Don't try moving mountains God ordained you to climb. - Matshona Dhliwayo
This is an inevitable and easily recognizable stage in every revolutionary movement: reformers must expect to be disowned by those who are only too happy to enjoy what has been won for them. - Doris Lessing
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. - Jalaluddin Rumi
No, I`m putting it away, trying to buy a house for my family. The goal is to use the money to move into a big house, so my daughter can have a garden. - Ewan McGregor
We study biology, physics, movements of glaciers... Where are the classes on envy, feeling wronged, despair, bitterness... - Alain de Botton
Every word I write is like a drop of my blood. If it's flowed passionately and long, I need time to recover from the emotion spent before I begin a new story. My characters are aspects of my life. I have to respectfully and carefully move between them. - Red Haircrow
..the women's movement never left the father Dick's side....We got a share of genocide profits and we love it...If we're Dick's sister and want what he has gotten, then in the end we support that system that he got it all from. - Mary Barfoot
Loving you forever can't be wrong. Even though you're not here, can't move on - Lana Del Rey
The healthy man is the thin man. But you don’t need to go hungry for it: Remove the flours, starches and sugars; that’s all. - Samael Aun Weor
People-pleasers feel they must constantly be performing acts of service to others to gain acceptance. That requires a lot of work, effort, and energy. From the book: Removing Your Shame Label. - Eddie Capparucci, LPC
You breathe.You feel.You seeand hearand smelland tasteand thinkand moveand laughand weepand healand danceand singand love.Thank your mother. - Richelle E. Goodrich
The voice sank through luce's skin and straight into her heart. Daniel's voice. He was calling to her. He wanted her. Needed her. Luce moved towards the sound - Lauren Kate
My world is about stories that entertain; emotions that move; people you’ll remember; literature that matters. - M.G. Crisci
Don Bradman will bat no more against England, and two contrary feelings dispute within us: relief, that our bowlers will no longer be oppressed by this phenomenon; regret, that a miracle has been removed from among us. So must ancient Italy have felt when she heard of the death of Hannibal. - R.C. Robertson-Glasgow
Timing is easy to predict through the movement of the stars as they give the propensity of pure potential. - Ambika Devi
We don't get to choose the things that happen to us in life. What we can choose is how to react to them, how we deal with them, and how we move on. - Sarah Winter
Joel: That's the movies, Ed. Try reality. Ed: No thanks. - Ellen Herman
We live in a time when the words impossible and unsolvable are no longer part of the scientific community's vocabulary. Each day we move closer to trials that will not just minimize the symptoms of disease and injury but eliminate them. - Christopher Reeve
A title from the1966 movie"The Russians Are Coming,The Russians Are Coming," gives a new meaning toa phrase: "wait a minute, we've seen this movie before - Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur
It’s quite certain there are places to which the whole past is as though attached, on which are traced in secret letters for people who are centuries removed from us their thoughts, their will… - Vladimir Odoevsky
Perfect...as it was, it had to be, andlittle dreams were spinning madlyas a flock of birds in mid-flight, thesingle vision of a single moment, a singlemoment, frozen in time no more. No moredid he need, to understand thatit was better than any he couldtake, and call his own, it was Perfect... - Stefan G. Dimov
Success seems to be connected to action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. - Conrad Hilton
Never fight any progressive moves unless you can move faster to achieve something different. - Ferdinard S. Lawson
Fear of being wrong paralyzes people. Get over it! If you're wrong, invent a new narrative and move on." - L. R. W. Lee - L.R.W. Lee
The best books like the best music or television or movies or comics or video games can challenge us and force us to think or perceive aspects of life that we may prefer to avoid. In a sense, they threaten us. - Geoffrey Reiter
By sabotaging logic, the common frame of reference, and the common language, we have removed a "safety valve" that allows cultural divides to be resolved. - Mike Klepper
Chemistry is great, but eventually your relationship moves out of the laboratory. - Tim Fargo
I think we're moving toward a world where all the consumers under a certain age will probably tend to identify more with their consumer status or with the products they consume then they would with ... any sort of antiquated notion of nationality. - Gibson, William
Nature has invented reproduction as a mechanism for life to move forward. As a life force that passes right through us and makes us a link in the evolution of life. - Louis Schwartzberg
You go to movies to see people you love suffer - that's why you go to the movies. You don't go to see a movie about a guy who already knows he has a wonderful life. - Joss Whedon
You will never know everything. Knowledge unfolds as we move forward. Sitting back and waiting to know everything before we do anything is a waste of life.~ I Am Another You - Priya Kumar
There was not a moving up into vacated places; there was simply an anachronistic staying on between a vanishing past and an incalculable future. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Make money make moves. - Bryant l capshaw Daddy Rich
MARTYR, n. One who moves along the line of least reluctance to a desired death. - Ambrose Bierce
Watch an Ant, Watch the bees, feel wind move the leaves. Touch your smile above your chin from the glorious world we all live in. - Stanley Victor Paskavich
I loved a woman whose beauty Like the moon moved all the humming heavens to music till the stars with their tiny teeth burst into song and I fell on the ground before her while the sky hardened and she laughed and turned me down softly, I was so young. - Peter Meinke
In our lives are special moments that live as their own, the rest is movement with the passage of time. - Donna Lynn Hope
Low and grovelling thoughts of God must be given up; doubting and despairing must be removed; and self-seeking and carnal delights must be forsaken. Across these deep valleys a glorious causeway of grace must be raised. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Wisdom comes from making mistakes, having the courage to face them, and make adjustments moving forward based upon the knowledge aquired through those experiences. - Ken Poirot
Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending. - Jim Henson
This reminds Faron of those stupid dogs that people put in their cars, that when the car moves, the dogs frantically nod their heads, like some demented, freshly graduated psychologist, with their first patients. - Gary Edward Gedall
Keep moving in the direction of your dreams. No matter how slows it may seems, stay focus, you will get to the finish line. - Lailah Gifty Akita
A man without a good heart is like a roaring fire in a dry field.he damages wherever he sets foot and moves on. - Jackson Taviri
Language is like a crack'd kettle on which we beat out tunes for bears to dance to, while all the time we long to move the stars to pity. - Gustave Flaubert
The tragic mistake of so many in the environmentalist movement is the belief that the rest of the world can afford to hold itself to our expensive green standards.
Forgiveness is the way we return what has been taken from us and restore the love and kindness and trust that has been lost. With each act of forgiveness, whether small or great, we move toward wholeness. Forgiveness is nothing less than how we bring peace to ourselves and our world. - Desmond Tutu
MANAGE YOUR MOOD: Name 1 thing that surprised you today...Name 1 thing that moved you...Name 1 thing that inspired you... - Gino Norris
Short lives,bouncing harmlessly as a cloth doll on grandma’s lap.Small helpless states,pretentiousness garbed in the unintelligible,makers of disposable art,the zeal to make a scoop unstoppable,pacified by fresh news,of scrabbling sexy movements. - Brian D'Ambrosio
The women's movement hasn't changed my sex life. It wouldn't dare. - Zsa Zsa Gabor
If a million people see my movie, I hope they see a million different movies.
The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware that he is wise. - Isaac Asimov
Dare to keep moving when it is a must and there to keep waiting when you have to, but note, you shall always keep waiting if you keep waiting and you shall always keep moving when you keep moving! - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality - Mahatma Gandhi
I've been working on my craft for a long time. People never want to let go of the whole 'Glitter,'... I'm like, 'It's eight years later, people. Let's move on. - Mariah Carey
You never give such relationships a thought, To give a thought, to take a thought is a function of dissociation, distance. You can't exercise memory until you've removed yourself from memory's source. - Joyce Carol Oates
This world is a favourite movie to God, made by God and life is the main character of that movie. - iqra iqbal
With faces entirely invisible through suits, it was hard to be sure, but my impression was that he was watching me and copying my every move. I felt this proved he was intelligent. - Janet Edwards
Instead, we talked about the reasons to support political leaders who support us, never mind party labels. It was the kind of campaigning only a movement could do. - Gloria Steinem
His Nana's prayers were moving toward his mother like little butterflies of thoughts wrapped in the most beautiful colors. Each prayer looked like a mini-rainbow. - H. L. Balcomb
Guys are busy making major moves while we are sleeping. - Cyc Jouzy
Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you. - Johnny Depp
Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. - Isaac Asimov
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains. - Rosa Luxemburg
Love is the language of the heart. It can feel the movements of every atom and understand every language spoken or unspoken. - Debasish Mridha
The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. - Anonymous
Your integrity may disgrace your pride at the time you don't think but that doesnt mean you should stop. You'll have to accept and move on with your life in the way it is. - Auliq Ice
Words are not meant to stir the air only: they are capable of moving greater things. - Natsume Soseki
It's not that I am not moved by these things, that I don't them in my life. But lately, their power has diminished." - 140 - Robin Romm
I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to respect order, and I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the many or the prejudices of the few. - Benjamin Disraeli
Doing what is right will always keep you moving forward toward your destiny, but choosing the wrong way will keep you stuck in the same spot:No Where!- - Anita R. Sneed-Carter
In your hands I am no longer a pile of bones left behind to a world that moved on. - Taylor Patton
Some thoughts are like old piece of belongings that need to be disposed to move on. - Richmond Akhigbe
Of course, things will go wrong. Move on! Don’t let the little snags affect the progress of your life. - RVM
Stars are always dancing. Sometimes they dance twinkling away with the rhythm of your joyful heart and sometimes they dance without movement to embrace your heartache as if frozen sculptures of open-armed sadness. - Munia Khan
In sailing, in weather, in life and death, answers are not endings and questions are not to be feared. The unknowns keep us moving forward. - Kaci Cronkhite
She was thinking of his mouth on hers. Which seemed only fair since he’d given a lot of thought to the same thing.’Night, she whispered.Night, he whispered back.And yet neither of them moved. - Jill Shalvis
Even a poor translator couldn't kill a style that moves with such narrative clarity. - William Zinsser
The only people who experience no resistance are the unambitious and the dead. If you feel no resistance in your life, you need greater goals or you need to check your pulse. Life and movement come with resistance. Don’t be discouraged by it, be strengthened by it. - Steve Maraboli
Remove every barrier you can to fandom. A fan will be an evangelist for your work. - Dave Kellett
When trees fall on trees, the topmost tree must first be removed before others. Don't be too concerned about the problems of the past. What matters most is the challenge at hand now! - Israelmore Ayivor
Arianne had her feet up on the table, wearing a striped conductor's cap.Arriane was fixated on the game. A chocolate cigar bobbed between her lips as she contemplated her next move. Roland was giving Arianne the hawk eye."Checkmate, bitch," Arianne said triumphantly, knocking over Roland's king. - Lauren Kate
Be brave and take risks… You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward. - Roy Bennett
You said move on, where do I go? - Katy Perry
To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. - Phyllis Theroux
Amusement has always been the great moving force behind culture. - Italo Calvino
time is not the stable moving-staircase that prosemen have for centuries pretended it to be, but an unaccountable wibble-wobble - Robert Graves
The Trust movie it has shown how one picture could be twisted and even how the cops are dirty! - Deyth Banger
If the other person says "Fuck Off," well, then, deal. Move on. - Richelle Mead
Achievement seems to be connectedwith action. Successful men andwomen keep moving. They makemistakes, but they don't quit. - Conrad Hilton
Removing memories is difficult.... changing is easy...- Dexter - Deyth Banger
Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction -- its essence -- has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all. - Isaac Asimov
How has he moved so quickly from childlike naïvité to existential panic? - Michael Grant, Katherine Applegate
[The body is] a marvelous machine...a chemical laboratory, a power-house. Every movement, voluntary or involuntary, full of secrets and marvels! - Theodor Herzl
Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. - Dr. David M. Burns
We may not have the power to change, but we have the power to move. - Lik Hock Yap Ivan
See it for what it is and own it, rather than rethink it so you don't have to deal with the trauma of the abuse. This is the only way to move on--through acceptance. - Shannon L. Alder
The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity. - Chiwetel Ejiofor's character 'Adrian Helmsley' in the movie '2012'
Becoming a part of a movement doesn't help anybody think clearly. - Sam Harris
When it comes to love and loss, acceptance is never easy. We can't make someone see all we have to give, make them love us, or make them change. All we can do is move on and stop wasting time. - April Mae Monterrosa
God's plan will never look easy when you are sitting in hell. KEEP MOVING! - Shannon L. Alder
Keep moving. Don't get bogged down. Don't think about the bad stuff. Smile and joke even when you don't feel like it. - Rick Riordan
I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.
When you're passionate about something, you don't need coffee or an energy drink to get you moving. - Rob Liano
When a friend leaves you, you move on. When a best friend leaves you, part of you is gone - Misti Hemlock
Don't tell people to act their age. It's like telling a baby to move out, and if they're older you're telling them to "die in a hole." - Devin J. Monroe
The mist just keeps on lifting and soon I'll be able to see all the way, as far as the earth's curvature allows. It's a blessing, that curvature, that hidden hemisphere-if we could take it all in at one, why move? - Walter Kirn
Red wine is different from white. Removing the grape skin does all the difference. - Viola Soul Calibur
Women united can create movements. We can empower entire generations. We can build peace one action at a time. Together we rise. The time is now. - Amy Leigh Mercree
Forgive your self and others by removing the anger that stands in your way and replace it with love, to heal your soul and your spirit. - Angie karan
Almost everybody today believes that nothing in economic history has ever moved as fast as, or had a greater impact than, the Information Revolution. But the Industrial Revolution moved at least as fast in the same time span, and had probably an equal impact if not a greater one. - Peter Drucker
The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If your mind can move mountainsand swallow gods,Why does it worry with helpless yesterdays and unborn tomorrows?If it can vomit starsand walk on split hairs,Why must it follow the samepath to despair?Everyone will tell you:'An orgasm here is just as good. - Kamand Kojouri
I know it's possible to overcome even very big problems in life, to heal yourself and move on - Jodi Ann Bickley
Magic = Chess, Chess is with strategy, doing moves which people think that they are random, but they aren't random. They are part of the strategy. The same is in the magic. However, the magic, have the ability to distraction! - Deyth Banger
You start with a darkness to move throughbut sometimes the darkness moves through you. - Dean Young
The waters of spirituality are forever changing and forever constant. Prejudice or fixed ideas can only weigh you down and remove you from the flow. - The Book of Metanoia (D. Williamsen) - Dannye Williamsen
I've learned through experience that faith moves mountains, hope moves choices, and, more importantly, that love moves you a step closer to God. - Maribel C. Pagan
Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it. - Ray Bradbury
His mind scolded him for his stupidity and urged him to forget her but his heart had no justifications for its stand. It remained unmoved, its solidarity unaffected, its arrogance still holding. - Faraaz Kazi
No matter how bad you want a person, if your hearts are in two different places, you’ll have to pass and move on. - Alexandra Elle
Dorothy: Shut up, just shut up. You had me at "hello".- From Jerry Maguire, 1996 - Movie Quote
One of the realities we're all called to go through is to move from repulsion to compassion and from compassion to wonderment. - Mother Teresa
Eat like you love yourselfMove like you love yourselfSpeak like you love yourselfAct like you love yourself - Gillian
Entitlement is an expression of conditional love. Nobody is ever entitled to your love. You always have a right to protect your mental, emotional, and physical well-being by removing yourself from toxic people and circumstances. - Janice Anderson
Everyone's life changes when they meet their Obi-Wan & their Yoda, or their Morpheus & their Oracle; those who help remove the veil. - Brandi L. Bates
Dream and act HUGE my friends; for to do less is to deny who you are. And live with BOLD conviction as you move forcefully into the certainty of your great success! - Christopher Babson
Mindset Matters: Cut away the nonsense and cultivate an environment conducive to your personal well-being. Forgive yourself and others. Have the courage to move on. The battle is long... and in the end, it's only with yourself. - Steve Maraboli
the impossibility of being humanall too humanthis breathingin and outout and inthese punksthese cowardsthese championsthese mad dogs of glorymoving this little bit of light towardusimpossibly. - Charles Bukowski
Drudgery is one of the finest touchstones of character there is. Drudgery is work that is very far removed from anything to do with the ideal - the utterly mean grubby things; and when we come in contact with them we know instantly whether or not we are spiritually real. - Oswald Chambers
America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. - George W. Bush
There's so much knowledge to be had that specialists cling to their specialties as a shield against having to know anything about anything else. They avoid being drowned. - Isaac Asimov
Dance resides within us all. Some find it when joy conquers sorrow, others express it through celebration of movements; and then there are those... whose existence is dance, - Shah Asad Rizvi
It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things. - Theodore Roosevelt
War can not be avoided until the physical cause for its recurrence is removed and this, in the last analysis, is the vast extent of the planet on which we live. - Nikola Tesla
World trends are changing at an increasing pace.Does that mean you need to move faster to achieve your goals? No...you don't have to match the speed of your prey. You just need to stop chasing and start anticipating. Don't aim for where your target is...focus on where it will be. - Sola Kosoko
The only way to move from your reality to God’s reality is through people who love you. - Shannon L. Alder
Leadership is about movement and growth. - Mark Sanborn
You can't move beyond your past if you keep talking about it like it's your present. - Kemi Sogunle
Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on. - Bob Newhart
Now hast thou but one bare hour to live, And then thou must be damned perpetually. Stand still, you ever-moving spheres of heaven, That time may cease, and midnight never come. - Christopher Marlowe
The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. - William Faulkner
Joy is a perception of elation which keeps us moving with life. - Debasish Mridha
Lincoln on Grant: "He makes things get. Wherever he is, he makes things move. - Abraham Lincoln
If you want to go to moksha (attain ultimate liberation), you will have to become simple and straightforward. Being obstinate won’t work there. You will have to remove all the tubers; become totally free from intellect (abudh). - Dada Bhagwan
Chair or no chair: a binary relation. But the vicissitudes of moving the body around are infinite. You never know what a person in a chair can do. - Sarah Manguso
I don't really think about anything too much. I live in the present. I move on. I don't think about what happened yesterday. If I think too much, it kind of freaks me out. - Pamela Anderson
When one can hear people moving, one does not so much mind, about one's fears. - Ann Radcliffe
You are never too old to learn more than you already know and to become able to do more than you already can. - Isaac Asimov
When a pebble is thrown into a lake, everything, down to the furthermost depths, moves with it. ... And if, afterwards, everything seems as it was, the level of the lake has none the less been raised by imperceptible, incalculable degree. The old order has been overthrown -- by a pebble. - Théophile Thoré
Removal is non-existent, you and me we are one. one in a soul, one in a heart, your blood - my veins. - jmemo
...time was like a river, and I was a fish in that river, moving so quickly that the world outside my household was blur. - Alice Hoffman
Follow your blisson the way to success.Mountains will moveand give you access. - Debasish Mridha
I spilled spot remover on my dog; now he's gone. - Steven Wright
Accept all of you, the good with the bad, the successes with the failures, the times you shone and the mistakes you made. It will bring into a place of peace. It will help you to move forward with your life. - Eileen Anglin
10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction. - Susan Sontag
We all make mistakes. It is important to learn from them and just as important to know when to move on. - Gina Varamo
When you write a movie, you have a hundred collaborators. But when you write a novel, it's yours. - Sidney Sheldon
An external motive can never Inspire you. It will only Motivate you to move, but you will soon stop. Seek Inspiration!- - RVM
Grrrrowpt. said dead Penelope. Dead Huthbert nodded, and hugged her. She moved his dusty hand from her dusty ass." BATS 2015 - Fred Barnett
I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. - Isaac Asimov
Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
I am staring into eyes so dark and compelling that I feel as if I could easily lose myself within them. He moves me slightly away from his body but doesn't let go. Energy, just like in the forest a few nights ago, ebbs and flows betwen us. - Jennifer Sucevic
There are two levers for moving man -- interest and fear. - Napoléon Bonaparte
Obedience moves the hand of the Lord. - Daryl Baugh
There's always something to suggest that you'll never be who you wanted to be. Your choice is to take it or keep on moving.
Faith moves mountains, love transforms hearts. - John Paul Warren
I decided with this new awareness to dedicate my day to moving at my own natural, calm pace, and not pressuring myself to get going, get moving, or hurry up at all, something quite different from what I otherwise did. - Sonia Choquette
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Success is a choice; a promise that you make to yourself to keep moving forward. - Elizabeth Bourgeret
I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them. - Phyllis Diller
As we all know, life is always moving on. - Jerril Thomas Abraham
I moved to New York City for my health. I'm paranoid and New York was the only place where my fears were justified.
If there ever was in the history of humanity an enemy who was truly universal, an enemy whose acts and moves trouble the entire world, threaten the entire world, attack the entire world in any way or another, that real and really universal enemy is precisely Yankee imperialism. - Fidel Castro
A creature doesn't move because it is a living thing, but because it knows what it can do with its life. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I sail on the ocean of possibilities with the wind of hope and the current of desires moving me to the shore of uncertainty. - Debasish Mridha
There is only one power greater than fear, and that is faith. Use your faith to move the mountains that are standing in your way today! - Theresa Lewis
Conducting an investigation is the result of a crime that has taken place. Sometimes you have to accept the facts, make peace, and move on with love still in your heart. Fate is out of our reach. - Marxxha
You are never far removed from God’s love and mercy. - Jim George
If you want to move on, you actually have to make the decision to move on. It won't happen automatically. You have to say, "I deserve better than this and no longer am I going to let this get the better of me", and then take the necessary action to move on with your life. - Karon Waddell
We were in ways I can’t seem to grasp. We moved like fluid, scattering our love throughout each other. We moved along, out of our eyes and through our veins. It was unintentionally and in turn, unconditionally. - Dominic Riccitello
What's done is done. What's gone is gone. One of life's lessons is always moving on. It’s okay to look back to see how far you’ve come but keep moving forward. - Roy Bennett
Moving on will show you a lot about who you are, what you truly want, & what you have no desire to waste your time on. - April Mae Monterrosa
Just like the cast of a great movie and the career of great athletes few success stories are a one man show. Build your team and grow. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
I was brought up Christian, then I was agnostic and then I realized I was atheist... This movie [Agora] is about fundamentalism and hate. - Alejandro Amenábar
If you want to be excellent at something, you must move away from your comfort zone, overcome doubt, setbacks and failure. Never give up. Keep plugging away and being persistent. One day, success will be yours. - Mark F. LaMoure
Ignorance of Scripture is the root of every error in religion, and the source of ever heresy. To be allowed to remove a few grains of ignorance, and to throw a few rays of light on God's precious word, is, in my opinion, the greatest honor that can be put on a Christian. - J.C. Ryle
Humanitarian Logistics is about mobilization and movement of resources for disaster preparedness, disaster response and disaster recovery - Victor Manan Nyambala
A committed citizens can move a country. - Lailah Gifty Akita
When the distraction of the tongue is removed, the heart listens. - Theodore Dreiser
Did god make man too perfect,So that a piece has to be removedthrough circumcision? - A.J. Beirens
Happiness is a shadow. If you chase it, it moves further away. But if you turn to make others happy, it will follow you. Make others Happy and be Happy. - RVM
Greatness is not in were we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind, and somtimes agaisnt it - but sail we must. And not drift, nor lie at anchor. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. - Ernst F. Schumacher
First LEARN...thenremove the 'L - Mohit Manke
...the movie is on, but I’m not really watching…the music is playing, but I’m not really listening…all of my senses are focused on you… us… the way your hand fits mine… the way our hearts beat as one… the passion that we’re engulfed in… the love we make... the life we build. - Steve Maraboli
As a general man I tried watching movies, playing sports, going to picnics and other entertainments but I still got bored, then I tried heroism and now I am hero, and I never get bored. - Amit Kalantri
Scars prove that you're still here. That you can move on. Maybe missing a chunk of yourself, but here, goddamn it, surviving. - Ash Parsons
Words lead to deeds.... They prepare the soul, make it ready, and move it to tenderness. - Unknown
Every decision has a cost. Do I have to make this decision at all or can I move on to the next thing? What we decided to leave out is almost as important as what we put in. - Joshua Schachter
We don't know that we don't own or owe Anything (In mathematical terms we are sifar), so keep walking as long as your legs are moving towards the infinite. Your own Ego is the only obstacle in this journey, earlier you get rid of it sooner will you find the infinite peace. - AnkitMishra
You know, when I first went into the movies Lionel Barrymore played my grandfather. Later he played my father and finally he played my husband. If he had lived I'm sure I would have played his mother. That's the way it is in Hollywood. The men get younger and the women get older. - Lillian Gish
Your Real Self is the permanent atom of your identity, the rock of ages that remains unmoved by the restless tides of life. - Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. - Alert Einstein
Success ... seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. - Conrad Hilton
Life is like music on a scale, moving up and down. When your life is over, you have written your song. - Peggy Toney Horton
With strength you can move rocks.With faith you can move mountains.With love you can move the world. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Just because you've made mistakes doesn't mean your mistakes get to make you. Take notice of your inner critic, forgive yourself, and move on. - Robert Tew
I don’t believe that young people today can live clean, pure lives without the help of God. The peer pressure is too great and the temptations they see in the movies and on television, and what they hear in their music is too much. Only Christ can give them the power to say no. - Billy Graham
You set up your place in my thoughts, moved in and made my thinking crowded. - Emily Saliers
I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
We don’t have to be fast; we simply have to be steady and move in the right direction. Direction is always going to trump speed. - Toni Sorenson
There is no me. I do not exist. There used to be a me, but I had it surgically removed - Peter Sellers
time does stop sometimes, you see everyone passing by, following their destiny and the destination it is leading, and you conclude its better where you are then moving again....often history repeats itself before it changes..... - Prashant
'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln
The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in which direction we are moving. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
You may pray to God to remove the hills on your way and fill every pothole on your path; but don’t be surprised if God gives you a shovel to do so! - Israelmore Ayivor
F.B.I and C.I.A use coded words.... Don't be stupid, remove everything which shows the location. Good Luck Killer :)! - Deyth Banger
Gewalt ist die letzte Zuflucht des Unfähigen. - Isaac Asimov
A little of God will not move the hand of God. - Teresa Odden
I'm playing checkers while they're playing chessThey make the big moves that make me a little lessEven when I win and beat the pants off of the bestI'm still playing checkers while they're playing chess - Billy Joe Shaver
PERIPATETIC, adj. Walking about. Relating to the philosophy of Aristotle, who, while expounding it, moved from place to place in order to avoid his pupil's objections. A needless precaution -- they knew no more of the matter than he. - Ambrose Bierce
If you're afraid of the future, then get out of the way, stand aside. The people of this country are ready to move again. - Ronald Reagan
When you focus on revenge, you're uploading only negativity to your system. You should focus on moving forward and enjoy the little things in life. For we know, that innocent smile of yours is a big obstacle in the eyes of the haters. - Fasela Oosterwolde
To see the dawn of a new beginning, You have to make a move in the Night. - Digvijay Jaiswal
Movement is knowledge. Art is perception - Armin Houman
Beware of what you let enter your heart. There will come a day when you'd give anything to remove it. - Yasmin Mogahed
When it happens that I am more moved by the song than the thing which is sung, I confess that I sin in a manner deserving punishment - Augustine of Hippo
We move much too fast, and too frequently, to pause to savor landscapes or avoid disfiguring clutter. - Edwin M. Yoder Jr.
You can't do what you want to, so just do what you have to. - Moveena Rasheed
When you move like a jellyfish rhyth don't mean nothing. You go with the flow, you don't stop. Move like a jellyfish, rhythm means nothing.You go with the flow you don't stop. - Jack Johnson
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' - Isaac Asimov
You've gotta hit as hard as life. It isn't about how hard you hit,It's about how hard you can gethit and keep moving forward. How much can you take and keep moving forward? That's how winning is done. - Rocky Balboa Slyvester Stallone
Time is standing still; we are moving with the waves of life. - Debasish Mridha
It is a mistake to think that moving fast is the same as actually going somewhere. - Steve Goodier
Dont regret that it just got over, but instead Move on for More! - Steven Singh Babbar
When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams (aligned with your individual gifts) you will be cloaked in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel. - Charles F. Glassman
Why to be in this room?If I was smart... I won't stay in this room and I will move in a room where people are more clever than me... but If it's easy as possibility... I want without a trouble to finish school. - Deyth Banger
Without love, things disperse around; love holds things tightly! It prevents them to move away and disappear on the horizons! - Mehmet Murat ildan
About the time we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends. - Herbert Hoover
[Home educator] sometimes teaching and parenting is tough stuff. That is the reality of the calling. I hope ... [do] not quit or give up hope but keep moving forward on the path where God guides you. - Tamara L. Chilver
Remove whatever you no longer need in your life, to make room for what you do need in your life. - Avis J. Williams
Truth in her dress finds facts too tight. In fiction she moves with ease. - Rabindranath Tagore
You can't move so fast that you try to change the mores faster than people can accept it. That doesn't mean you do nothing, but it means that you do the things that need to be done according to priority. - Eleanor Roosevelt
It is easy to make friends.But, it is tough to honor that friendship with'em.If you find those people,hold on to them.If you don't,move on. - Sachin Panwar
Imagine that. Terrible, terrible, the way we have all bent to the yoke; the affection we have for the harness about us. - Isaac Asimov
There is nothing that teaches you more than regrouping after failure ad moving on. Yet most people are stricken wth fear. They fear failure so much that they fail. - Charles Bukowski
An actor is just a part of a movie, but director - he is the movie. - Amit Kalantri
It begins with a character, usually, and once he stands up on his feet and begins to move, all I can do is trot along behind him with a paper and pencil trying to keep up long enough to put down what he says and does. - William Faulkner
Humanists recognize that it is only when people feel free to think for themselves, using reason as their guide, that they are best capable of developing values that succeed in satisfying human needs and serving human interests. - Isaac Asimov
Make peace with yourself before you move forward. Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. - Roy T. Bennett
I knew someone had to take the first step and I made up my mind not to move. - Rosa Parks
Anger carries a person in your mind forever.The day U can stand in the room with some1 without being affected is the day you truly moved on - Adapted
Build trust, friendship, a harmonious relationship that moves you up in life. - Nazim Ambalath
So what if you're scared spitless? So what if you're intimidated, insecure or inundated with doubt? If it's the thing that will advance you, do it anyway. Forward movement always begins with an inward decision. - Toni Sorenson
About the time we think we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends. - Herbert Hoover
Clearly articulated goals aligned with your vision and mission statements motivate you and galvanize your efforts to move forward towards your dream. - Julie Connor
The victory of the ignorant masses always means a temporary backward movement in the progression of humanity! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Your head sits on a neck that turns to let you see where you’ve been. But, your eyes point the same direction as your feet for a reason; keep moving forward. - D. Denise Dianaty
I believe that feminism has become a political movement that seeks to obtain unlimited rights for woman without corresponding responsibilities via the suppression of feminism.Under my definition, helping oppressed women in other countries falls outside the scope of the movement's interests. - Mike Adams
Efficiency was just a measurement of how fast money moved from the poor to the rich. We prefer the opposite of efficiency, which is to say, justice. - Kim Stanley Robinson
Move on. Move on. - Lailah Gifty Akita
There is never another one of you in exactly the same spot you are in right now, so give yourself a break and release blame from the past so you can be free to move around the future!! - Monika Zands
This little boy playing next to me is an intellectual mass of cells - better yet, he's a clockwork of subatomic movements, a strange electrical conglomeration of millions of solar systems in minature. [58, Zenith trans.] - Fernando Pessoa
Black Girls… Naturally resilient! We persevere, stand tall, and fight to the end. We don’t give up! We make moves and succeed. We’re go-getters by nature. We are stronger than most. We are unstoppable! Fearless and confident in our capabilities. WE are Black Girl Strong! #Incomparable - Stephanie Lahart
We can honor our emotions after any traumatic event by moving through the experience centered in the heart with the goal of reaching the light on the other side. - Molly Friedenfeld
The more you rationalize, the more you move farther away from your authentic self. - Shannon L. Alder
The 2 prime movers in the Universe are Time and Luck.As the tag line of my favorite dirty joke would have it: "Keep your hat on. We could wind up miles from here. - Kurt Vonnegut
There are places and spaces you will never see or know, unless you move NOW!! - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
Surround yourself with people who uplift you, appreciate you, remind you how to love and be loved. Those who don't, bless them and move on. - Eileen Anglin
To Regret Over Something is Never the Way out, Never stick to it, Just Learn from it, correct yourself and move on. - Auliq Ice
You have to really believe that you can move mountains. - Godwin Elendu Ph.D
Englishmen who came here had the spirit of close kinsmen in all they did; often were blood related and moved from place to place in clans strengthened by civic and ecclesiastical covenants. - Edward Pearson
Your life is a movie. You are the main character. You say your scripts and act to your lines. Of course you do your lines in each scene. There is a hidden camera and a director who you can ask for help anytime up above. - Diana Rose Morcilla
The first hope of a painter who feels hopeful about painting is the hope that the painting will move, that it will live outside its frame. - Gertrude Stein
I think it's always a good move to listen to that inner voice, if it doesn't lead to a crime. - Lisa Kudrow
Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in. - Isaac Asimov
My feeling is, quite simply, that if there is a God, He has done such a bad jobthat he isn't worth discussing. - Isaac Asimov
Verses which do not teach men new and moving truths do not deserve to be read. - Voltaire
Thoughts are like an open ocean, they can either move you forward within its waves, or sink you under deep into its abyss. - Anthony Liccione
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln
We move forward by having confidence within ourselves, with hope for a greater purpose. - Ellen J. Barrier
Doing nothing will never move you forward. - Debbi King
The pressures of life and influence of society have caused many to become something and someone they are not. Remove the layers. Dig through the dust and debris. Find the genuine jewel - YOU. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
You can't really move forward until you look back.[From Remaking America panel discussion at George Washington University] - Cornel West
People never forget two things, their first love and the money they wasted watching a bad movie. - Amit Kalantri
If you don't keep moving forward, you'll always be in the same place. - Lillielyse Monsel
Some people think that nothing moves in this world without leave of the woman. Do not know more, but I can say that war never happened, nor can there be, when you do not want to leave sovereign - José de Alencar
Quote of the day."Al, for want of anything better to do, is standing nodding his head. This reminds Faron of those stupid dogs that people put in their cars, that when the car moves, the dogs frantically nod their heads, like some demented, freshly graduated psychologist, with their first patients. - Gary Edward Gedall
You must keep sending work out; you must never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer. You send that work out again and again, while you're working on another one. If you have talent, you will receive some measure of success - but only if you persist. - Isaac Asimov
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
To move from here to there, sometimes there is a need to suspend the present realities; they can be a distraction. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
Persistence is a unique mental strength; a strength that is essential to combat the fierce power of the repeated rejections and numerous other obstacles that sit in waiting and are all part of winning in a fast-moving, ever-changing world. - Bob Proctor
I was its skin, its movement, its shape, its god, its creator, its destroyer. And you thought Dexter was bad. The Bridgeman arrives soon. - Catherine Astolfo
Just let go of the oars. Whenyou‘re no longer paddling against the Current, when you release your oars and relax into your ownnatural Well-Being, the Current, which is ever moving in the direction of that which you havebecome and all that you want, will carry you toward your desires. - Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified.– - Neville Goddard
I don’t always do what I say but if you want to follow my actions, be my guest. You can do what I do and fail, or you can do what I say and move on with your life. It’s your choice. - Nicketa Gomes
Don't stand unmoving outside the door of a crying baby whose only desire is to touch you. Go to your baby. Go to your baby a million times. Demonstrate that people can be trusted, that the environment can be trusted, that we live in a benign universe. - Peggy O'Mara
All of the great achievers of the past have been visionary figures; they were men and women who projected into the future. They thought of what could be, rather than what already was, and then they moved themselves into action, to bring these things into fruition. - Bob Proctor
It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain
Wanting him to come back before anyone notices part of the world has not moved since he left. - Brian Andreas
Our archives are treasure troves - a testament to many lives lived and the complexity of the way we move forward. They contain clues to the real concerns of day-to-day life that bring the past alive. - Sara Sheridan
Words were his delight; Hers, a gay gracefulnessOf dancing and moving. But when to the place Of deep loving (Starlight at midnight)At last they came, Their full communion And consummation,Their complete sphere,Was stillness for her,Silence for him. - Theodore Spencer
We are FREE, not bound like a Tree. We can Move, we can Dance... We can take a Chance!- - RVM
Defeated? Learn from it. Move forward. You're stronger now. Reach out for help. No shame, only learning. Seek out those you can learn from. - Waylon H. Lewis
The sad news is, nobody owes you a career. Your career is literally your business. You own it as a sole proprietor. You have one employee: yourself. You need to accept ownership of your career, your skills and the timing of your moves.
Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,Love is knowing I am everything,and between the two my life moves. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
The greatest Comfort in life is Christ On the Move For Our Redemption Timelessly! HS (EL) - Evinda Lepins
The only thing that ever came close to tugging my heart strings is music. I know this because that is the only time I've felt them move. - Hafsa Shah
When you dream for perfect life ahead, you may not get a fresh start always.Mend a little,bend a little. Find what you have, where you are. Adapt , improvise, move on. - RD
Genius moves to creation, not to destruction. Only a very few have combined both. - Edith Hamilton
No matter how dire a situation may be, I can always find the humor in it somewhere. If I was ever in a horror movie I would be the goofy one who doesn't seem to know quite what's going on but survives to the end with witty one-liners. - A.J. Rose
Forgiveness is one of the keys to moving forward because if you don't forgive, you are stuck in the past. - Terraine Francois
I've been burdened with blame trapped in the past for too long, I'm moving on - Rascal Flatts
There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality. - Pablo Picasso
The fields were fruitful and starving men moved on the roads. The granaries were full and the children of the poor grew up rachitic. - John Steinbeck
Quote from FUTURE GONE: "…I wonder what actually this hospital is, why I am in it and who I am. I have no time to find out. I die, with my arms stretched towards the spotlights.Then whiteness.My body is still there somewhere…Buried in the extremely bright lights of empty hope". - Alexandar Tomov
You can not avoid life or your thoughts you can only make the best of your current situation and move on with a positive mental attitude. - Matthew Donnelly
The streets are silent / The playgrounds are still /The noise has moved elsewhere / Into our homes / Into our hearts / It’s been too long /Children are not where they belong /The streets, the playgrounds and the song /Have been waiting for too long… - Daya Kudari
My two favourite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. The perfect day: riding a bike to the library. - Peter Golkin
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney Company
You want to move on, but to do that you have to let her go, and you don't want to let her go, so you don't move on. - Jonathan Tropper
it [In Memoriam] expressed exactly the nature of her own shock and sorrow, the very structure and slow process of pain, and the transformations and transmutations of grief, like rot in the earth-mould, like roots and other blind things moving in the grave. - A.S. Byatt
Forgiveness: It’s not because they deserve it; it’s because you do. Sometimes forgiveness is about loving yourself enough to move on. - Steve Maraboli
Inspiration works on the same sense as humans, quite generous yet impatient. When it calls, better respond there and then or it moves shop. - Unarine Ramaru
I believe that only scientists can understand the universe. It is not so much that I have confidence in scientists being right, but that I have so much in nonscientists being wrong. - Isaac Asimov
We may not have the power to move mountains, but if we have the power to take someone's hand and named them loved and forgiven we have power enough. - Dianne Astle
Well we've moved through the funfair a bit - we've done the rollercoaster, now we're on the ghost train. - Steven Moffat
Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet. - Chinese Proverb
Don't get me wrong, magic is cool. But a nervous mother singing to her child at night while something moves quietly through the dark outside her house? That's a story. Handled properly, it's more dramatic than any apocalypse or goblin army could ever be. - Patrick Rothfuss
It is time for us to move on to our promised land!!! It’s time to begin to believe that with God on our side we can build a prosperous nation and continent - Sunday Adelaja
The king may rule the kingdom, but it's the queen who moves the board. - D.M. Timney
If a conclusion is not poetically balanced, it cannot be scientifically true. - Isaac Asimov
These tears I'm wailing,I spill not without reason.Remove them, my dearest love.Take me to the place I've been dreaming of,where the grotesquely lonely meet the grotesquely lonelyand they whisper,just very softly,Please be mine, Dearest Love. - Morrissey
You try moving things with nothing but willpower. It's about as easy as trying to lasso a bull with a licorice whip."—from "Phantom's Veil - Richelle E. Goodrich
Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness. - Steve Maraboli
So. Monday. We meet again.We will never be friends—but maybe we can move past our mutual enmity toward a more-positive partnership. - Julio Alexi Genao
Maths is at only one remove from magic. - Neel Burton
The simple solution for disappointment depression: Get up and get moving. Physically move. Do. Act. Get going. - Peter McWilliams
We two make banquets of the plainest fareIn every cup we find the thrill of pleasure... For us life always moves with lilting measureWe two, we two, we make our world, our pleasure - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Remove the letter 'I'(EGO) and word 'WANT'(DESIRE) from the statement "I WANT HAPPINESS" and you will be remained with 'HAPPINESS - Gauthama Buddha
Do not allow another person to set you back. Continue moving forward not backwards. When someone pulls you back, be like the arrow to a bow and spring forth greater than ever. And, what they thought would be your disadvantage, you turn it into your advantage. - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
We need to move from the existing culture of compliance in cybersecurity to developing a culture of excellence in mitigating Cyber threats. - Arzak Khan
You turned your guilt into resentment, because that seems easier to face. You won't move on until you turn it back into guilt, and then into forgiveness for yourself. - Charlie Jane Anders
Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Hope. It is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and greatest weakness. - Unknown or The Archictect from the Matrix reloaded movie
I think it happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. And so you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on. - Adhish Mazumder
Life is an escalator: You can move forward or backward; you can not remain still. - Patricia Russell-McCloud
I'm moving, but don't worry! [Someone once] told me we're all on the same planet, so I'll be okay!
Don't mire up in self despair of your losses, learn from them and move on to other good things in life. Don't stop allowing the sunshine in because of the fear that winter will come and engulf the warmth. Hold it close to you to help you through those cold winter days. - Belinda Taylor on "Loss"
I am still hoping to see an America that would gradually move beyond race, only in times when old ideas would no longer lives and the new will grow with the young generation. - Henry Johnson Jr
Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move. - Albert Einstein
Man is only man at the surface. Remove the skin, dissect, and immediately you come to machinery. - Paul Valery
To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties. For he who renounces everything no indemnity is possible. Such a renunciation is incompatible with man's nature; to remove all liberty from his will is to remove all morality from his acts. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
And there comes a time that what is happening does not suit you anymore...You flip a coin, light a match and throw it behind your back and let everything purify in ashes while you are moving forward.There is no reason to be afraid of the new, the old has power no more - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
It's painful when the phantom of the past keeps on lingering you even you wanted to move on. - Kenneth C. Agudo
I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night there must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest. - Marilyn Monroe
New York now leads the world's great cities in the number of people around whom you shouldn't make a sudden move. - David Letterman
The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. - Carl Sandburg
Choice betrays character, I said.That’s not true. Loring moved his finger along thesheet as if writing his name in cursive. Eliza, you can’t judge a man solely on his actions. Sometimes actions are nothing more than reactions. - Tiffanie DeBartolo
In a human development sense, our understanding of leadership has essentially grown up and moved past personal ego and a self-centered view of things. - Linda Fisher Thornton
Nature is a labyrinth in which the very haste you move with will make you lose your way. - Sir Francis Bacon
Who but the Atman is capable of removing the bonds of ignorance, passion and self-interested action? - Adi Shankaracarya
[They] pervert the course of nature [by saying] the sun does not move and that it is the earth that revolves and that it turns.[ illustrating his opposition to heliocentrism in a sermon due to the Bible's support of geocentrism] - John Calvin
It's the writing that teaches you. - Isaac Asimov
When we move in a direction that touches our heart, we add to the momentum of deeper purpose that makes us feel more alive. - Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone
There is no happiness for him who does not travel, Rohita!Thus we have heard. Living in the society of men, the best man becomes a sinner… therefore, wander!… The fortune of him who is sitting, sits; it rises when he rises; it sleeps when he sleeps; it moves when he moves. Therefore, wander! - Aitareya Brahmanan in the Rigveda
Life is better than any movie or TV show. In real life there is no plot and there are billions of characters. - Marc Pamittan
NW" is full of split selves, people alienated from the very things they thought defined them. Their nostalgia -- for old movies, old songs, buses they don't ride anymore -- is less a salve than a form of pain. - Christian Lorentzen
If you want to be excellent at something, it involves moving away from your comfort zone, overcoming doubt, setbacks and failure. Don't give up. Keep plugging away and being persistent. Success and winning will be yours. - Mark F. LaMoure
God has a plan for you (Jer. 29:11) and you will make it through this time of testing. Keep on believing and moving forward and you will see Him working out the details. God is never early or late but His timing is always perfect. You will see, I promise. - Tamara L. Chilver
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain
To change situation move forward with wearing smile on your face who cares you are in pain - Kishore Bansal
When well told, a story captured the subtle movement of change. If a novel was a map of a country, a story was the bright silver pin that marked the crossroads. - Ann Patchett
Women in my country take their rights for granted and completely dissociate themselves from the women's rights movement and feminism. But I think anything's possible. If I don't help the women in Afghanistan, they won't be around to help me. - Cheryl Benard quoting Lorrie
We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way. - Audre Lorde
For students of every ability and background, it is the simply miraculous act of reading a good book that turns them into readers. The job of adults who care about reading is to move heaven and earth to put that book into a child's hands. - Nancy Atwell
Move on, sky is not limit, wind can touch you, water can dip you, mother will care you, wife will nurture you and above all, oneday you will see your child following, up above the sky; you became a star, twinkling, watching and waiting to come back again, on earth. - Santosh Kalwar
Accepting that life is insane, that bad things happen to good people and that you can find the courage to be grateful for the good in every situation and still move forward is hard (even terrifying), but heroic. - Richie Norton
We must accept the idea that having a male child has a unique social and psychological meaning for a woman. Even women who led the movement to break out the passivity and sublimation of the female role were deeply influenced by the belief in superior masculine power. - Klein Carole
Purge me from every sinful blot;My idols all be cast aside: Cleanse me from every evil thought,From all the filth of self and pride.The hatred of the carnal mind Out of my flesh at once remove:Give me a tender heart, resigned, And pure, and full of faith and love. - John Wesley
you brought other people close. look at me, i am still the same i was before ; having just two best friends in my case.and you are not happy with me. you hold grudges. So then free yourself. Remove this tag of best friend and feel free. - shivangi lavaniya
Whether a man is burdened by power or enjoys power; whether he is trapped by responsibility or made free by it; whether he is moved by other people and outer forces or moves them -- this is of the essence of leadership.
One can survive every hurt and move on, except the hatred of a mother formed without reasons, that one could not elucidate. - Darmie Orem
Move to live and live to move! - Toni Sorenson
OYSTER, n. A slimy, gobby shellfish which civilization gives men the hardihood to eat without removing its entrails! The shells are sometimes given to the poor. - Ambrose Bierce
If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. - Isaac Asimov
I wonder if anyone will know what I mean when I say that some people make the world seem like a large place filled with different lands, languages and cultures and others make it seem like a small place where a new Tom Hanks movie is being released on video this week - Tales of Mere Existence
To respect law, a man carries mercy with his endeavours. To respect ethics, he moves on wasteful relationships. - Harshit Walia
In his youth, he was electrified. The stars were moving in his bloodstream. He would not have been cowed by the customs of an earthly monarch. When he loved, it was with a heat and a desperation that he carried like a sword. He loved in the way that Greeks burned cities. - Brenna Yovanoff
Some day the road that you choose will be your destiny The hope and the anxiety you grasped tightly Will surely move you and me, because it will become a light - Anonymous
If we accept the premise that we’re always wrong, it really removes the incentive to spend a lot of time trying to make good guesses because even the good guesses turn out to be wrong. So, make plausible guesses… and tell a good story. - James S.A. Corey
Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. - Corrie ten Boom
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein
Nothing will unfold for us unless we move toward whatlooks to us like nothing: faith is a cascade. - Alice Fulton
A thorn in your side will drive you to find someone or thing to remove it. Therefore, don't hate your enemies. Thank them. Without them, you wouldn't have traveled as far in your life to find peace and happiness. - Shannon L. Alder
You can't move forward if you're still hanging on. - Sue Fitzmaurice
Men need usually full training while Women require often only a fine tuning for a scintillating acting in a real movie called life. - Anuj Somany
It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it. - Maurice Switzer
ABSCOND, v.i. To "move in a mysterious way," commonly with the property of another. Spring beckons! All things to the call respond; The trees are leaving and cashiers abscond. Phela Orm - Ambrose Bierce
Adversity removes the friends prosperity has harvested. - C.J. Langenhoven
You need to have faith in yourself. Be brave and take risks. You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward. - Roy T. Bennett
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan W. Watts
Frankly, Pedro Almodóvar's recent box office hit, Volver, is the first movie I've seen in which a young woman's retaliation against sexual violence doesn't ultimately boomerang around to destroy her - Sarah Stillman
To be a member of such a crowd ... is not much to be far removed from solitude; the freedom of everyone is assured by the freedom to which everyone else lays claim. - Rémy de Gourmont
I am, a shadowthat grows longer as the sunmoves, drawn outon a thread of wonder.If I bear burdensthey begin to be rememberedas gifts, goods, a basketof bread that hurtsmy shoulders but closes mein fragrance. I caneat as I go. ("Stepping Westward") - Denise Levertov
It is not so much that I have confidence in scientists being right, but that I have so much in nonscientists being wrong. - Isaac Asimov
We need movement, activity, as much as air and water. - Marty Rubin
I don't care to be someone's first love, I care to be their second or third; after every heartbreak they had experienced, I was worthy enough for them to move forward and this to me is greater than any first's of someone's heart. - Nikki Rowe
There's Light At The End of Every Tunnel. So Keep Moving If You Get A Sign of HOPE. You Never Know, That Might Be The Last Chance You'll Get To See The Shiny Day. Never Give Up, Just Follow Your Dreams.... - Muhammad Imran Hasan
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on. - Ulysses S. Grant
CHILDHOOD, n. The period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth -- two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age. - Ambrose Bierce
We just move from one addiction to the other, choose your addiction! - Harrish Sairaman
You only need to move your body to the rhythm of the music. - Lailah Gifty Akita
To become richer, earn more. To appear richer, move into a poorer neighborhood. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Be a person that radiates happiness with her every movement and enlightens every place she goes with her smile. - Debasish Mridha
Dance is your words expressed with movement. - Pablito Greco
No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. . .. - Isaac Asimov
Sometimes you might miss that person, sometimes you'll feel like running back to them... sometimes you'll suffer from unbearable pain but sometimes you have to forget what you feel. And simply remember what you deserve, smile and move on! - Nehali Lalwani
Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. - Steve Jobs
Every move moves you! - Riya Pallavi Biren
Progress isn't about how fast or how far you are moving, it's about the direction your heart and body is pointed. Keep those aimed at your truest north and you'll get to where you want to be. - Toni Sorenson
In the bigger scheme of things, we are two pawns... waiting for life to make its move.#Fatalist - Saru Singhal
Kermit: Hey, Fozzie, I want you to turn left if you come to a fork in the road.Fozzie: Yes sir, turn left at the fork in the road.[drives past a giant fork]Fozzie: Kermit!Kermit: I don't believe that. - The Muppet Movie (1979)
The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted.
You're badly wounded.You're bleeding but not cut.You feel like dying but you're not.It’s a Love accident an emotional injury.You are not going to the hospital, aren't you?You don't need medicines and first aides, don't you?You just need to move on. Accept it, forgive and forget it. - Bradley B. Dalina
The real you is not you, the real you is what is within you. What is behind your joy or your melancholy. What gives you the reason to ponder. What moves or stops you. What makes you you is you. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Faith isn't hearing the voice of God. It's listening and hearing nothing, but moving toward the miracle anyway. God hears us even when we don't hear him. Knowing that requires real faith. - Toni Sorenson
Anyone that says his mind will be probably regarded a fool, but the true artist is not moved by the comments about the looks of his painting or remarks that are dreadfully sarcastic, but hearken now! That he who says what others want to hear hasn't said anything of his own. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest. - Isaac Asimov
If that the world and love were young, And truth in every shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me move To live with thee and be thy love. - William Shakespeare
There is perhaps nothing more startling for the humanity than how most people start moving in one direction on given a call, without even giving a second thought as in which way they are heading. - Anuj Somany
Moving on sometimes is the best way to take all the bricks that life throws at you, and building a castle to chillax - Coleen Innis
My friends, Mountains can only be moved when a coalition is made between the lips that pray & the hand that helps - Mwirigi LG
Every thought is a creative energy that moves the universe to action. - Réné Gaudette
Prayer bends the omnipotence of heaven to your desire. Prayer moves the hand that moves the world. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
More and more I knew my budding world was ruined if he were free in it. As a specimen Mr. Wallace might be my pride. Glory to him in a jar. But free! Better to release the sweet moving tiger or the delicate snake, the monumental elephant. I was just a castaway to be devoured. - William H. Gass
As a leader, your main responsibility is to remove any barriers that stand in the way. - Adam Smith
In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation. - Guy Debord
Imagine our imaginations were limited only to the limitless. Still, it wouldn't matter without a motivation to move. - Ryan Lilly
I could hear my heart beating. I could hear everyone's heart. I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark. - Raymond Carver
The wonderful wizard of Oz - when was a child I loved the movie and I read the book when I got older and made me amazing - L. Frank Baum, W.W. Denslow
It's simpler to live in a mindset of moving forward, than in a mindset of procrastination! - John Di Lemme
My day will come. But until then, I patiently continue moving forward. -Never allow yourself to become stagnant- - Andrea L'Artiste
Sometimes I feel I am destined for greater things, and then again sometimes I suspect that I am just an extra in epic movie. - Shon Mehta
Forgiveness is knowing and remembering what happened, but choosing to move beyond it. - Ashley Ormon
It's essential to keep moving, learning and evolving for as long as you're here and this world keeps spinning - Rasheed Ogunlaru
If you want to get rich from writing, write the sort of thing that's read by persons who move their lips when they're reading to themselves. - Don Marquis
When I stopped trying to block my sadness and let it move me instead, it led me to a bridge with people on the other side. I learned that sadness does not sink a person; it is the energy a person spends trying to avoid sadness that does that. - Barbara Brown Taylor
don't be too much busy on imagining your your life as perfect as the romantic movies, you have your own private story that is being written by the master of the masters. - asma ismaciil
Every great movement needs an agitator. Every leader of spiritual ideals need a John the Baptist. - William Allen White
No person wakes up and finds themselves on the world stage. When that happens, it is in the movies. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
Esse amor estático tão fortemente nos tomou que, alheando ao espírito outras preocupações mundanas, nos comove a paixão de adquirir livros. - Bury Richard De
Inspiration moves one from Pessimism to Optimism, from Doubt to Faith, from Despair to Hope, and from Darkness to Light!- - RVM
You may not want to hear that or think of it as writing, but I’m telling you that the moving of information is a literary act in and of itself. Even when people aren’t reading it. - Kenneth Goldsmith
the past is the pastthink about now. not the past.we need to move on. - JRyO
Keeping objects from your past comes with memories of your past. Let go of both to move on. - Faydra D. Fields
The only person I compete with is Satan. If that happens to be you, then could you please move out of the way? You’re standing in Christ’s spot. - Shannon L. Alder
Now the big question is: what direction are you moving? Look inward; there is a burning desire in your heart that will make you the person you can become A superstar! - Maureen Lawrence
Some friends gladly stay, some move away. Some come and go, but their affections grow. While some, I recall, are not friends at all. - Primadonna Angela
Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments: love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove : O, no! it is an ever fixed mark. - William Shakespeare
The power of beauty may move more than a heart. Beauty can move heaven and earth. - Debasish Mridha
Plants die off when their roots have no water to sustain them. May your tears feed the roots of love in your heart and bring healing to your soul. May God grant you the strength to move on, knowing there's so much ahead of you. - Kemi Sogunle
Movement is joy. - Marty Rubin
Life is your own movie. Not Gods. - Max Basstanie
We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin. - André Berthiaume
He removes the greatest ornament of friendship, who takes away from it respect. - Cicero
I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night, 'There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.' - Marilyn Monroe
Until you make a destiny defining decision, you can't move from where you are to the rightful place you should be. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Whereas a novice makes moves until he gets checkmated (proof), a Grand Master realizes 20 moves in advance that it’s futile to continue playing (conceptualizing). - Bill Gaede
If the universe is made of information then, we are moving from a state of profound truth to a state of meaningless gibberish. - R.A.Delmonico
There was a large sting near his upper lip. I touched it lightly. Does it hurt?My gaze moved from his lips up to his eyes. He was looking at me in a way that made me blush.Yes, he responded quietly. - Colleen Houck
....With pulleys and ropes and time to plan one could move anything. Now that she thought of it, why couldn’t anyone do anything he or she wished, given the tools and the time. - Walker Percy
Old people think young people haven't learned about love. Young people think old people have forgotten about love. - Isaac Asimov
We live to work.Man was made to move.Without work we shall grow old quickly. - Lailah Gifty Akita
I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians. - Francis Ford Coppola
Jesus didn't die on the cross so we can do something epic. He died so we can have a relationship with an epic God who moves in epic ways! - Alisa Hope Wagner
I have a theory that movies operate on the level of dreams, where you dream yourself. - Meryl Streep
I'm a huge supporter of women. What I'm not a supporter of liberalism. Feminism is what I oppose. Feminism has led women astray. I love the women's movement, especially walking behind it. - Rush Limbaugh
If the anti-abortion movement took a tenth of the energy they put into noisy theatrics and devoted it to improving the lives of children who have been born into lives of poverty, violence, and neglect, they could make a world shine. - Michael Jay Tucker
I'm OK with being single, but I'm not OK when the time comes where I have to move my furniture around and to change the high ceiling light balls... - Hiroko Sakai
If you wish to glimpse inside a human soul and get to know a man, don't bother analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking, of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved by noble ideas; you will get better results if you just watch him laugh. If he laughs well, he's a good man. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A friend is someone who will help you move. A real friend is someone who will help you move a body. - Unknown
To move forth and grab your destiny is admirable. To shape your own future with the strength in your fist is beyond that. - S.A. Bouraleh
Sober Minds give the world a chance. True Love brings you Hope. Blind Faith moves mountains. And the main savior from despair is Laughter. - Lara Biyuts
Forget and Forgive are the only way to move forward. - Befekadu G
I’ve seen the first three Terminator movies in succession more times in my life than I have shaved my legs. - Christy Leigh Stewart
Not all speed is movement. - Toni Cade Bambara
Man, as a form, bears within him the eternal principle of being, and by economic movement along his endless path his form is also transformed, just as everything that lives in nature was transformed in him. - Kazimir Malevich
The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men. - George Eliot
Bishops move diagonally. That's why they often turn up where the kings don't expect them to be. - Terry Pratchett
Once you can laugh at your own weaknesses, you can move forward. Comedy breaks down walls. It opens up people. If you're good, you can fill up those openings with something positive. Maybe... combat some of the ugliness in the world. - Goldie Hawn
When you're trapped in a prison, and your heart is broken, and you can't move a finger because you don't know what to do, that's when you wake up. - Robin Gregory
If you have no good drive in you, your life will not be steered through a good direction. It will miss its destined station. Passion or drive is what moves the vehicle of a fulfilled life. - Israelmore Ayivor
Rather than standing or speaking for children, we need to stand with children speaking for themselves. We don't need a political movement for children... [we need to] build environments and policies for our collective future. - Sandra Meucci
Hearing God’s voice is indispensable to moving through or around closed doors. - Gary Rohrmayer
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny...' - Isaac Asimov
The idea is there, locked inside, and all you have to do is remove the excess stone.
Feminist movement is pro-family. - bell hooks
Whatever you do... keep moving forward. - Tara Estacaan
Hold on to your friends.Resist - or move onBe mad, be rashSmoke and explodeSell all of your clothesJust bear in mind:There just might come a timeWhen you need some friends - Morrissey
Nothing is forever, he thought beyond closed eyelids somewhere over Asia Minor. Maybe unhappiness is the continuum through which a human life moves, and joy just a series of blips, of islands in the stream. Or if not unhappiness, then at least melancholy. - Salman Rushdie
You should never turn down the offer of another man’s story,’ the fox persisted, moving off a little further into the trees ahead. ‘Stories are the only thing that separates us from the animals after all. - T.B. McKenzie
Move forward for forward is progress but circles are movement. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Where you are and what you have been through has you perfectly placed to move forward. Stronger, braver, wiser. - Tony Curl
It seems to me a measure of the true perversity of the human race, that one of its very few reliably pleasurable activities should be the subject of so much hysteria and repression. - A dangerous Method, 2011 (Movie)
Can’t you see…The stars tonight Baby I’m sitting hereDying For your light You’re killing me With your lonely nights ………………Baby what elseYou’re trying to prove Lower your fence I made my first move Take me back to your arms Tonight…………………. - sami abouzid
The world moves fast, and so do the bees. Can we find the stillness to see them? - Hattie Ellis
As the bell rang he would look back at the departing year. He always found it a moving experience. Sometimes he was racked by sorrow and regret. Even when the sentimentality of the announcers repelled him, the tolling of the bells echoed in his heart. - Yasanuri Kawabata
When women turn on women, and take cheap shots at their decisions purely to score political points it serves as proof that feminism, as a movement, is dead and no longer relevant or credible. - S.E. Cupp
Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another. You choose to let go of a past wrong and no longer be hurt by it. Forgiveness is a strong move to make, like turning your shoulders sideways to walk quickly on a crowded sidewalk. It's your move. - Gordon Atkinson
Eli: People had more than they needed. We had no idea what was precious and what wasn't. We threw away things people kill each other for now. - Book of Eli Movie
Faith moves mountains; love moves the world. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Sitting makes us think of standingOur current stance keeps on demanding We wish to fly without the wings Puppets move before pulling the strings - Munia Khan
My story can move fast, as I can't, it can have a reasonable and perhaps perfect solution, as mine can't. A solution that is somehow satisfying, as my personal solution never can be. - Patricia Highsmith
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right. - Isaac Asimov
behind each breakaway movement is a breakaway demagogue who will set up his breakaway demagogue government. - Frank Zappa
A year earlier my parents had moved us out of the city to a split-level on Long Island, their idea of the American dream, which meant it as now an hour-and-a-half commute via the 7:06 Hicksville to Penn Station every morning. (Dark City Lights) - Jonathan Santlofer
The death of any man will not remove God's throne. - Olawale Daniel
If you're going to make a science fiction movie, then have a hover craft chase, for God's sake. - Joss Whedon
Give me where to stand, and I will move the earth. - Archimedes
Don't compare your story to a movie or a book because it is written by a script writer and yours by God - Anonymous
When you remove all of the barriers and open the window of your heart, love will eagerly enter through it with all its beauty. - Debasish Mridha
I could never understand what was going on in my dreams I couldn’t control the happenings, it’s like I just stood there glued to the ground watching everything around me move and evolve into different scenarios. I was a ghost of myself watching life unravel before my own eyes... - JaszCab.
A story must be told or there'll be no story, yet it is the untold stories that are most moving. - J.R.R. Tolkien
When we move about the planet seeing with the eyes of the heart, we connect with humanity on the deepest level possible and remember one of our soul's promises: to bring the wonders of Heaven, which reside in the Sacred Heart, to earth in physical form. - Molly Friedenfeld
Moving on is easy. It's staying moved on that's trickier. - Katerina Stoykova Klemer
To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today. - Isaac Asimov
There used to be a real me, but I had it surgically removed. - Peter Sellers
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. - Helen Keller
As more good comes your way, your belief will increase, until you move past it into the realm of conviction. - Stephen Richards
One step, two steps, three steps; like winds of time experience joy of centuries, when movements become revelations of the dance of destinies. - Shah Asad Rizvi
All evil is good become cancerous. - Isaac Asimov
I am not moved by riches and fame, but selflessness and a passion for humanity. - Gugu Mona
Abuse changes who we are, it changes who we become, It changes how we move in the world And so does kindness - Nikki Rosen
Praise is declaration, a victory cry, proclaiming faith to stand firm in the place God has given you. Praise is a proclamation that the enemy's intent to plunder you will not rock you. Praise declares that you will not be moved by the enemy's attempt to snatch you away. - Darlene Zschech
It takes no compromise to give people their rights...it takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression. - Harvey Milk
Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them becuase they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.
I think ‘slow writing’ is the answer when the feeling of burn out threatens, something akin to the ‘slow food’ movement. Anxiety and panic are counterproductive to the creative process. - Rosaleen Love
Después de 10 años de matrimonio era todavía lo suficientemente estúpido como para seguir enamorado de ella. - Isaac Asimov
The volume of your impacts is measured by the direction of your movements, the passion with which you inspire and the attitudes by which you make an influence! - Israelmore Ayivor
I was sitting, starring into the sky with a tear in my eye thinking: what a beautiful world that the MAKER has allowed us to enjoy for a moment - not to destroy - to enjoy. So let us remove the strife, seize the moments we are blessed with and love this life. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
I would like to spare the time and effort of hack reviewers and, generally, persons who move their lips when reading. - Vladimir Nabokov
Art, like love, moves the heart in unexpected directions. - Marty Rubin
It is always possible that society you live in might go backwards, towards the land of ignorance and darkness! While this tragedy and stupidity happening, you must move forward! You must walk forward, towards the light and wisdom, to the land of reason! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Businesspeople are like sharks, not just because we're gray and slightly oily, or because our teeth trail the innards of those we have eviscerated, but because we must move forward or die. - Stanley Bing
We spend most of our time and energy in a kind of horizontal thinking. We move along the surface of things [but] there are times when we stop. We sit still. We lose ourselves in a pile of leaves or its memory. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper. - James Carroll
If movements were a spark every dancer would desire to light up in flames. - Shah Asad Rizvi
Woman is a delicate creature with strong emotions who has been created by the Almighty God to shoulder responsibility for educating society and moving toward perfection. God created woman as symbol of His own beauty and to give solace to her partner and her family. - Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu-Talib A.S
The ultimate concept car will move so fast, even at rest, as to be invisible. - J.G. Ballard
Like the he-man movie stars who turn out to be queer . . . or the silent-film actors whose voices sound terrible recorded--the audience only wants a limited amount of honesty. [ellipses original] - Chuck Palahniuk
Climbing mountains is strength; moving mountains is faith. - Matshona Dhliwayo
A mistake does not make a shadow. The people who you hurt through the mistake and what they decide to say about it is what leaves a shadow. The only way to erase that shadow is to shed light on it. If that is not possible, moving on to somewhere brighter is always an option. - Justin David Nevins
The shock of photographed atrocities wears off with repeated viewings, just as the surprise and bemusement felt the first time one sees a pornographic movie wear off after one sees a few more. - Susan Sontag
It really doesn't matter if the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on. - Gordon Atkinson
[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. - Pat Robertson
Guilt and Regret always pulls one down.They have an impact like that of gravity.They heavy you like few tons of concrete,Therefore,Instead of growing, moving on and learning from your mistakes,You will wine and dine with Would Have's and Could Have's. - Nomthandazo Tsembeni
For Jesus, it was about the Father and us. It was not about Him. Could we say the same about ourselves? From the book: Removing Your Shame Label. - Eddie Capparucci, LPC
Life is like a steering wheel, it only takes one small move to change your entire direction. - Kellie Elmore
The Occupy Wall Street movement faltered when activists realized that traders were quite busy already. - The Covert Comic
Moving forward with success is a greater accomplishment, when we bring others along with us. - Ellen J. Barrier
Critical to the fight against global terrorism is an ability to move beyond presuppositions and stereotypes in our attitudes and policies and to form partnerships that transcend an "us" and "them" view of the world. (p. 135) - John L. Esposito
Quote from FUTURE GONE:…I set the house on fire. It’s dark outside. The fire tears down the darkness. I turn my back to the place and leave, not knowing where. And suddenly I understand…All dreams are dead now. - Alexandar Tomov
I AM NOT about making movies that would be forgotten. I want to make ONLY timeless classics. I don't care if it takes me ten years - Sahndra Fon Dufe
I move in the university of the waves. - Pablo Neruda
If debugging is the art of removing bugs, then programming must be the art of inserting them. - Unknown
The world is moved not only by the mighty shoves of the heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker. - Helen Keller
Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here. - Donald J. Trump
I walk. I talk. I shop. I sneeze. I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out, and I don't sleep on a bed of bones. - Joss Whedon
Note to Self Thoughts design my energy!MythoughtsWILLdesign the energythat movesme! - Allan Rufus
Sometimes moving on with the life is the best solution for a broken heart - Hrishikesh J C
(about cats) They also resist our calls to come, to move, to obey, to present themselves, to do all the things that dogs do so easily. This drives some people crazy. Cats do not even care what drives us crazy! - Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
People have so much pain inside them that they’re not even aware of. - Marina Abramović
the train is moving, so either jump in or jump out but i dare you to stand in front of it !! - Hisham Fawzi
Inequality is the cause of all local movements. - Leonardo Da Vinci
Keeping the door that leads to your heart ajar is destructive as univited guests would move in and trample on your feelings, leaving you in great pains, but closing it always is a sure way to spot out the destructive and innovative guests. - Michael Bassey Johnson
What was achieved under Nazi-fascism through bloody terror against the organized workers’ movement and the people is to be achieved again today in West Europe through the information society - Red Army Faction
Hands move rocks; faith moves mountains. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Sometimes I fear that even as a People when we take one step forward, we reel backwards ten times fold. I don't even think on the Precipice of Change will we truly move forward... It will most definitely take a Miracle. - Solange nicole
The ability to continue moving when you are feeling scared, fearful or lazy is the sign of true mental strength. - Matthew Donnelly
A good preview makes you can’t wait to see the whole movie. - A.D. Posey
The moment you, as a spiritual person, stop growing, you simply die. Your ministry will grow as a consequence of your dedication, faithfulness and persistent desire to move on - Sunday Adelaja
You connect yourself to the viewer by by sharing something that is inside of you that connects with something inside of him. All you have as your guide is that you know what moves you. - Steven Brust
I would argue that a truly developed country would be beyond Presidents and Kings. In a world with some semblance of equality, each liberal-minded woman, each gay person, and indeed almost every person could be their own President. In a world of equals, what real service does a ruler provide? - Isaac Asimov
Audience of angels descend in the ambiance reciting praises in your glory, when you wear your dance shoes, when you arrive at the stage and with every step you take beneath your feet heaven moves. That is the power of dance. - Shah Asad Rizvi
The recipe for great art has always been misery and a good bowel movement. - Don Roff
Until ignorance, of one’s own Self (the Soul), is removed, illusory attachment (moha) will not go away. - Dada Bhagwan
Last night, I spoke to God.I told Him my plans. He started to cry.I thought I was great to move The Greatest to tears.He said that He was crying only becausemy plans were very differentthan His plans for me. - Kamand Kojouri
The man who gives up accomplishes nothing and is only a hindrance. The man who does not give up can move mountains.
One of the first signs of the beginnings of understanding is the wish to die. This life appears unbearable, another unattainable. One is no longer ashamed of wanting to die; one asks to be moved from the old cell, which one hates, to a new one, which one will only in time come to hate. - Franz Kafka
We are the children of the earth and removed from her our spirit withers. - George Macaulay Trevelyan
When your drive is moving your purpose, focus must hold the wheels else your might miss the way. And do you know what that means? Avoid Crash!!!. Stay focused! - Israelmore Ayivor
The sinful nature of man is the same in every generation. Man naturally moves towards entropy. We are driven towards the carnal, mundane and the mediocre. We need a higher power, force and truth to deliver us from this entropic movement to self-destruction and pull us higher to greater values. - Sunday Adelaja
In the beginning of a movie, they don't tell you what's going to happen. You just have to wait and go on the adventure with them - Katie Douglas
When i move through my pain, it clears the path for a new dawn, a new day. It is in these moments, i feel the sun rising on the horizon of hope, in my soul. - Jaeda DeWalt
In order to move forward, you will have to stumble along the way, but every falter in your stride just makes your next step even stronger. - Lindsay Chamberlin
Is it a good idea or not?? Were we build for that or not??We know to much so let's remove us?? - Deyth Banger
Time moves on for us, for you it stands still. You will be forever ageless as we grow old, your smile will never wrinkle, nor will that shine in your eyes fade.. - Kendal Rob
The customs are as formalised as an eighteenth-century minuet, and a child at the race's knee learns the moves and twirls by osmosis and observation. - Maya Angelou
Treat this world as I do, like a wayfarer; like a horseman who stops in the shade of a tree for a time, and then moves on. - Idries Shah
When you remove the concept of reward and punishment on merit, the result is the utter destruction of social fabric. - Imran Khan
The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity... and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself. - William Blake
By helping the poor, we must be able to remove their poverty. By extending help to one here and one there in the form of providing food will not remove poverty. - Periyar E.V. Ramasamy
Dance to the beat of your own drum; whether the world likes your rhythmic movements or not. - Matshona Dhliwayo
She had collected experiences, I realized, as much as she had collected all these things. As we moved her out of her own life, she seemed lonelier that I hope I'll ever be. - Moore, Jenny
Psychotics, say what you want about them, tend to make the first move. - David Lipsky (Author), Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foste
When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are spirits - not animals. - Winston Churchill
I always thought that we would be that couple in the movies but not all movies have a happy ending - Anonymous
She writes things with her movements that I for the life of me could never write with a pen. - Christopher Poindexter
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