Quotation Explorer - 'Invention'

[The television is] an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home. - David Frost
Order, unity and continuity are human inventions just as truly as catalogues and encyclopedias. - Bertrand Russell
Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void, but out of chaos; the materials must, in the first place, be afforded: it can give form to dark, shapeless substances but cannot bring into being the substance itself. - Mary Shelley
The greatest single achievement of nature to date was surely the invention of the molecule DNA. - Lewis Thomas
The invention of the teenager was a mistake. Once you identify a period of life in which people get to stay out late but don't have to pay taxes - naturally, no one wants to live any other way. - Judith Martin
Gentle Jesus, meek and mild' is a snivelling modern invention, with no warrant in the gospels. - George Bernard Shaw
I don't think necessity is the mother of invention - invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness. To save oneself trouble. - Agatha Christie
Mothers are a biological necessity; fathers are a social invention. - Margaret Mead
I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident - Thomas A. Edison
Music felt married to place, and the notion of "somewhere" predated the Internet's seeming invention of "everywhere" (which often ends up feeling like "nowhere"). - Carrie Brownstein
Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home. - David Frost
Home is an invention on which no one has yet improved.
Invention is the mother of necessity. - Thorstein Veblen
It is naturally given to all men to esteem their own inventions best. - Thomas More
There is the happiness which comes from creative effort. The joy of dreaming, creating, building, whether in painting a picture, writing an epic, singing a song, composing a symphony, devising new invention, creating a vast industry. - Henry Miller
Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous. - Leonardo da Vinci
Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end. - Henry David Thoreau
Faith is a fine inventionWhen gentlemen can see,But microscopes are prudentIn an emergency. - Emily Dickinson
The artist is always beginning. Any work of art which is not a beginning, an invention, a discovery is of little worth. - Ezra Pound
Besides, a long poem is a test of invention, which I take to be the Polar star of Poetry, as Fancy is the sails - and Imagination the rudder. - John Keats
I wish there could have been an invention that bottled up a memory, like perfume, and it never faded, never got stale. Then whenever I wanted to, I could uncork that bottle and live the memory all over again.
The physical reinvention of the world is endless, relentless, fascinating, exhaustive; nothing that seems solid is. If you could stand at just a little distance in time, how fluid and shape-shifting physical reality would be, everything hurrying into some other form, even concrete, even stone. - Mark Doty
The lack of truth in one's words and actions is manifested in the failed attempts at success. Without integrity, reinvention has no impact~ - Bluenscottish
Women's virtue is man's greatest invention.
Some tips for life: 1.Don't be afraid to follow your dreams, unless your dreams are stupid. 2.Be kind to people. 3.Don't get too excited when you read the Fountainhead 4.In times of recession, it is time for invention. 5.Things can kill you, so keep that in mind, you fearless know it alls. - Eugene Mirman
Our human inventions astound, our technological advancements are staggering,and we have amassed great wealthbut, it is only through Love that hearts are transformed, respect is fostered, and lasting peace achieved... - Kate Mullane Robertson
I am telling himwhat he wants to hear: antsdying of love underthe constellation of the dandelion.I swear that a white rose,sprinkled with wine, sings.I am laughing, tiltingmy head carefullyas if checking an invention.I am dancing, dancingin astonished skin, inan embrace that creates me. - Wisława Szymborska
The principle virtue of anyone who made an important invention is curious persistence. - Debasish Mridha
We are more ready to try the untried when what we do is inconsequential. Hence the fact that many inventions had their birth as toys. - Eric Hoffer
I do not think you can name many great inventions that have been made by married men. - Nikola Tesla
While what I write is always largely consistent with the records that remain I freely admit that where historical fact proves a barrier to invention, I simply move a detail a little one way or another. - Sara Sheridan
Take man's most fantastic invention- God. Man invents God in the image of his longings, in the image of what he wants to be, then proceeds to imitate that image, vie with it, and strive to overcome it. - Eric Hoffer
As the archaeology of our thought easily shows, man is an invention of recent date. And one perhaps nearing its end. - Michel Foucault
Inventions have long-since reached their limit--and I see no hope for further developments." -- , world-famous engineer (Rome, 10 AD) - Julius Frontinus
Plant the seeds of desire in the field of imagination to grow the harvest of invention. - Debasish Mridha
For the poet is a light and winged and holy thing, and there is no invention in him until he has been inspired and is out of his senses, and the mind is no longer in him: when he has not attained to this state, he is powerless and is unable to utter his oracles. - Socrates
TELEPHONE n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance. - Ambrose Bierce
The market is not an invention of capitalism. It has existed for centuries. It is an invention of civilization.
Without theory, practice is but routine born of habit. Theory alone can bring forth and develop the spirit of inventions. - Louis Pasteur
He without inspiration and motivation exists no more in a world full of innovations and inventions! - Darnaya Darice
Up to 90% of all inventions of the world comes from the Protestant world - Sunday Adelaja
Don't ever feel like your best days are behind you. Reinvention is the purest form of hope. Make today your best yet! - Phil Wohl
The way of war was the invention of heavenly beings. - Toba Beta
The most revolutionary aspect of the Protestant teaching however, is the fact that the Protestants began to look for ways and means to serve God better through inventions, discoveries, researches, sciences, factories, industries, etc. - Sunday Adelaja
There is nothing sacred about any beliefs! They are all the apparent inventions of human mind! Beliefs of the billions have nothing to do with the truth! If the world can stop deceiving itself, there will emerge a new world, a world that represents the truth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Inventions reached their limit long ago, and I see no hope for further development.
I repeat that sin, man's self-violation par excellence, was invented purely inorder to make science, culture, and every elevation and ennobling of man impossible; the priest rules by the invention of sin. - Friedrich Nietzsche
As was the case for Nobel's own invention of dynamite, the uses that are made of increased knowledge can serve both beneficial and potentially harmful ends. Increased knowledge clearly implies increased responsibility. - Nicolaas Bloembergen
To be a god can ultimately become boring and degrading. There'd be reason enough for the invention of free will! A god might wish to escape into sleep and be alive only in the unconscious projections of his dream-creatures. - Frank Herbert
If you find a community with less production and less inspiring inventions, then know it is a sign of lack of Business Leaders and full of General Managers do not know what they can manage or what they are managing. - Sameh Elsayed
The patent system was established, I believe, to protect the lone inventor. In this it has not succeeded. The patent system protects the institutions which favor invention. - Ernst Alexanderson
Inventions are smarter than their inventors - Larrie D. Ferreiro
Modern invention has been a great leveler. A machine may operate far more quickly than a political or economic measure to abolish privilege and wipe out the distinctions of class or finance. - Ivor Brown
Si inventer la substance, c'est indirectement inventer l'accident, plus l'invention est puissant, performante, et plus l'accident est dramatique. - Paul Virilio
And it did me no good to recall particular conversations (if indeed these were particular conversations I was remembering so vividly, rather than inventions of my uneasy brain). Remembering clarified nothing. - Emma Donoghue
If you have an idea, you will likely have difficulties during the process ofrealization regardless of the type of idea (scientific idea, invention idea,business idea, new product idea, brand idea, advertising idea, etc.). - Eraldo Banovac
No amount of skillful invention can replace the essential element of imagination. - Edward Hopper
P3- every simple need to which an institutional answer is found permit the invention of a new class of poor and a new definition of poverty - Ivan Illich
Getting caught is the mother of invention. - Robert Byrne
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.
In some ways, art is the most terrifying of human inventions. It preserves the right to undermine all the categories. The history of art is the history of iconoclasm, the history of some new voice saying that everything you know is wrong. - Richard Powers
Sex does not thrive on monotony. Without feeling, inventions, moods,no surprises in bed. Sex must be mixed with tears, laughter, words, promises, scenes, jealousy, envy, all the spices of fear, foreign travel, new faces, novels, stories, dreams, fantasies, music, dancing, opium, wine. - Anaïs Nin
If necessity is the mother of invention, then surely greed must be the father. Children of this odd couple are named: Laziness, Envy, Greed, Jr., Gluttony, Lust, Anger and Pride. - John R. Dallas Jr.
Much has been made about the death of the novel and the end of literature as it’s seen to be assailed by technology, by the web, by the many and varied new forms of entertainment and culture. I don’t share that pessimism because I think it is one of the great inventions of the human spirit. - Richard Flanagan
Boredom is a lack of crazy. Its a lack of creativity. Invention. Innovation. If you're bored, blame yourself. - Katelyn S. Bolds
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit. - Thomas Paine
There are no new inventions, only new discoveries. - Stephen Richards
Every invention began as an imagination. - Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
[From a New York Times biography from May 27, 2010 entitled Introduction to 's 'The Second Sex']Beauvoir herself was as devout an atheist as she had once been a Catholic, and she dismisses religions even when they worship a goddess as the inventions of men to perpetuate their dominion. - Simone de Beauvoir
The book is man's best invention so far. - Carolina Maria de Jesus
One’s story isn’t a skin to be shed— it’s inescapable, one’s body and blood. You go on pumping it out till you die, the story veined with the themes of your life, the ever-recurring story that’s at once your invention and the invention of you. - Philip Roth
We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - gunpowder and romantic love. - Andre Maurois
Certain backward areas have advanced, and various devices always in some way connected with warfare and police espionage have developed, but experiment and invention have largely stopped. - George Orwell
What a life we live. Full of questions, adventures, stories, mistakes, good, quests, bad, miracles, lessons, people, blessings, journeys, inventions, music, animals, history, cultures, religions, prophecies, planets, stars, careers, movies, plants, hate, love, and so much more. - Jonathan Anthony Burkett
It is a poor wit who lives by borrowing the words, decisions, inventions and actions of others.
Plant the seed of desire in the field of imagination to grow the harvest of invention. - Debasish Mridha
You were saved not by work, but for work. Do it till all is done. By your Inventions, Innovations, Initiatives, Improvements, Involvements, Imaginations, Information, Interventions and Inspirations... Go the extra mile and dare to do it. - Israelmore Ayivor
Up till recently 75% of all inventions from the time of the industrial revolution is credited to the countries where Protestant ethics were taught - Sunday Adelaja
You know what's truly weird about any financial crisis? We made it up. Currency, money, finance, they're all social inventions. When the sun comes up in the morning it's shining on the same physical landscape, all the atoms are in place. - Bruce Sterling
Books: a beautifully browsable invention that needs no electricity and exists in a readable form no matter what happens. - Nicholson Baker
Inventions are not solely the making of material things, inventions are also the mental unleashing of ideas by a genuis with a sixth sense. - Michael Bassey Johnson
The real writer is one who really writes. Talent is an invention like phlogiston after the fact of fire. Work is its own cure. You have to like it better than being loved. - Marge Piercy
Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language. - Walt Disney Company
Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of magic. - Carl Sagan
In human life, art may arise from almost any activity, and once it does so, it is launched on a long road of exploration, invention, freedom to the limits of extravagance, interference to the point of frustration, finally discipline, controlling constant change and growth. - Susanne Langer
It is clear looking at statistics of inventions, discoveries and fortune 500 companies, that it is not the believers that are managing the affairs of the earth. What a tragedy!!! - Sunday Adelaja
I will vanish in the morning light; I was only an invention of darkness. - Angela Carter
Miss Austen’s novels seem to me vulgar in tone, sterile in artistic invention, imprisoned in the wretched conventions of English society, without genius, wit, or knowledge of the world. Never was life so pinched and narrow. The one problem in the mind of the writer is marriageableness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run - and often in the short one - the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative. - Arthur C. Clarke
Woman's virtue is man's greatest invention. - Cornelia Otis Skinner
Necessity, who is the mother of invention. - Plato
The idea of a mass audience was really an invention of the Industrial Revolution. - David Cronenberg
Write, live what happens; Life is too sacred for invention though we may lie about it sometimes, to heighten it. - Christopher Isherwood
EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE ! Your Dreams ! Your Ideas ! Your Inventions ! Your Vision ! Never let anyone tell you " You Can't - Raj
The process of self-invention is never-ending; writer, like children, are always growing into their gifts. ( in a "Times-Picayune" book review. - Susan Larson
I thought the invention of mobile phone was to save our time & money, be we are doing exactly the opposite. - Srinivas Shenoy
Marriage is a wonderful invention; but then again so is a bicycle repair kit. - Billy Connolly
Necessity is the mother of invention.
We are not creators; only combiners of the created. Invention isn't about new ingredients, but new recipes. And innovations taste the best. - Ryan Lilly
Reading might be the root of ideas and inventions, even in the case of leisure reading. - Eraldo Banovac
Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void but out of chaos. - Mary Shelley
Humankind spends so much time admiring and ritualizing the inventions of humankind! And yet humankind is such a tiny part of all there is. -- Nigel S. Hey, Wonderment(Matador, 2012) - Nigel Hey
language is almost the most unique creation of humankind which defines itself; the alternative way of communication/comprehension/conception, yet overusing any invention, can cause Alienation. - Fereidoon Yazdi
Inception. Invention. Innovation. - Imani Nettles
The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing. - Douglas C. Engelbart
Recollection, I have found, is usually about half invention... - Wallace Stegner
OVEREAT, v. To dine. Hail, Gastronome, Apostle of Excess, Well skilled to overeat without distress! Thy great invention, the unfatal feast, Shows Man's superiority to Beast. John Boop - Ambrose Bierce
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit. - Thomas Paine
It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique. It's not easy, but if you accept your misfortune and handle it right your perceived failure can become a catalyst for profound re-invention. - Conan O'Brien
The book is the most technologically advanced invention in the history of humankind. - Kambiz Mostofizadeh
Was there little time between the invention of language and the coming of true and false? - Mason Cooley
Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
We tend to think of future inventions and discoveries, but in reality, these things already exist in the knowledge bank of the universe. - Stephen Richards
There is not less wit nor less invention in applying rightly a thought one finds in a book, than in being the first author of that thought. - Pierre Bayle
Thinking Breeds Inventions and Innovations. - Auliq-Ice
Sometimes an artist's first invention is herself. - Stephanie Vaughn
If you want to be creative, stay in part a child, with the creativity and invention that characterizes children before they are deformed by adult society. - Piaget
Ideas are the seeds of invention and actions are the fertilizers. - Debasish Mridha
But if the ants are not despondent because they have failed to produce a new social invention or convention in 65 million years, why should we be discouraged because some of our institutions and castes have not been able to evolve a new idea in the past fifty centuries? - William Morton Wheeler
Creativity is the mother of invention. - Ane Krstevska
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