Quotation Explorer - 'Phantom'

REALITY, n. The dream of a mad philosopher. That which would remain in the cupel if one should assay a phantom. The nucleus of a vacuum. - Ambrose Bierce
A rat is neither good nor evil. It just does what a rat is suppose to do. From Phantom - Jo Nesbø
Mourning is never really complete. The mappings of the old play remain in the cortex, like those mappings of the phantom limb. - Robert A Berezin
She never got a chance to fall out of love, to do it properly, slowly and thoroughly, and the result was he was like a phantom limb. Gone but still there. And like a true phantom limb, the preponderance of feelings associated with him were painful. - Sarah Dunn
Tranquillity hides in small spaces, and when found needs to be treasured, because you know it's a phantom that will slip away again. - Diane Ackerman
A dark horse riderless, bolts like a phantom past the winning post, his mane moonflowing, his eyeballs stars. - James Joyce
Each forward step we take we leave some phantom of ourselves behind. - John Lancaster Spalding
Just as there are phantom limbs there are phantom histories, histories that are severed and discarded, but linger on as thwarted possibilities an compelling nostalgias. - Adam Phillips
You can choose a ready guide In some celestial voice If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear I will choose free will.
Destiny is but a phrase of the weak human heart - the dark apology for every error. The strong and virtuous admit no destiny. On earth conscience guides; in heaven God watches. And destiny is but the phantom we invoke to silence the one and dethrone the other. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill. I will choose a path thats clear. I will choose Freewill. - Neil Peart
At night I lay awake, her likeness casting dark shadows across my soul and senses, and my stomach throbbing away. I imagined her arms around me, lulling me into a phantom bliss, so frustrating, so unreal. - Stephen Mosley
It's painful when the phantom of the past keeps on lingering you even you wanted to move on. - Kenneth C. Agudo
It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality - Virginia Woolf
She was a phantom of delight When first she gleam'd upon my sight; A lovely apparition, sent To be a moment's ornament. - William Wordsworth
We don not think, in the holy places; we think in bed, afterwards, when the glare, and the the noise, and the confusion are gone, and in fancy we revisit alone, the solemn monuments of the past, and summon the phantom pageants of an age that has passed away. - Mark Twain
She can feel her vanished talent like a phantom limb, the empty ache of its subtraction from the short list of her assets, and she knows with spiteful certainty that it is gone for good. - Christina Moracho
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