Quotation Explorer - 'Harry'

They never understood what Harry Potter what about. Or maybe they didn't want to understand. - Asmara W.M
You think the dead we love ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them most plainly when we need? Your father is alive in you Harry and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him. - J. K. Rowling
We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenixtags: black, choices, harry-potter, inside-us, light, sirius, sirius-black - J.K. Rowling
How could someone possibly be that beautiful? She wondered for the hundred thousandth time. What higher power orchestrated such a perfect union of genes? Who decided that one single solitary soul deserved skin like that? It was so fundamentally unfair.(Chasing Harry Winston) - Lauren Weisberger
They never understood what Harry Potter was about. Or maybe they didn't want to understand. - Asmara W.M
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. - J. K. Rowling
Leigh did what any sane female faced with such an e-mail would do: deleted it to resist the temptation of replying, cleared her trash to resist the temptation of recalling it, and then called tech support to restore all her recently deleted e-mails. (Chasing Harry Winston) - Lauren Weisberger
Sometimes, I feel my breath coming in shorter, quicker, spastic bursts, feel my heart threaten to thunder through my ribs, feel sweat beading on my brow...and I know it’s time to bust out those chocolate frogs from Harry Potter. - Shannon Celebi
Harry then did something that was both very brave and very stupid - J.K. Rowling
Harry and Hermione are very platonic friends. But I won't answer for anyone else, nudge-nudge wink-wink! - J.K. Rowling
For the next century, no elf is to be banished to the human world. No more Star Wars, no more Harry Potter, no more Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and no more body-doubling for Tom Cruise. Elves shouldn't be treated like shit. We're not Mexicans. - Adam Millard, the Human Santapede
Maybe Harry Potter is real and you're not. - John Green
To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever.-Albus Dumbledore to Harry Potter, page 299 - J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a mystery book and magic. I like this book - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré
DumbledoreAquellos a quienes amamos nunca nos abandonan, Harry. Hay cosas que la muerte no puede tocar. La pintura, los recuerdos... y el amor. - J. K. Rowlind
Come on! If Harry can destroy the horcruxes, Frodo can destroy the ring and Percy can defeat Kronos, you can get out of bed! - Me, in the morning
Just think how many books I could've sold if Harry had been a bit more creative with his wand." -[On the success of 50 Shades of Grey] - J.K. Rowling
I used to be self conscious about my height, but then I thought, fuck that, I'm Harry Potter. - Daniel Radcliffe
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