Caring About What Others Think Of You Is A Waste Of Time. Most People Don’t Have A Clue What To Think Of Themselves. - Zane Baker
Her whole existence was calling his name and she had no clue where SHE actually was... He continued his path on achieving his goals because he knew that was the source of her scream... Secretly or not she was the biggest of them all - Konstantinos Kyriakou.K.K
There are essentially three types of people: those who love life more than they fear it, those who fear life more than they love it, and those who have no clue what I'm talking about. - Neel Burton
Time has become quiet flexible inside the library. (This is true of most places with interesting books. Sit down to read for twenty minutes, and suddenly it's dark, with no clue as to where the hours have gone.) - Ellen Klages
Audiences who behave obscene toward prominent people have no clue that their opinions can result others to have a bad impression on them. - Saaif Alam
Tick Tock Tick Tock...The clock strikes two ... still haven't got a clue. - Knisztina
I haven't a clue as to how my story will end. But that's all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, you don't conclude that the road has vanished. And how else could we discover the stars? - Unknown
the greatest clue to changing people is to know and understand what trigger change in people and effectively apply such things in wisdom. - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I love hard and still haven’t a clue what it feels like… - Alexandra Elle
I won't explain why. If you're interested, you'll find out who I am. One clue, I'm a ghost. - Eka Prasetyani
We live this life, full of agony, despair,and pain. Living day by day, having no clue of what will happen, after a second, a minute, an hour, and a year.. Will we die of despair? Or will we find that person who completes our life and enlightens our hearts? - Junior Isaac
I won't explain why. If you're interesting, you'll find out who I am. One clue, I'm a ghost. - Eka Prasetyani
I have no clue if it's true and I don't much want to look, but I bet a war happens inside the cocoon. - Darnell Lamont Walker
If God didn't want you to be a dreamer, He wouldn't go around handing out dreams! That's a clue! - Mark Gorman
Always keep your stereo bumping,no matter what ya going through.Because life is like a puzzle and music is the only clue. - Khan Shamim
But now the other half of "us" was gone and, lying there in my shadowy room, I'd be struck with this realization that I had no clue how to be just me again. - Jennifer Brown
A clue! From M!""Who's M?""Maybe M is for Mackintosh! Maybe Grabes ans Mackintosh are in cahoots!""Or maybe M is for Mom. Also, who says 'cahoots'? - Mac Barnett
What you love is a clue to your calling and talent.As you assume the responsibilities of the present, take time to enjoy the privileges available to you now. Today's action will speak better of tomorrow and more. - Prince Akwarandu
They say, poetry is dead. I say, was there ever a time they had a clue of what the state of poetry is? - Jason E. Hodges
My theory is that if you look confident you can pull off anything - even if you have no clue what you're doing. - Jessica Alba
REJECTION is kind of your negative ILLUSION which has no value but it’s give you a CLUE to go for next level of your ACTION. - Rashedur Ryan Rahman
Standing alone scares alot of people it means they have to be themselves and more often than not they haven't the slightest clue who they've been all this time & that's why people stay the same because it's a frightening choice to step away from the crowd. - Nikki Rowe
No clue why it is still you, all these years hope keeps me holding. Time is killing me but love is my survival. - jmemo
There seemed to be endless obstacles preventing me from living with my eyes open, but as I gradually followed up clue after clue it seemed that the root cause of them all was fear. - Joanna Field