If a black cat crosses your path, it signifies that the animal is going somewhere. - Groucho Marx
No language about God will ever be fully adequate to the burning mystery which it signifies. - Elizabeth Johnston
The person you are sleeping with signifies the value upon which you have for yourself. You are attracted to who reflects your deepest vision of yourself - Bridget English
Though the word ‘I’ signifies ‘Ego’, yet wondering why it has been easier often to relatively believe more a person speaking with many ‘I’ than the people who talk too much with ‘YOU’ in their voice. - Anuj Somany
Creation signifies, above all, emotion, and that not in literature or art alone. We all know the concentration and effort implied in scientific discovery. Genius has been defined as an infinite capacity for taking pains. - Henri Bergson
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
A word is elegy to what it signifies. - Robert Haas
Gray hairs signify old age, not wisdom.Muscles signify strength, not health.Laughter signifies amusement, not joy.Weeping signifies pain, not weakness.Smiling signifies courteousness, not love. - Matshona Dhliwayo
It is a familiar beast to man, and signifies love. - William Shakespeare
The person you are sleeping with signifies the value upon which you have for yourself. You are attracted to who echoes your deepest thoughts of yourself - Bridget English
There is a rest that comes when you live out of your sound. Silence is no longer something to be avoided. It signifies a soul at rest. - Suzette Hinton
Saying "thank you" signifies sense of gratitude, but it also implies your incapability. - Amit Kalantri
The smile is civilization’s finest adornment. It signifies the willpower and duty to fashion mankind’s coexistence as quietly and agreeably as possible so that it will always appear friendly. For it is all a matter of appearance. The smile is culture’s diploma: it is the diplomat’s badge. - Iwan Goll