Quotation Explorer - 'Jason'

Leo, Jason said, you’re weird.Yeah, you tell me that a lot. Leo grinned. But if you don’t remember me, that means I can reuse all my old jokes...! - Rick Riordan
[On Jason Mashak's I Was Trained to See Shadows, in his poetry book SALTY AS A LIP:] A nice bit of smooth, full-bodied, surreal story telling. I like it. - John Bennett
Yuki: "What can I learn from a stupid cat like you? You didn’t even know that Jason isn’t really a bear. He’s a character in a horror film."Kyo: "Yeah? So what if I didn’t? Like I’d waste my time watching some movie about a bear!"Yuki: You truly are an idiot. - Natsuki Takaya
I don't know," Jason said with a shrug. "Maybe it's too late for me. Maybe my heart is already too far good."With a smile she said softly, "It's never too late to be good. - Randall Arthur
want to live like there's no tomorrow. Love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive." ~ Musician Jason Gray - Jason Gray
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