Quotation Explorer - 'Looks'

What makes someone irresistible,is not their looks, but the way they can make your mind tickle,your heart race and your soul smile, all at once. - Wordions
I hate girls that giggle all the time... You hate any girl that David looks at. - Audrey Hepburn
Oh my eye Betty Martin! Aren't I glad it isn't me that's going to school! It looks just like a prison. - Henry Handel Richardson
You are perfectly right in making some slight alteration. Indeed, no woman should ever be quite accurate about her age. It looks so calculating. - Oscar Wilde
A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin. - H. L. Mencken
People tell me that Senator Edwards got picked for his good looks, his sex appeal, and his great hair. I say to them, 'How do you think I got the job? - Dick Cheney
When it looks like everyone is against you, look inside for the truth. - Sumner Davenport
Tut, Tut, looks like rain - A.A. Milne
When you see everything with love,everything looks at you with love. - Debasish Mridha
While the invisible hand looks after the private sector, the invisible foot kicks the public sector to pieces. - Herman E. Daly
We are all human, and caring about the way something looks and feels does not mean we're superficial--it means we're human. We don't need to exploit sex to recognize that a certain amount of sexiness is both pleasurable and natural. - Kathy Sierra
A rude man tells a women to stop talking too much because she is making noise. A polite man will tell this same woman that she looks so beautiful when her lip are closed. Compare and choose one! Speak politely; but be sure you get to where you are going with your words. - Israelmore Ayivor
Sometimes people are beautifulNot in looksNot in what they sayJust in what they are - Markus Zusak
More times than I can remember I look around and I ask why the hole I’m in looks so strangely familiar. Probably because it looks a whole lot like all the other ones I dug before I got around to digging this one. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
Good improvisers seem telepathic; everything looks pre-arranged, This is because they accept all offers made—which is something no ‘normal’ person would do. - Keith Johnstone
You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with. - George Carlin
Life ups the self-esteem of a low-paid man by giving him things that the high-paid man that he envies cannot buy (intellect, looks, sex appeal, etc.). - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers. - Martin Luther King Jr.
He looks as though he's been weaned on a pickle. - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Don't bother about your looks, just bother about your character - Yash Bansal
Quand le doigt montre le ciel, l’imbécile regarde le doigt. [When a finger is pointing up to the sky, only a fool looks at the finger.] - Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Now I know what the atom looks like. - Ernest Rutherford
People with looks are lovely. People with brains are witty. People with cash are wealthy. But people with God are truly happy. - Joe Mari Fadrigalan
The smart employer looks not for perfection but for an explanation of how the consequences of a dishonorable act affected the candidate and others. - Bruce Weinstein
Prejudice squints when it looks, and lies when it talks.
Young is the one that plunges in the future and never looks back. - Milan Kundera
I won't fight you, it looks puerile to me, but i can ignore and forget you till you wonder if you still exist. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh.
My mother, who taught me how to read and write and home-schooled me for the first 12 years of my life, whose presence shaped me as much as her absence did, who imbibed in me the values of empathy and fearlessness and hard work, looks down on me today with great pride. - Sharad Vivek Sagar
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. - Oscar Wilde
Everybody looks good in their own mirror! - Manoj Vaz
So it is that the gods do not give all men gifts of grace - neither good looks nor intelligence nor eloquence. - Homer
so many people concentrate on looks, but the invisible is sacred - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
People are so fucking dumb. Nobody reads anymore, nobody goes out and looks and explores the society and culture they were brought up in. People have attention spans of five seconds and as much depth as a glass of water. - David Bowie
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. - C.G. Jung
If we look straight and deep into a chimpanzee's eyes, an intelligent self-assured personality looks back at us. If they are animals, what must we be? - Frans de Waal
Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope. - Josh Billings
A man's looks are measured by the depth of his pockets. - Elizabeth Aston
The more I write the more I learn about writing. It is easy to say what looks good or sound good on paper until you experience it for yourself. - Jeanette Michelle
Until you take your profession as passion, each and every activity looks as a headache - Vignesh Sv
A winner smiles and a looser cries. The God looks at them and says,'Sorry, guys! - Santosh Kalwar
Science, you don't know, looks like magic. - Christopher Moore
Self leadership requires us to lead and motivate ourselves. But it looks a heck of a lot like schizophrenia during a ropes course. - Ryan Lilly
It looks as if British democracy died a few years ago, and nobody noticed. - Steve Merrick
Whilst the beautifully crafted image of Michel Angelo's youthful looking priestesslooks out from her position on the ceiling of the sistine chapel linked forever with Heaven Earth and Time. - Daniel Peter Buckley
i wonder if he is seeking me; as i am seeking him. I dont know what he looks like; but i know one thing for sure, the moment i feel his soul, my entire world will change. - Nikki Rowe
Her mindset will raise your children not her body or good looks - claris mary
If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve. If she tells you she's twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she's damn near forty. - Chris Rock
Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock. - John Barrymore
Don't loaf and invite inspiration; light out after it with a club, and if you don't get it you will nonetheless get something that looks remarkably like it." - - Jack London
Strength is not determined by the looks but through action. - Gugu Mona
Over the years all these vampire movies have come out and nobody looks like a vampire anymore. - Johnny Depp
[He] looks at foreign affairs through the wrong end of a municipal drainpipe. - Sir Winston Churchill
As she looks through the window; while seeing him give her his world, tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembers the world she once had. - J.B.
When a beautiful reality looks unreal, you will realize that the beauty of reality is superior to any dream whatsoever! - Mehmet Murat ildan
The more success the quantum theory has, the sillier it looks. How nonphysicists would scoff if they were able to follow the odd course of developments! - Albert Einstein
Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them. - Marvin J. Ashton
Don’t settle… wait for the one who treats you like an investment; not a test drive. Someone who inspires you to be at your best… One who looks beyond your outer beauty and falls in love with your soul. - Steve Maraboli
Some of us teach ourselves and our children to love the superficial outer; our looks, hair, skin, clothes rather than the greater beauty that resides within whereas it is that inner beauty that really defines you and who you truly are - rassool jibraeel snyman
Books are like a mirror. If an ass looks in, you can't expect an angel to look out. - B.C. Forbes
All terrific but the people. THE PEOPLE. Everyone looks so exalted, or so wretched, or so spiffy, so funny, so splendid. If you are ever bored or blue, stand on the street corner for half an hour. - Maira Kalman
She got her good looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon. - Groucho Marx
Though men can cover crimes with bold stern looks, poor women's faces are their own faults' books. - William Shakespeare
The first paragraph of my book must get me my reader. The last paragraph of a chapter must compel my reader to turn the page. The last paragraph of my book must ensure that my reader looks out for my next book. - Ashwin Sanghi
Looks sure can be deceiving: not every ‘ugly’ person is a ‘bad’ person (or is guilty of whatever it is that they are accused of). - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
With action experience grows, with travel outlooks grow, and with reflections wisdom grows. - Debasish Mridha
If you are lucky, there is a moment in your life when you have some say as to what your currency is going to be. I decided early on it was not going to be my looks. - Amy Poehler
However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poorest when you are the richest. - Henry David Thoreau
A pessimist is a man who looks both ways before crossing a one way street. - Laurence J. Peter
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas A. Edison
A smile is the best makeup that can change your looks and your heart. - Debasish Mridha
Kindness in looks and words and ways is true politeness, and any one can have it if they only try to treat other people as they like to be treated themselves. - Louisa May Alcott
Do you really believe that the moon isn’t there when nobody looks? - Albert Einstein
A troubled and afflicted mankind looks to us, pleading for us to keep our rendezvous with destiny; that we will uphold the principles of self-reliance, self-discipline, morality, and, above all, responsible liberty for every individual that we will become that shining city on a hill. - Ronald Reagan
Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals. - Theodor W. Adorno
To a coward, courage always looks like stupidity. - Bill Maher
It's hard to detect good luck - it looks so much like something you've earned.
As she looks through the window; while seeing him give her his world, tears rolled down her cheeks in remembrance of the world she once had. - J.B
Lowliness is young ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber-upward turns his face; But when he once attains the upmost round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees By which he did ascend - William Shakespeare
A man cannot understand the art he is studying if he only looks for the end result without taking the time to delve deeply into the reasoning of the study. - Miyamoto Musashi
Amazin'.' he said again. 'He just looks as though he's thinking, right?''Er...yes.''But he's not actually thinking?''Er...no.''So...he just gives the impression of thinking but really it's just a show?''Er...yes.'Just like everyone else, then really,' said Ridcully - Terry Pratchett
Everyone looks retarded once you set your mind to it. - David Sedaris
When wiggling through a holethe world looks different thanwhen scrubbed clean by the wiggleand looking back. - Mark Nepo
He who is in love is wise and is becoming wiser, sees newly every time he looks at the object beloved, drawing from it with his eyes and his mind those virtues which it possesses. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What seems to be generosity is often no more than disguised ambition, which overlooks a small interest in order to secure a great one. - Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Viewed from the summit of reason, all life looks like a malignant disease and the world like a madhouse. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I like The Eiffel Tower because it looks like steel and lace. - Natalie Lloyd
The language looks rather different when you look at a lot of it at once. - John Sinclair
You have to pay for this view (onto which he looks while writing), so our expenses keep us pretty motivated to write. It's a vicious cycle. - Pat Conroy
I say every dog looks like no otherbut that isn't true. Not entirely.Difference is slippery. - Mary Jo Bang
Amy pulls away and looks into my face. Her pale skin is blotchy red, her eyes are veined and shadowed, and a shiny line of snot trickles from her nose to the top of her lip.She wipes her face and with her arm, smearing tears and mucus. She never looked more BEAUTIFUL to me. - Beth Revis
Relationships & personal Interactions are like having food...if it doesn't taste well, we can't eat it, no matter how beautiful it looks ~ - Rajneesh Shrma
A good Policeman/woman looks for crimes. A bad policeman/woman looks for opportunity. - Richard Diaz
Nobody can keep on being angry if she looks into the heart of a pansy for a little while. - L.M. Montgomery
If what you have done yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done much today. - Mikhail Gorbachev
Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.
The past always looks better than it was; it's only pleasant because it isn't here. - Finley Peter Dunne
Hate looks like everybody else until it smiles - Tahereh Mafi
Is God satisfied with you or could it be that God looks at you and fails to see a man, only a bunch of flesh Full of self, and missing out on the purpose for his or her creation? What does God see, think and feel when he looks at you? - Sunday Adelaja
There is a moment of sheer panic when I realize that Paul's apartment overlooks the park... and is obviously more expensive than mine. - Patrick Bateman
Hard fun is, of course, the idea that we take pleasure in accomplishing something difficult: the joy in meeting and mastering a challenge. As a result, when someone is doing something that is hard fun, moment by moment it looks more like "work" than "fun," but the net effect is pleasurable overall. - David Williamson Shaffer
Typography is what communication looks like.There is beauty in the language and beauty in the way it is presented. - James Felici
Look for God, suggests my Guru. Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water. - Elizabeth Gilbert
As each child looks at the world through innocent eyes all they can see, Is the worlds way of life and the way they think their lives should be.
Love is when unknowingly I am moving to a world of no return, Where my desire and your fragrance together burnall your thoughts in canvas of my mind and soulturns in to a masterpiece as my life's aim and goal looks I am taken over and over away by you showering in me as a rain of you and only you - Seema Gupta
I want you to know how perfectyour body looks after a shower.Fresh.Covered in little dropsof water.Just like dewy grass aftera night of rainfall. - Sheri Rosa
Prospective research looks forward in time to see how a group of individual change over time while retrospective research looks backward in time and attempts to reconstruct the conditions that led to the current situation. - Shelley E. Taylor
You must take these poems as mirrors; for you know that the mirror has no form of itself, but rather reflects the face of anyone who looks in it. Just so a poem has no one particular meaning of itself , but presents to each reader his state of the moment and the completeness of his case - Ayn al-Qazat Hamadani Persian Mystic
I won’t stop caring about the world; even if it looks stupid. - M.F. Moonzajer
An intelligent person looks for problems to solve. The wise person looks for solutions. - Debasish Mridha
And I don't know much about anything in this world but I do know how to read The book written in his eyes. The way he looks at me. - Tahereh Mafi
Each time a man looks into your eyes, he is only searching to find himself; for he knows already, that he is part of you - Jeremy Aldana
If someone looks into your eyes, I read in a book one time, he'll see right into your soul. I didn't want anyone to see into my soul. - Patricia Reilly Giff
As far as I get as more I learn. As now I don't think that ordinary person is Stephen King... as far as now I think that he looks at people's behavior and look as far as they can reach... ( - Awesome as that!) - Deyth Banger
All men have their frailties; and whoever looks for a friend without imperfections, will never find what he seeks. - Cyrus the Great
The problem for me is that I can't ever really see who Gregory is, any more than I can see what a mirror by itself looks like, because he reflects whoever's around him. - Elizabeth Chandler
Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out. - J.K. Rowling
When a man meets catastrophe on the road, he looks in his purse, but a woman looks in her mirror.
The Bible looks like it started out as a game of mad libs. - Bill Maher
She has a serene, glowing disposition. She looks at you and the rest of the world through the eyes of a lynx and is always mysterious, possibly because she always harbours those hidden laughs just beneath her lips. She’s always ready to laugh. - C. JoyBell C.
Some females are so "pretty", that all they have are their looks. Don't allow your attitude and ego to deduct from your pretty ladies. No matter how cute you think you are... your attitude can make you ugly real quick. - Randa Manning-Johnson
Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
There comes a stage perhaps in everyone’s life when everything looks worthless, except to a person who is really a worthless. - Anuj Somany
The peasant is the only species of human being who doesn't like the country and never looks at it. - Jules Renard
To say that 'prayer changes things' is not as close to the truth as saying, 'prayer changes me and then I change things.' God has established things so that prayer, on the basis of redemption, changes the way a person looks at things. - Oswald Chambers
I told you. You don't love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand. - L.J. Smith
Once she had thought that she might discover some key to her mother if only she could get her likeness right, but she has since learned that the mysteries of another person only deepen, the longer one looks. - Debra Dean
If you ask a tree how he feels to know that he's spreading his fragrance and making people happy, I don't think a tree looks at it that way. I am just like that, and it is just my nature to be like this. - SadhguruJV
Dating is like pushing your tray along in a cafeteria. Nothing looks good, but you know you have to pick something by the time you reach the cashier. - Caprice Crane
Nothing will unfold for us unless we move toward whatlooks to us like nothing: faith is a cascade. - Alice Fulton
We can't help it. Life looks for life. - Carl Sagan
Once a woman goes over 25, she prioritizes 'financial security' in a potential lover. Love and good looks are just a bonus. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The charismatic portrait of the modern leadership looks nothing like Fidel Castro. It is a faceless portrait that epitomizes the toughness of Ronald Reagan, Nelson Mandela's charisma, and the most compassionate heart of Mother Theresa. - Anthony Obi Ogbo
Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up - Ralph Waldo Emerson
A writer looks at an issue and asks, 'What if this were to occur? Or what if that was thrown into the mix? What would that look like? - Venita Ellick
We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work - Thomas A. Edison
It’s not what I think? If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck... I imply with a shrug ...well then you know what they say.Nothing hap―Quack! - K. Bromberg
Only a happy mind will see the beauty of a beautiful view! For the sad mind everywhere looks gloomy! - Mehmet Murat ildan
He feeds upon her face by day and night,And she with true kind eyes looks back on him,Fair as the moon and joyful as the light:Not wan with waiting, not with sorrow dim;Not as she is, but was when hope shone bright;Not as she is, but as she fills his dream. - Christina Rossetti
Looks like Kelsey wins the award for early riser. And doesn’t she look purtier than a pat of butter meltin’ all over a stack of griddle cakes? - Colleen Houck
Faith looks to God, hopes in God, and believes in His promises, regardless of our actual circumstances. - Wendy Blight
You have something on your neck. What Looks like a bite mark, what were you doing out all night, anyway? Nothing. I went walking in the park. Tried to clear my head. And ran into a vampire What? No! I fell. On your neck? - Cassandra Clare
Love is like a piece of chocalate. It looks and tastes good, but it's dark. What really matters is the inside. - Touaxia Vang
A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. - Clemmie Galati
Tennis taught me to take chances, to take life as it comes. To hit every ball that comes to me no matter how hard it looks, to give it my best shot. - Thisuri Wanniarachchi
The more we connect with our Spiritual self, the uglier sin looks. From the book: Removing Your Shame Label. - Eddie Capparucci, LPC
Y'know when your dog drags its butt across the carpet leaving a stain- It's not as easy as it looks..." - Josh Stern
Cute is when a person's personality shines through their looks. Like in the way they walk, every time you see them you just want to run up and hug them.
From out there on the moon, international politics looks so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck, drag him a quarter of a million miles out, and say, 'Look at that, you son of a bitch. - Ed Mitchell
An honest religious thinker is like a tightrope walker. He almost looks as though he were walking on nothing but air. His support is the slenderest imaginable. And yet it really is possible to walk on it. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Anyone that says his mind will be probably regarded a fool, but the true artist is not moved by the comments about the looks of his painting or remarks that are dreadfully sarcastic, but hearken now! That he who says what others want to hear hasn't said anything of his own. - Michael Bassey Johnson
I grew up to have my father's looks - my fathers speech patterns - my father's posture - my father's walk - my father's opinions and my mother's contempt for my father. - Jules Feiffer
Judge not; the workings of his brainAnd of his heart thou canst not see;What looks to thy dim eyes a stain,In God's pure light may only beA scar, brought from some well-won field,Where thou wouldst only faint and yield. - Adelaide Anne Procter
I hate telling people this. I never know exactly how my voice is going to sound saying it, and I hate the stricken looks they get on their faces when they don't know what to say back. - Kendra Blake
If your heart truly stops when she looks at you, how come you are still alive? - Matshona Dhliwayo
Looks like I'm going to have to kill him with kindness. That's the way Gran always taught me to treat people who were mean to me. - Michelle A. Valentine
It looks all good until a person awakens to feel that the people around him/her are there in support only for cooking their own food. - Anuj Somany
Always remember, a cat looks down on man, a dog looks up to man, but a pig will look man right in the eye and see his equal. - Winston S. Churchill
Someone had given my daughter a doctor's kit. Carefully, she takes her own temperature, places the pressure cuff around her arm. Then she takes the cuff off and examines it. "Would you like to be a doctor when you grow up?" I ask her. She looks at me oddly. "I'm already a doctor," she says. - Jenny Offill
Young men's minds are always changeable, but when an old man is concerned in a matter, he looks both before and after. - Homer
Love looks not with thine eyes, but with thine mind, Therefore is win'd Cupid painted blind. - William Shakespeare
What one generation finds ridiculous, the next accepts; and the third shudders when it looks back on what the first did. - Peter Singer
down with hell and heaven and all the religious fussinfinity pleased our parents one inch looks good to us - E.E. Cummings
Everyone needs someone who can show them what heaven looks like. - John Mark Green
The longer she spent in America, the better she had become at distinguishing, sometimes from looks and gait, but mostly from bearing and demeanor, that fine-grained mark that culture stamps on people. (Chapter 17) - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
She got her looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon. - Groucho Marx
When GOD opens a door and it looks dark on the inside. Don't fret. You are forgetting one thing: you are light and only when you go in does it light up. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
Jedi act with confidence, move with confidence, and breathe with confidence. Jedi possess a confident calmness in their looks, attitude andbehaviour. - Stephen Richards
A pessimist sees the darkness around the light, but an optimist looks for the light in the darkness. - Debasish Mridha
Without any inhibitions of any kind I make it quite clear that Australia looks to America, free of any pangs as to our traditional links or kinship with the United Kingdom.
Mercy is not itself, that oft looks so - William Shakespeare
A person that only looks to benefit from other people, usually ends up alone. - JA Perez
I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches and every word he says. I love all his looks, and all his actions and him entirely and all together. - Emily Brontë
...the player who looks least engaged may be the most committed member of the group. A cynic, after all, is a passionate person who does not want to be disappointed again. - Benjamin Zander
A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch. - James Beard
There might be a million wrong people in your life, but when the right one comes everything looks dark. - M.F. Moonzajer
To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness. - Oscar Wilde
Who is more humble? The scientist who looks at the universe with an open mind and accepts whatever the universe has to teach us, or somebody who says everything in this book must be considered the literal truth and never mind the fallibility of all the human beings involved? - Carl Sagan
The universe doesn't command that we love. That would be forcing it. But the Universe does have a heart and when it looks from within it wants it's components to the do the same with unconditional love. Through it's own inner guidance and thus ours. - Matthew Donnelly
The landscape looks different from every blade of grass. - Marty Rubin
True evil is unlikely to receive an invitation from us, so it clothes itself in just enough truth to make itself look appealing and then it looks to unpeel us. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
REPLICA, n. A reproduction of a work of art, by the artist that made the original. It is so called to distinguish it from a "copy," which is made by another artist. When the two are mae with equal skill the replica is the more valuable, for it is supposed to be more beautiful than it looks. - Ambrose Bierce
From birth to age eighteen, a girl needs good parents. From eighteen to thirty-five, she needs good looks. From thirty-five to fifty-five, she needs a good personality. From fifty-five on, she needs good cash. - Sophie Tucker
A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their comparisons of title, wealth, and place, he consider but as harness.
He looks like a horse in a man costume! - Dylan Moran
You have to think if we've been visited by extraterrestrial life, it was like a zookeeper walking into the chimp enclosure: He looks around, takes some pictures, then leaves without interacting significantly with the environment. Meanwhile the chimps have no idea what the fuck just happened. - J. Richard Singleton
This isn't the end, and a beginning looks different. This is the moment in between, when everything still looks possible. - Zoran Drvenkar
Every word first looks around in every direction before letting itself be written down by me. - Franz Kafka
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing,you got to admit that each party is worse than the other.The one that's out always looks the best - Will Rogers
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. - William Shakespeare
Two people pass each other. As one looks upon the other's skin color, the other is looking back at their appearance. Both justifying, how better and righteous they are, in their own insecurities. - Anthony Liccione
If a woman tells you how terrible she looks, sincerely deny it, even if you agree. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Everything that looks too perfect is too perfect to be perfect. - Dejan Stojanovic
The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling. - Ambrose Bierce
Depression occurs when one looks back with no pride, and looks forward with no hope. - Robert Frost
The funny thing about writing is that whether you're doing well or doing it poorly, it looks the exact same. That's actually one of the main ways that writing is different from ballet dancing. - John Green
Somebody who only reads newspapers and at best books of contemporary authors looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who scorns eyeglasses. He is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of his times, since he never gets to see or hear anything else. - Albert Einstein
I am but a firefly caught in his jar and when he looks at me, I can’t help but glow. - Kellie Elmore
The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. - William Faulkner
A suspicious mind always looks on the black side of things. - Publilius Syrus
If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it could be a really ugly swan. - Timmothy Radman
And I'm dying to know, is it killing you like it's killing me? And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now. - Taylor Swift
In whatever one does, there must be a relationship between the eye and the heart. With the eye that is closed, one looks within, with the eye that is open, one looks without.
Everything made by human hands looks terrible under magnification--crude, rough, and asymmetrical. But in nature every bit of life is lovely. And the more magnification we use, the more details are brought out, perfectly formed, like endless sets of boxes within boxes. - Roman Vishniac
If any young man reads this Book aright, he becomes large-hearted. He cannot hold his soul within the narrow bound of his ribs, but his great heart looks out to see where it can scatter benefits. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Fall in love with someonewho tastes like adventurebut looks likethe calm, beautiful morningafter a terrible storm - Nikita Gill
Letting go looks different for everyone, I think. Sometimes it's as simple as waking up one day and deciding not to let your past rule you. Other times it's a process; slow moving and painful, like trudging through a forest of thorny vines in hopes that you'll find freedom on the other side. - Allison J. Kennedy
Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. - Anonymous
A starry night moon looks at you with admiration because in her eyes you are a star. - Debasish Mridha
Sometimes when it looks like I'm deep in thought I'm just trying not to have a conversation with people. - Pete Wentz
History never looks like history when you are living through it. - John W. Gardner
Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books; but love from look, toward school with heavy looks. - William Shakespeare
Atheism is more than just the knowledge that gods do not exist, and that religion is either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature. - Emmett F. Fields
I am a teacher. Pay close attention - this will be on the test. You don't wreck buildings. You don't take children hostage. And you don't threaten people with violence. Okay class dismissed. Looks like you fail! - yoko
The pastor looks at the money. It is money coming from the wife of a sodomite. It is money coming from a woman. It is the deep-lying root of evil. But it is a lot of money. - Jessie Burton
You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really un-evolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day". Yeah, looks like He rushed it - Bill Hicks
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best. - Will Rogers
Every poet creates their own universe that looks more beautiful than reality. - M.F. Moonzajer
It would be interesting to find out what goes on in that moment when someone looks at you and comes to all sorts of conclusions. - Malcolm Gladwell
My method is based on female psychology, so it works regardless of your looks or money - Erik Von Markovik
Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
And the only life which looks down upon the life of political ambition is that of true philosophy. Do you know of any other? - Plato
A dreamlike reality always looks like a real dream! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Falling in love with someone is intentional, even if it was their looks that tripped you. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Demonstrating verbal kindness looks better on everyone know matter what the situation. There's a peace in the heart of the kind person who handles everything with love. - Ron Baratono
I look on that man as happy, who, when there is question of success, looks into his work for a reply. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
It looks like to watch a film without little horror is like to eat a pizza without the extra stuff on it. Like the sauces! - Deyth Banger
The cop looks annoyed, like we're giving him a headache. I want to explain everything to him that its really not as screwed up as it all sounds, but then I remember that it is. - johnathon trooper
Some believe that every library looks like a splendid cemetery of human thoughts and ideas. Could librarians be called grave-diggers? However that may be, like a cemetery, a library will never stop being of use. - Lara Biyuts
You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear. - Oscar Wilde
He (Mario Vargas Llosa) looks grave, transported. And there, I think, is the personality that wrote the books: one in which a subversive comic sense and appetite for the ridiculous jostle with an intense, statesmanlike seriousness about the business of being alive. - Tim Martin
Without doubt one always looks more carefully at what one believes must be seen by many than at what one does only for oneself, and often the things that have seemed to me to be true when I began to concieve them have appeared false to me when I wanted to put them on paper. - Rene Descartes
I was looking down the road of "life gone by" and I realized this road of life is not as long as it looks. Travel with caution and maximize every mile. It can be a beautiful journey. - Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.
If you consider a woman less pure after you’ve touched hermaybe you should take a looks at your hands. - Kaija Sabbah
An extrovert looks at a stack of books and sees a stack of papers, while an introvert looks at the same stack and sees a soothing source of escape. - Eric Samuel Timm
Freedom looks beautiful and inspiring to those who desire & seek it; but Freedom looks like rebellion to those who have become complacent in hiding. - Sanjo Jendayi
Flattery looks like friendship, just like a wolf looks like a dog.
Well boys, looks like it's nu'clr combat, toe-to-toe with the Rooskies.
Don't bite off more than you can chew because nobody looks attractive spitting it back out. - Carroll Bryant
There are no bad pictures; that's just how your face looks sometimes. - Abraham Lincoln
Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.This means the when you go to sleep you close your eyes and you are and look like you are dead but then when you wake up it looks like you are reborn because you are up and ready. - Mahatma Gandhi
What looks like politics, and imagines itself to be political, will one day unmask itself as a religious movement. - Søren Kierkegaard
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. - William Shakespeare
Man cannot aspire if he looks down; if he rises, he must look up. - Samuel Smiles
Another silence for the record books. Then he sighs."I know. It's crazy. I feel like --" He stops himself. He suddenly looks so miserable that my heart aches for him.I hate my life. - Cynthia Hand
I see using my other senses. I can smell the rain before it drops, but I can’t watch it fall. I can feel the sun on my face, but I can’t see it rise or set. I want to see the world like everyone else, to see the sun, the rain, the music. Oh I bet music looks beautiful. - Sydney Wells
I appear at times merry and in good heart, talk, too, before others quite reasonably, and it looks as if I felt, too, God knows how well within my skin. Yet the soul maintains its deathly sleep and the heart bleeds from a thousand wounds. - Hugo Wolf
Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey. - Malcolm de Chazal
No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy - Paris Hilton
You are on the floor crying,and you have been on the floor crying for days.And that is you being brave.That is you getting through itas best you know how. No one else can decideWhat your tough looks like. - Clementine von Radics
Empowered Women 101: Empowered women never live the life they wouldn't want for their daughter. They teach them what self respect looks like. - Shannon L. Alder
Do not pursue a life that looks good. Pursue a life that is good. - DeWayne Owens
Any work done with love - be it a photo or a meal or a painting - always looks so pretty, because love is a master of creating magical beauties! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Don't play any game if you don't understand the rules no matter how nice winners trophy looks like - Sonja Smolec
He who looks through an open window sees fewer things than he who looks through a closed window. - Charles Baudelaire
When you differ with a man, show him, by your looks, by your bearing and by everything that you do or say, that you love him.
Looks are part of business. A businessman should never stand out more than his customers. His mannerisms, his clothes, everything about him... Moderation is the key.
Truth is always a quest and if it looks anything like a destination, it is proof that we are on to illusion. Thus, unique is each quest! - R. N. Prasher
Whatever it takes to find the real you, don't be daunted if the rest of the world looks on in shock. - Stephen Richards
God doesn’t care how well you can preach about forgiveness… what He looks at is your behavior when presented the opportunity to practice it. - Steve Maraboli
...The question is, why do you think you can't be a writer?""To be a writer, you need readers.""I'm no painter, then. Who ever looks at my little dumb pieces of shit? - Barbara Kingsolver
The greatest justice in life is that your vision and looks tend to go simultaneously. - Kevin Bacon
How does one become butterfly?' Pooh asked pensively.'You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar,' Piglet replied.'You mean to die?' asked Pooh.'Yes and no,' he answered. 'What looks like you will die, but what's really you will live on. - A.A. Milne
With a modest amount of looks and talent and more than a modicum of serendipity, I've managed to stretch my 15 minutes of fame into more than half a century of good fortune. - Robert Vaughn
Every time Europe looks across the Atlantic to see the American eagle, it observes only the rear end of an ostrich. - Ambrose Bierce
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. - Oscar Wilde
If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. - Anna Quindlen
When the reality looks magnificent, a real art of photography has only one choice: To capture this beauty magnificently! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Guys like him? They were the worst kind. All looks and no heart. Guys not like him? They were all deceiving, freaking asshats. - Rucy Ban
I look at him questioningly. I don’t know anything about you.The cop looks down at himself and smiles wickedly. You know my feet are big. What else is left to know? - Mya Robarts
Love is like a piece of chocalate. It's looks and tastes good, but it's dark. What really matters is the inside. - Touaxia Vang
Actually he looks like a nice young man, and perhaps can't be blamed for his crass conception of women since all men think that way. I've met only one who appreciated me as a human being and even he didn't really. - Elin Wägner
When someone who is suffering looks to you for compassion, it's indeed a blessing; you are chosen to be their Light in a moment of sorrow. - Michelle Cruz-Rosado
He was a bureaucrat, not a hitman, and most of the time that's what supervillainy looks like in real life. - Ben Dyer
A woman can look book moral and exciting ... if she also looks as if it was quite a struggle. - Edna Ferber
To lose one parent, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness. - Oscar Wilde
Life entertains humble men by giving men with below average looks (intellect, knowledge, etc.) an above average self-esteem. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
When you know the inside stories, no matter how good looks the cover, you just cannot appreciate it... - Sanhita Baruah
A hat should be taken off when you greet a lady and left off for the rest of your life. Nothing looks more stupid than a hat. - P. J. O'Rourke
Your responsibility is to not question God’s actions or what looks like a lack of action. Your obligation is to count on God’s character. - Jim George
I don't look for love. Love looks for me." "Why?" "Because it needs me. Because I'm not afraid of it. - C. JoyBell C.
Luther looks at all the jobs that are out there and he says, These are the masks of God, behind which He wants to remain concealed, and do all things. Christians have to be profoundly appreciative of good work done on absolutely everything. - Timothy J. Keller
Man looks very coward and extremely primitive with an ostentatious big sword and he looks very brave and tremendously sophisticated with a humble olive branch! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public. - Cornel West
Always stay young with your looks, your thoughts should speak your maturity - Binoy Boban
We’re naked under our clothes; we both know what it’s like to need to fart and hold it in, or not be able to get a hard-on, or worry that a bloke across the room might be looking at your bird and you might have to fight him but he looks well hard. - Russell Brand
...simple fact that any land looks like Eden after months at sea.
They say everything looks better with odd numbers of things. But sometimes I put even numbers—just to upset the critics. - Bob Ross
True leadership can only be achieved when one looks within oneself and commits to authenticity. It gives us the courage to stand at the front and influence others to willingly follow; it gives us the courage to learn, inspire, demand the best and shape the future. - Sameh Elsayed
I grew up in an era that was a golden age of the blockbuster, when something we might call a family film could have universal appeal. That's something I want to see again. In terms of the tone of the film, it looks at where we are as a people and has a universality about human experience. - Christopher J. Nolan
The world's full of wonder, he said. Or at least horror that looks wondrous from afar. - Luke Scull
When a caterpillar looks in the mirror, he sees a butterfly. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. - Steve Jobs
If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail. - Abraham H. Maslow
The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmurs, complains, and is slow to yield obedience. - Orson F. Whitney
This (San Francisco) is the most beautiful city in America, Probably because it looks nothing like America - Ilya Ilf
The world looks very different to me now at twenty. I have outgrown my early opinions and ideals with my short dresses, just as Mrs. Walton said we would. Now the critics can say 'Thou waitest till thy woman's fingers wrought the best that lay within thy woman's heart. - Annie Fellows Johnston
When God looks in the mirror He sees love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
What looks as a dead and dark end can become a glowing and shimmering start only if one has the patience to keep trying with positivity in the mind... - Neelam Saxena Chandra
When a photo of a person looks deep into your spirit and tells you thousand stories….. Stories from your past even before you existed, then the photo is way above any description. - Sameh Elsayed
In appearance, the worldly life looks attractive, but once you enter into it, you can never become free. - Dada Bhagwan
And by knowing what we fear, don't we know what we care about, how we are measuring our worth, what success looks like?" I asked. So isn't fear helpful, then? - Patti Digh
A child's behavior we see on the surface is the reflection of the feelings that are rooted underneath. We can use topical treatments to try to shape what the behavior looks like, but if we really want things to change, we need to address the roots. Nourish the roots, see the growth. - Kelly Bartlett
Chess, I never thought that I will beat somebody on chess. I just thought that I'm too stupid to play chess, but it looks like the best in the class of math I beat him. He has in math as a result 5, I have 3 - Strange? I don't think so! - Deyth Banger
...when I see a man or woman alone, he or she looks mysterious to me, which is only to say that for a moment I see another human being clearly. - Marilynne Robinson
When you’re a teenager - How do you determine what being a Christian looks like, if you’re not willing to be as transparent as the realty TV world we live in? If we are to make it easy for others to find God, we must be more diligent about sharing our stories, openly and honestly. - Sarah Jakes
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