Quotation Explorer - 'Playground'

Imagination is our inner-child and creativity, its playground. - Jaeda DeWalt
I'm old enough to remember when a social network was called a school playground. - Chris Geiger
A blank canvas is a playground for the imagination. - Marty Rubin
The world is not a playground; it's a schoolroom. Life is not a holiday but an education. And the one eternal question for us all is how better we can love.
There were so many things a tree could do: add color, provide shade, drop fruit, or become a children's playground, a whole sky universe to climb and hang from; an architecture of food and pleasure, that was a tree. - Ray Bradbury
For us, the playground of fiction is just as important as reality - Ryohgo Narita
Life is a gift for the wise, a playground for the foolish, a heaven for the rich, and a hell for the poor. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Why are you so scared and creeping around,taking photographs all over town,pictures in the dark that live in the light,the world is my playground too and I’ll do what I like. - Archive
If we love someone deeply, be they friends, family or lovers, don’t treat the relationship like a playground game of back and forth or tit for tat. See it as a loving connection and let that be the basis of it all. - lauren klarfeld
A conscious mind is the playground for thoughts and ideas and the ultimate source of personal philosophy. - Debasish Mridha
A guilty conscience is jealousy's playground. - L. Quick
Mankind is nothing but a playground of consciousness. - Debasish Mridha
There were so many things a tree could do: add color, provide shade, drop fruit or become a children's playground, a whole sky universe to climb and hang from; an architecture of food and pleasure, that was a tree. - Ray Bradbury
If you need a reason to get involved in world politics, all you need to do is watch a playground of children for awhile. Imagine a world that happy and free all the time, that vision is the future worth fighting for. - Laurance Kitts
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