Quotation Explorer - 'Deformed'

Dreams are deformed reflections of ourselves - less stable and more ungraspable than we are, upon which we in our turn assume the right to reflect upon and to determine. - Roger Caillois
What a deformed thief this fashion is. - William Shakespeare
The sub-conscious mind is so powerful in such a way that even if you empty your mind of all its components, there will be a little thought; it is synonymous to a well informed person who can never be deformed. - Michael Bassey Johnson
In the slaughterhouse of love, they kill only the best, none of the weak or deformed. Don't run away from this dying. Whoever's not killed for love is dead meat. - Jalaluddin Rumi
He could not stand. It was notThat he could not thrive, he was bornWith everything but the will –That can be deformed, just like a limb.Death was more interesting to him.Life could not get his attention. - Ted Hughes
The deformity of Christ forms you. If he had not willed to be deformed, you would not have recovered the form which you had lost. Therefore he was deformed when he hung on the cross. But his deformity is our comeliness. In this life, therefore, let us hold fast to the deformed Christ. - Augustine of Hippo
If you want to be creative, stay in part a child, with the creativity and invention that characterizes children before they are deformed by adult society. - Piaget
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