Nunca un caballero que se aprecie de serlo desaira a una dama en sus deseos aunque uno vea el engaño en sus ojos, pues todo hombre debe saber antes de comenzar a amar en la vida, que la sonrisa de una mujer hermosa es como una rosa en la punta de una daga. - Ignacio Ramírez "El Nigromante"
Aunt Rosa, a fussy, angular, wild-eyed old lady, who had lived in a tremulous world of bad news, bankruptcies, train accidents, cancerous growths—until the Germans put her to death, together with all the people she had worried about. - Vladimir Nabokov
In March of that year, I saw a man named Paul Barkley shot to death. It happened late at night in the parking lot of a café in Santa Rosa called Galileo’s. - Frederick Weisel
The world knows of Rosa Parks because of a single, simple act of dignity and courage that struck a lethal blow to the foundations of legal bigotry. - Bill Clinton
Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so Obama could run. Obama's running so we all can fly. - Jay-Z
Quererte fue una estupidez total, un paso mas allá del bien y el mal, una tormenta de dolor, una historia de terror, un sueño rosa que hoy es gris... - Dulce María