Quotation Explorer - 'Hurried'

We are about the hurried business of living life while missing it in the very process of living it. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Never be hurried in anything. Do all things calmly and in a spirit of repose. Do not lose your inward peace even if everything seems to be going wrong. What is anything in life compared to peace of soul? - Francis de Sales
While the fates permit, live happily; life speeds on with hurried step, and with winged days the wheel of the headlong year is turned. - Seneca
Either I’ve got a wart on my nose they find curious, or I’ve grown a tail, Albie Merani muttered to himself. Just then he thought. I’d better get a move on, got work to do. He hurried across to some stairs, heading down deeper into station, then followed the signs to the pod station. - R.W. Rivers
Hurried reading can never be good reading - Georg Joachim Goschen
Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened. - Winston S. Churchill
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