Quotation Explorer - 'Parachute'

Your mind is like a parachute. It only works if it is open.
When it comes to taking chances, some people like to play poker or shoot dice; other people prefer to parachute jump, go rhino hunting, or climb ice floes, while still others engage in crime or marriage. But I like to get drunk and drive like a fool. - P. J. O'Rourke
Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If they are not there the first time you need them, chances are you won't be needing them again. - Scott Adams
What you look like on the outside is not what makes you cool at all. I mean, I had a mullet and wore parachute pants for a long, long time, and I'm doin' okay. - Ellen DeGeneres
Walking out with the people, I didn't know which was more exciting, the air race, the parachute jump that failed, or the cunt. - Charles Bukowski
Whenever you jump off a cliff at GOD's command, be sure that you will fly! Either by soaring on the palm of His hands or on the parachute of that command or you will suddenly have wings pop out and sustain you in the air. Either way, you will be flying and He'll be the one behind it all. - TemitOpe Ibrahim
It’s okay to cry. Giving in to the tears is terrifying,like freefalling to earth without a parachute. But it’s vital to our wellbeing as we process the deep anguish. - Lynda Cheldelin Fell
Faith is simply jumping from heights and believing that the parachute activation button won't disappoint. - Seun Ayilara
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