Love me until Venus gasps with envy.Love me again until Eros swears celibacy. - Gloria D. Gonsalves
I'm not unlucky at love, just incredibly lucky with celibacy. - Tim Heaton
To some extent a life of celibacy is a picture of how all of us are to live, containing our passions for God’s purposes. - Eric Metaxas
I felt condemned to obscurity and to celibacy. But when one is driven by passion, one can live on almost nothing, and I was driven by passion for writing. One does not starve in modern, Western societies, and one can do without such amenities as the telephone, a car, entertainment. - Alain Robbe-Grillet
Celibacy is not hereditary.
Everyone agrees the celibacy rule is just a Church law dating from the 11th century, not a divine command. - Hans Küng