Quotation Explorer - 'Assert'

I will go further, and assert that nature without culture can often do more to deserve praise than culture without nature. - Cicero
First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
It is painful to face the self we know we have never had the integrity to honor and assert. - Nathaniel Branden
The central planners of Democratic Socialism tighten their noose when people resist their plans and assert their rights. All Socialism is intended to devolve into Communism, and as a result, Totalitarianism. - A.E. Samaan
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science. - Charles Darwin
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowlege: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science. - Charles Darwin
Life is the will to power; our natural desire to dominate and reshape the world to fit our own preferences and assert our personal strength to the fullest degree.
A man's shortcoming lies in the belief that he must always assert his manliness. A woman's shortcoming lies in the belief that she must always repress it. - Kamand Kojouri
We are born to Exist, not to know, to be, not to assert ourselves. - Emil Cioran
It is not in the shallow physical imitation of men that women will assert first their equality and later their superiority, but in the awakening of the intellect of women. - Nikola Tesla
So much barbarism, however, still remains in the transactions of most civilized nations, that almost all independent countries choose to assert their nationality by having, to their inconvenience and that of their neighbors, a peculiar currency of their own. - John Stuart Mill
Sometimes people who adamantly assert an opinion or view don't even hold it themselves. - David J. Lieberman
Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault. - Dr. David M. Burns
The mind can assert anything and pretend it has proved it. My beliefs I test on my body, on my intuitional consciousness, and when I get a response there, then I accept. - D. H. Lawrence
I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street - Stephen Hawking
Truly creative people in all fields can temporarily suspend their ego and simply experience what they are seeing, without the need to assert a judgment, for as long as possible. They are more than ready to find their most cherished opinions contradicted by reality. - Robert Greene (Author) Joost Elffers (Author)
Against eternal injustice, man must assert justice, and to protest against the universe of grief, he must create happiness. - Albert Camus
When you accidentally assert power over someone or something, one of two things will happen: 1) you will be respected; or 2) you will be hated - Katie Renee Ward
There's no reality except the one contained within us. That's why so many people live an unreal life. They take images outside them for reality and never allow the world within them to assert itself. - Hermann Hesse
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