Quotation Explorer - 'Dumbest'

Wikipedia is a non-profit. It was either the dumbest thing I ever did or the smartest thing I ever did. Communities can build amazing things, but you have to be part of that community and you can't abuse them. You have to be very respectful of what their needs are. - Jimmy Wales
Growing up is the dumbest thing I ever wanted to rush into. - Tanya Masse
The biggest mistake is trusting the wrong people who generally are also the dumbest. - Marino Baccarini
Desire was just the dumbest thing. You wanted what you wanted until it was yours. Then you didn’t want it anymore. You took what you had for granted until it was no longer yours. This, it seemed to her, was one of the crueller paradoxes of human nature. - Ann Brashares
The dumbest thing one could ever do is to hold on to something that is slippery - Angel Phetheni
You may not be the smartest, richest or best looking person but you're probably not the dumbest, ugliest or poorest either. - Rob Liano
The dumbest thing you could ever do is lose a good person - Stoney G
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