Quotation Explorer - 'Disturbs'

The thought of being completely dependent disturbs people till the moment their eyes are opened to reality. - Auliq Ice
No passion disturbs the soundness of our judgement as anger does. - Michel de Montaigne
But no one can rid himself of the preaching clergyman. He is the bore of the age, the old man whom we Sinbads cannot shake off, the nightmare that disturbs our Sunday's rest, the incubus that overloads our religion and makes God's service distasteful. - Trollope Anthony 1815-1882
If your success is not amazing to your critics, it disturbs, infuriates, and frustrates them, and if they're not careful; may go hang themselves and go to hell. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Thinking Too Much can Disturbs Your Other Important Strategies, SO Stop thinking take Action - Aadii Mughal
ThiNKing Too MucH caN DisTurbs Your Other ImPortaNt StraTegies :p SO StoP thiNking taKe ActiOn :p - Aadii Mughal
I’m dying twice as fastas any other Americanbetween eighteen and thirty-fiveThis disturbs me,but I try not to show it in public. - Essex Hemphill
We Indians are an extremely intelligent people but we can progress as a nation only when we learn the secret of unleashing this positive power of the people. Whenever this happens it disturbs a lot of people - because they know that a giant is waking up. - Verghese Kurien
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