Both the cockroach and the bird would get along very well without us, although the cockroach would miss us most. - Joseph Wood Krutch
Both the cockroach and the bird could get along very well without us, although the cockroach would miss us most. - Joseph Wood Krutch
Your dreams have to be like a cockroach, they have to be hard to kill and you have to be like that pesky mosquito that doesn't know when to give up. - James Jean-Pierre
It used to be that a novel would put you among people, tell you a story or stories, give you some sense of what it might be like to see a different cut-out and perspective of the world: as a schoolteacher, an adulteress, the wife of a member of Parliament, an officer, a cockroach. - Michael Hofmann
A well painted facade seldom scares a resident cockroach. - Hasse Jerner
You never feel good when you lie. It doesn't matter how much you want something, if you lie to somebody you love, and they actually, sincerely believe you, you feel like a cockroach that needs some serious Raid action. - Randa Abdel-Fattah