Quotation Explorer - 'Stench'

Writer speaks a stench. - Franz Kafka
The smell of frustration cannot compete with the stench of non-creation - Daniel Lee Edstrom
When evil enters the world, do you think it comes with horns and cloven feet, billowing some foul stench? - Zia Haider Rahman
Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something(All The King's Men) - Robert Penn Warren
Dirge of the dying and the stench of fear,Black souls repent as hell draws near," - Percy Pemmeney the smuggler, from Curse of Ancient Shadows. - Rod Tyson
NOISE, n. A stench in the ear. Undomesticated music. The chief product and authenticating sign of civilization. - Ambrose Bierce
What spreads the stench of bad conduct? It is the egoism and other ‘flaws’. - Dada Bhagwan
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