Quotation Explorer - 'Omit'

Learn, Understand, Implement, Observe and Repeat! - OMiT
To write a diary is to make a series of choices about what to omit, what to forget. A memorable sandwich, an unmemorable flight of stairs. A memorable bit of conversation surrounded by chatter that no one records. - Sarah Manguso
It is very good, Wisehammer, it's very well written, but it's too-too-political. It will be considered provocative.""You don't want me to say it.""Not tonight. We have many people against us.""I could tone it down. I could omit 'We left our country for our country's good.'""That's the best line. - Timberlake Wertenbaker
Learning is one aspect which never ends for anyone, it just starts with new subject - OMiT
Do what nobody else can do for you. Omit to do anything else. - Henry David Thoreau
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