There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential. - Rusty Berkus
Learning how to forgive helps us grow spiritually because it acknowledges only God truly controls our destiny. - Karim Camara
A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar. - Mark Twain
A great leader acknowledges his or her finitude, and depends fully on the mighty powerful arm of strength of a Great God, to execute equity and justice for all. - Josephine Akhagbeme
Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts. - Alan Cohen
The happier person is one, that acknowledges and accepts life won't get any better than this. - Anthony Liccione
I think it's incomparably sweet when someone writes something for you.. even if it doesn't rhyme or even if it isn't very amorous.. even two lines of hatred written for you acknowledges the fact that someone spent a little of his time thinking about you. - Sanhita Baruah
Only art acknowledges the individual. Science and history ignore him. - Marty Rubin
An intelligent man is one who acknowledges his intelligence as that of those who surround him. - Ilyas Kassam
I understood the life around me better, not from love, which everybody acknowledges to be a great teacher, but from estrangement, to which nobody has attributed the power of reinforcing insight - Nirad C. Chaudhuri
I have not disregarded them... He knows the source of energy... He feels the warmth of the path... He acknowledges his destiny... He embraced his FAITH…THE ONE THE UNIVERSE DEFINED…LONG BEFORE THEY MET - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
Whoever in prayer can say, "Our Father," acknowledges and should feel the brotherhood of the whole race of mankind.
Each of us repeats Adam’s journey and acknowledges, with the loss of innocence, that he is mortal. Weep and pray, O Arseny. And do not fear death, for death is not just the bitterness of parting. It is also the joy of liberation. (Laurus, p. 30) - Eugene Vodolazkin
I don't expect answers from anyone. The most I ever hope for is that here and there one may find someone who at least acknowledges the question! - Anne Perry
Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family. - Suzy Kassem