Quotation Explorer - 'Bothers'

If you aren't diligently working towards changing something that bothers you, you rescind your right to complain about it. - Rob Liano
There comes a point in our lives where light bothers us more than darkness , we get used to bad happening around us than good , happiness makes us more anxious than sadness and at that moment , we don't mind our lives going chaotic as everything seems to be in order . - Rahul Kumar K.
An unsolved problem bothers one's mind, just as a small stone in the shoe,until an idea for solving the problem comes to mind. - Eraldo Banovac
The door of opportunity is always open, but nobody bothers to push the door open. They just get tired out by knocking and then they leave. - Debasish Mridha
You see it everywhere and everyone seems to be doing it but you. You could have had it as well, and you know it, and that’s what bothers you. Your worst enemy is yourself, and sadly, you know that what you did wasn't worth what you lost. - Donna Lynn Hope
It's the possibility that when you're dead you might still go on hurting that bothers me. - Keri Hulme
Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it. - C. S. Lewis
People have the right to call themselves whatever they like. That doesn't bother me. It's other people doing the calling that bothers me. - Octavia E. Butler
But it bothers you. It pisse you off that I'm not crippled with debt or saddled with some moody bitch. Instead, you PR your lives and act like I'm supposed to ency you..... - Adam Neville
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