When you read,' the man whispered, 'you discover who you really are. You find traces of yourself, little pieces you didn't know were there. - Malcom McNeill
History is barbaric to me because it omits all traces of the personal. - Marty Rubin
Every animal leaves traces of what it was; man alone leaves traces of what he created. - Jacob Bronowski
When you read," the man whispered, "you discover who you really are. You find traces of yourself, little pieces you didn't know were there. - Malcom McNeill
There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality. - Pablo Picasso
Even in civilized mankind faint traces of monogamous instincts can be perceived. - Bertrand Russell
of all the weapons of destruction that man could invent, the most terrible-and the most powerful-was the word. Daggers and spears left traces of blood; arrows could be seen at a distance. Poisons were detected in the end and avoided. But the word managed to destroy without leaving clues. - Paulo Coelho
There are just traces of me and not a shadow left…Without the traces of your iridescence to make my silhouette. - Deepa Bajaj
For in this world of ours where everything withers, everything perishes, there is a thing that decays, that crumbles into dust even more completely, leaving behind still fewer traces of itself, than beauty: namely grief. - Marcel Proust