Quotation Explorer - 'Fork'

When you come to a fork in the road, take it. - Yogi Berra
Cut my life into pizzas. this is my plastic fork. oven baking, no breathing, dont give a fuck if its carbs that i'm eating' - - Catherine Spann
I tell you this because books for young readers are so often written about that very moment: the moment of the fork. The moment the old man cannot return to. - Virginia Euwer Wolff
The only tension that gets my attention, is when I stick a fork too close to my silver filling. - A Kalon Writer
If you ever walk down a path surrounding by negative energy, look for the fork in the path then cross over to the positive side. - Victoria Addino
Kermit: Hey, Fozzie, I want you to turn left if you come to a fork in the road.Fozzie: Yes sir, turn left at the fork in the road.[drives past a giant fork]Fozzie: Kermit!Kermit: I don't believe that. - The Muppet Movie (1979)
In fact, you"-he pointed his fork at me-"look like a fairy tale. - Isabel Gillies
He's like a man with a fork, in a world of soup. (about his brother Liam) - Noel Gallagher
Random thought fills the streambed, cascading with care and spilling over the flood plain until bifurcation forces it to arc and fork into a single, determined stream. - Lorii Myers
Fork, n. An instrument used chiefly for the purpose of putting dead animals into the mouth. - Ambrose Bierce
Understanding Scripture in a language other than the heart language in which we think and experience emotion is "like trying to eat soup with a fork. You can get a little taste, but you cannot get nourished. - William Cameron Townsend
Violence begins with the fork. - Mahatma Gandhi
At the fork in every road, choose the road that brings you nearer to God. - Elizabeth George
Pastors are starting to get wily. When people tell my friend, 'I'm not being fed,' he replies, 'I'm prefectly happy to spoon feed my one-year-old. But if I'm still spoon-feeding him when he's five, we've got a problem. Here's a fork. Feed yourself. - Jon Acuff
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