Quotation Explorer - 'Refutes'

Nature takes the decision first, man agrees, reconciles, modifies, refutes, contradicts etc., subsequently. It means the application of reason, the discretionary power of a man, only happens afterwards! - Thiruman Archunan
The idea that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of those pleasant falsehoods, which most experience refutes. History is teeming with instances of truth put down by persecution. If not put down forever, it may be set back for centuries. - John Stuart Mill
Between ourselves, there is no such thing, abstractly, as a 'good' book. A book is 'good' only when it meets some human hunger or refutes some human error. - Christopher Morley
Indeed the dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution, is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into common places, but which all experience refutes. - John Stuart Mill
The heart is the instrument of love it refutes lies and embrace love - Marcelle Hinkson
Even the faded flower refutes nothingness. - Marty Rubin
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