The best way to solve a problem is not to think of it as a problem but just as a difficulty or a challenge. Technically, the obstacle is the same, but you'll be able to approach it with a positive attitude that sharpens the mind and beats a path towards more solutions in the future. - A. G. Roemmers
Nothing so sharpens the thought process as writing down one's arguments. Weaknesses overlooked in oral discussion become painfully obvious on the written page. - Hyman G. Rickover
When distrust is so profound that it makes you wary of every word dripping from honeyed lips...It sharpens your instincts...Now for a woman, THAT is a powerful weapon... - Virginia Alison
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. - Thomas Fuller
He who wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. - Edmund Burke
The poet, the artist, the sleuth - whoever sharpens our perception tends to be antisocial... he cannot go along with currents and trends. - Alfred North Whitehead
Great leaders do not fear challenges, because challenges don't break leaders but sharpens them. - Gugu Mona