Quotation Explorer - 'Enraged'

While some people are enraged over opposing facts as an attack on their belief system and integrity, I take them as an ADDITION to mine!12/13/14 - Lance L. Denney
My demeanor isn't that of a woman enraged. To see me slumped, glassy-eyed, holding a sandwich someone has cut for me into four "manageable" pieces, a person might tell you I look much more like a woman subdued. - Koren Zailckas
Speak well of the sun, but know that it can harm you;when enraged, it is pitiless. Speak well of the ocean, but know that it can injure you; when angry, it is merciless. Speak well of the wind, but know that it can wound you; when provoked, it is ruthless. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Speechless is not even a good enough word to describe what I feel when I see the pictures of how we have transformed the world from the good to bad, from natural to artificial, physical appearance to daily makeup. I think I want to go with the word ENRAGED, DISGUSTED, or better yet INSULTED . - Auliq-Ice
The news can be poison to your soul, don't let it kill your joy, be compassionate but not consumed. Be empathetic not enraged. - Rob Liano
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