Quotation Explorer - 'Imbued'

USAGE, n. The First Person of the literary Trinity, the Second and Third being Custom and Conventionality. Imbued with a decent reverence for this Holy Triad an industrious writer may hope to produce books that will live as long as the fashion. - Ambrose Bierce
When our thoughts, at times, wander into darkness... remember we are human and have been imbued with free will to choose the light. - Christopher Earle
After character becomes imbued with conscious principles of love, integrity, and faith, it opens the door for purity and holiness to converge at the portals of the soul like sentinels guarding against any counter attacks from the ego. - Garey Gordon
Human nature is universally imbued with a desire for liberty, and a hatred for servitude. - Julius Ceasar
Dream extravagantly, for God has imbued us with ample imagination to dream out to and across the very periphery of the impossible. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
The movers & shakers of the world are not imbued with special powers. Once you realize that, you too can attain your rightful mantle. - Mario J. Lucero
Education would be so much more effective if its purpose were to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they don't know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it.
Every man's endeavor was imbued with responsibility - Philip Roth
yEvery man's endeavor was imbued with responsibility - Philip Roth
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