Quotation Explorer - 'Litymunshi'

why you hurt by your behavior ? trusted you always .you hurt this trust - litymunshi
life has given a gift to me'never quit ' quality - litymunshi
when passion meets purpose -life act for change - litymunshi
everyday there is at least one thing always happenwhich is reason to cheer up - litymunshi
at start of a day -a day ends ,means there is no start or no end of a date - litymunshi
where there is love ,there is expectation - litymunshi
love is like being with you . - litymunshi
may be you are successful ,powerful ,still you are looking for her, there must be something in her what you do not have - litymunshi
woman who stays back with her abusive life ,never met a courageous man ,who holds her hand in open society - litymunshi
there is no such word like REST in a progressive life . - litymunshi
when my heart feels ache ,or needs support - i look to you - litymunshi
date a girl who reads a book,that she can write her own fairytale having you as her hero in love and progress . - litymunshi
Unknown is limitless ,impossible imaginary vision - litymunshi
i am the queen of the king of this universe - litymunshi
good things only happen to yourselfwhen you look for your own self - litymunshi
under a beast -person has breathing with him.this is extreme condition person sees magic of his soul power .this happens - litymunshi
We are ruled by desire of having ultimate power. - litymunshi
give me a reason to get back to myself ,to return again . - litymunshi
love is no definition .it has no conclusion . - litymunshi
what IF ? we never met? you never got to know having all is not having Everything - litymunshi
heart need to be burned .in fire of love - litymunshi
let the truth speak on behalf of your soul - litymunshi
life is walking on sword - litymunshi
while life takes a pause ,you are path of closer to meaning of love - litymunshi
your silence , my conversation - litymunshi
someone who love someone without her/his problem .then he never loved anyone . no one of us without problems. without problem loving someone means -you keep your half real part in your life.i want your smile and tears you handle' . - litymunshi
Comparison between bad and good _one should taste both. - litymunshi
trust your intuition - litymunshi
never ever say - it's enough ' .nothing is enough - litymunshi
women at their 40 are more fulfilled because they knows,social customs are not going to restrict her freedom - litymunshi
i am helpless . i loved you. but was my misunderstanding always - litymunshi
nothing can change a person's cruelty who's love is 'cruelty - litymunshi
leaders are those who has selfless service who motivate people with open agendafor combined progress - litymunshi
love is nude makeup . true ,and natural - litymunshi
It takes ,all at bottom from heart writing takes from root ,to spread likepieces of cloud ,then bind in such a thik Cloud ,pouring on earth to give entire life to start it again . - litymunshi
stay out of between YES/NO - litymunshi
What i don't know ,can't see,science can not assure me, i believe ,these unknown are frightened, and could be delighting. Unknown things i believe exists by full of surprises. - litymunshi
no writer is a quite in nature - litymunshi
love is what who has -is king, who does not never understands how to be king in heart - litymunshi
nothing comes without a price - litymunshi
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