Quotation Explorer - 'Collapsing'

my heart has no bones, so, I wonder -- what is it that keeps it from collapsing in on itselfLove -- the same Love the that pulls me out of gentle slumber,calls me into the shape of its desires, and holds me true…. - Kate Mullane Robertson
Young children have no past. The old have no future. The rest are too busy with present. This time-tripod holds up the world. You ignore the importance of this interdependence of the three, the world as you know it is in danger of collapsing - R. N. Prasher
Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made. - Tyler Kent White
I have the not altogether unsatisfying impression that civilisation is collapsing around me.Is it my age, I wonder, or the age we live in? I am not sure. Civilisations do collapse, after all, but on the other hand people grow old with rather greater frequency. - Theodore Dalrymple
The Bible Belt is collapsing. The world of nominal, cultural Christianity that took the American dream and added Jesus to it in order to say, 'you can have everything you ever wanted and Heaven too,' is soon to be gone. Good riddance. - Russell D. Moore
the only constant home you can find is within the heart of your true love,its where you can feel safe even when the whole world start collapsing - Ha7
Camille, a few feet away, looked like a gypsy who had mislaid his violin and had been searching for it in a hedgerow; he frustrated daily the best efforts of an expensive tailor, wearing his clothes as a subtle comment on the collapsing social order. - Hilary Mantel
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