Quotation Explorer - 'Intuitive'

Creativity comes from curious, intuitive, persistent action. - Debasish Mridha
Your intuitive factor is what picks up other peoples vibration - Bob Proctor
Pure intuitive faith differs as much from fanaticism as fire from smoke, or music from mere noise; those who confuse the two are like the deaf. - José Rizal
Now let me explain why this makes intuitive sense.
During [these] periods of relaxation after concentrated intellectual activity, the intuitive mind seems to take over and can produce the sudden clarifying insights which give so much joy and delight. - Fritjof Capra
There is something mysterious yet definitely accessible to us all under the agitated waves of difficulty that allows us to feel and flow along a more comprehensive intuitive and spiritual understanding of true meaning. And to find solace, accepting serenity and even beauty within it. - Darrell Calkins
Understanding that you can’t truly take credit for your successes, nor truly blame others for their failures will humble you and make you more compassionate.Empathy is intuitive, but is also something you can work on, intellectually. - Tim Minchin
I knew that I did not want to go to that juvenile diversion program because I had an intuitive sense that it would turn me irrevocably into the kind of character that I was now only rehearsing to be. - Gabrielle Hamilton
It is important to be Intuitive at this time and allow the natural course to show you the way to the next step. - Auliq Ice
Balanced emotions are crucial to intuitive decision making. - Michael D. Eisner
When you act on an intuitive impulse, you are celebrating one of the thoroughly joyful aspects of life on this planet. That calm, guiding inner voice is a natural part of you and deserves to be honored. What is not natural is ignoring it. - Jodi Livon
Your intelligence is defined by your intuitive question not by your definitive answers. - Debasish Mridha
Art is a product of the intuitive—the most powerful instrument within us. The intuitive is the most accurate sense we have. - Louis I. Kahn
We are living in a moment where we have broken the equilibrium of the planet. We are not paying attention to our intuitive side. We only pay attention to our reason. We have become an urban animal - Sebastião Salgado
On an even subtler dimension, clarity, intuitive knowledge and contentment are primarily determined by chemical and hormonal balances in the body and brain. Most of this is entirely manipulable through fairly simple physical exercises that anyone can do. - Darrell Calkins
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